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December 15, 2003

DATE: Monday, December 15, 2003

TIME: 5:00 p.m.

PLACE: City Hall, Room 416

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Cottrell called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Adofoadom, Baires, Champion, Chang, Cottrell, Fichelson, Jimenez, Koeppel, Kuang, Lazer-Smith, Lantz, Lauterborn, Mourning, Shy, Williams Absent: Commissioners Moir and Recinos Staff Present: Colleen Montoya, Ron S. McCan, Nicole Derse.

2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda. Motion Approved.

3. Approval of the Minutes from December 1, 2003: There was a motion to approve the minutes. Motion Approved.

4. Staff Report:

5. Committee Reports

Education Committee – The Education Committee discussed the SAC Bylaws at their last meeting. They also reported on the Safety Meeting and the Arlene Ackerman Contract meeting held by the SFUSD

Housing Committee – The Housing Committee will be visiting Larkin Street Youth Center on Wednesday.

Public Health Committee - The Public Health Committee had no report.

Youth Justice Committee – The Youth Justice Committee will be meeting with Gary Berringer on 12/17.

Youth Recreation & Services Committee – The Youth Recreation & Services Committee is working on the Recreation Revolution Hearing on 1/15.

Executive Committee – The Executive discussed the Statewide Youth Commission project and the agenda for 12/15.

6. Officer Report:

Chair – Commissioner Cottrell met with YLI regarding the Statewide Youth Commission Project.

Government Affairs Officer – Commissioner Lauterborn led the Commissioners in their report back from their check in’s with their Supervisors.

Operations Officer – Commissioner Champion reminded everyone that showing up to a meeting means showing up on time…not showing up towards the end of the meeting. She also announced that the Youth Commission will be having a New Year’s Kick-off party following the next meeting.

Community Affairs Officer – Commissioner Williams is trying to schedule a meeting with Ron Vinson. She will also be rescheduling her presentation with Walden House. She is also working to create a survey for inmates at Juvenile Hall to ask what they need in terms of drug treatment.

Media & Public Relations Officer – Commissioner Shy is working on the Recreation Revolution Hearing.

7. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda:

There was no public comment at this meeting

8. Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on these items]

There was no legislation introduced at this meeting

9. Old Business

There was no old business at this meeting

10. New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action re: Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of Absences for Commissioners Champion (11/17 meeting), Adofoadom (12/1 meeting), Baires (12/1 meeting and 12/6 meeting), Fichelson (12/6 meeting), Lantz (12/6 meeting), Lauterborn (12/6 meeting). Commissioners Adofoadom, Champion, Fichelson, Lauterborn: Excused. There was a motion to make Commissioners Baires and Lantz’s Absences a tardy instead of an absence. Motion Approved.
  2. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 031923: Certification to accompany application for State Grant for construction of an Ingleside Branch Library. There was a Motion to support this Resolution. Motion Approved.
  3. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 031924: Certification to accompany application for State Grant for construction of a new Ortega Branch Library. There was a Motion to support this Resolution. Motion Approved.


  4. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 031925: Certification to accompany application for State Grant for construction of a Portola Branch Library. There was a Motion to support this Resolution. Motion Approved.
  5. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 031926: Certification to accompany application for State Grant for Richmond Library Expansion and Renovation. There was a Motion to support this Resolution. Motion Approved.
  6. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 031927: Certification to accompany application for State Grant for construction of a Visitacion Valley Branch Library. There was a Motion to support this Resolution. Motion Approved.
  7. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 031242:Ordinance adding Article III to Chapter 20 of the San Francisco Administrative Code to establish participation in the Supportive Transitional Emancipation Program (STEP), in which eligible foster youth may receive financial support while participating in an educational or training program, or any activity consistent with their transitional independent living plan up to 21 years of age pursuant to section 11403.1 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. There was a Motion to support this Resolution. Motion Approved.
  8. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission appointment to the Childhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Task Force. Marti Paschal from Supervisor Maxwell’s office presented this item. Commissioner Adofoadom is interested in sitting on the Task Force, and will follow up with Colleen for more information.
  9. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission statement of support in response to File 031813: Resolution establishing a commitment to increase funding for the San Francisco Unified School District [Commissioner Cottrell]. There was a motion to support this statement. Motion Approved.


11. Items for next Agenda:
12. Announcements:
The Commissioners answered various upcoming community events
13. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50pm

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:34:58 AM