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September 15, 2003

DATE: Monday, September 15, 2003

TIME: 5:00 p.m.

PLACE: City Hall, Room 416

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Lantz called the meeting to order at 5:03p.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Adofoadom, Baires, Champion, , Cottrell, Fichelson, Jimenez, Koeppel, Kuang, Lantz, Lazer-Smith, Lauterborn, Moir, Mourning, Recinos, Shy, Williams Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Colleen Montoya, Ron S. McCan
  2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda. Motion Approved.
  3. Staff Report:
  • Colleen asked Commissioners to review their committee times right now and notify Nicole of any issues with scheduling. She asked everyone to be sure to make their committee meetings, and encourage community members to join them.
  • SUPERVISORS TO HEAR GRAND JURY REPORT ON TRUANCY, CONSIDER REVISED POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY On Thursday, Sept.18, 9:30am, City Hall, Room 263, the Board of Supervisors City Services Committee - Dufty, Ma, Newsom - will consider a Grand Jury report on school truancy, with recommendations on options for students. The Committee will also hear Supervisor Gonzalez' proposal to improve accountability for the Police Commission and Office of Citizen Complaints. For more info, call the Clerk at 554-4442.
  • The next BLIP (Branch Library Improvement Program) Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for October 9, 2003 Thursday, 4-6 p.m. in Latino Hispanic Meeting Room A, lower level of the Main Library. Commissioners Lauterborn and Fichelson both expressed interest in attending the meeting.
  • COLEMAN TO HOST CITY BUDGET BRIEFING- On Thursday, Sept. 25, 6pm at Coleman, with Controller Ed Harrington and members of the Board of Supervisors Budget Committee. Find out latest information on Budget decisions made, how children and youth fared in the City budget, and steps to improve public input and openness in City Budget process. Light dinner served. Must RSVP to Joe at 239-0161x12.
  • Commission on Status of Women to hold hearing re: Report on the Status of SF Girls. October 29th late afternoon/early evening.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda:

Nato Green – Young Workers Project

5. Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on these items]

  1. Discussion re: Resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to rescind the recent MUNI fare hike [Commissioner Cottrell]. Commissioner Cottrell introduced this item. Commissioner Cottrell spoke with Bill Barnes in Supervisor Daly’s office, who informed him that the Board of Supervisors cannot vote to rescind Muni’s fare hike, however, the Transportation Authority can. The Resolution should be re-written to urge the Board of Supervisors to urge the Transportation Authority. Commissioner Cottrell will follow up with more information before the Resolution is passed.
  2. Discussion re: Resolution urging the Board of Supervisors to urge the Board of Education to open a program that meets the needs of the former students of the Urban Pioneer Experimental Academy Charter as a San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) Program [Commissioner Lauterborn]. Commissioner Lauterborn introduced this item. Commissioner Mark Sanchez from the Board of Education, Roberto, Sara, Tiara and Yvonne - former Urban Pioneers Students, spoke in public comment.
  3. Discussion re: Resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to place the Arts, Music, Sports and Preschool for Every Child Charter Amendment on the March 2004 San Francisco Ballot [Commissioner Lauterborn]. Commissioner Lauterborn introduced this item. Ron informed the Commissioners of the comments and suggestions made by Amy Ackerman, Deputy City Attorney, on this piece of legislation.


6.   Old Business

There is no Old Business at this time.

7.  New Business

[There was a motion to move item 7C before 7A – Motion Approved]

  1. Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of Absences for Commissioners Adofoadom (8/16 meeting), Jimenez (8/14 and 8/15 Meeting), Koeppel (8/15 and 8/16 meeting), Lantz (8/13 meeting), and Recinos (8/13 meeting). Adofoadom (8/16 meeting): Excused Unanimously; Jimenez (8/14 and 8/15 Meeting) Excused Unanimously, Koeppel (8/15 and 8/16 meeting) Excused Unanimously, Lantz (8/13 meeting) Excused Unanimously, and Recinos (8/13 meeting) Excused Unanimously.
  2. Discussion re: Update on Youth VOTE 2003—Youth VOTE is a collaboration between the Youth Commission, Youth Making A Change, and the Student Advisory Council of the San Francisco Unified School District. Commissioners Champion, Cottrell, Kuang and Shy reported on the presentations that they did in various schools over the past week. Nicole made a list of Commissioners who are available to do presentations this week. She will contact people individually to discuss locations and times.

    Marie L. Mallare spoke in public comment on this item.



  3. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution urging the Board of Supervisors to urge the Board of Education to call for the revision of the structure, purpose, and bylaws of the Student Advisory Council (SAC) [Commissioner Lantz]. Commissioner Lantz introduced this item. He noted that these were suggestions and not demands in the resolution. Commissioner Sanchez from the Board of Education gave a landscape of what is happening at the School District around this item. Commissioner Sanchez noted that he would like to see discussions regarding the SAC happen in public.

    There was a motion to strike lines 20-25. Motion Approved Unanimously.

    There was a motion to amend lines 10-12 to read: WHEREAS; The Student Advisory Council lacks the power to act on its own and can be prevented from taking any position on an issue, even if the decision was made by majority vote. Motion Approved Unanimously.

    There was a motion to amend lines 13-17 to read: RESOLVED, That the San Francisco Youth Commission urges the Board of Supervisors to urge the Board of Education to call for the revision of the structure, purpose, and bylaws of the Student Advisory Council; and be it

    FURTHER RESOLVED, That all discussions and revisions shall be done in public meetings with students and other community members, and hosted by a neutral organization. Motion Approved Unanimously.

    There was a motion to approve the resolution. Motion Approved Unanimously


  4. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission’s 2003-2004 Executive Committee Elections [7:00pm]. The following Commissioners ran un-opposed for officer positions: Commissioner Cottrell – Chair: approved unanimously; Commissioner Lauterborn – Government Affairs Officer: approved unanimously; Commissioner Williams – Community Affairs Officer: approved unanimously, Commissioner Shy – Media & Public Relations Officer: approved unanimously. The Operations Officer position is still open for someone to run. Please turn in nomination forms to Colleen by 12:00pm on Friday 9/19 if you are interested.

8. Items for next Agenda:
The Commissioners answered various upcoming community events
10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:35:46 AM