DATE: Monday, April 5, 2004
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
PLACE: City Hall, Room 416
- Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Cottrell called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Adofoadom, Baires, Chang, Cottrell, Fichelson, Jimenez, Kuang, Lantz, Lauterborn, Moir, Mourning, Recinos, and Shy Absent: Commissioners Adofoadom, Champion, Koeppel and Lazer-Smith Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Ron S. McCan, and Colleen Montoya.
- Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda. Motion Approved.
- Approval of the Minutes from April 5, 2004: There was a motion to approve the minutes. Motion Approved.
- Staff Report:
- Committee Reports
Education Committee – The Education Committee is working on their surveys regarding school safety.
Housing Committee – The Housing Committee is working on their community meeting to be held on April 12. Commissioner Shy was appointed to the Mayor’s Homeless Council.
Public Health Committee - The Public Health Committee reviewed the Department of Public Health Budget.
Youth Justice Committee – Commissioners Baires and Recinos gave a report back on the California Youth Authority meeting.
Youth Recreation & Services Committee – The Youth Recreation & Services Committee decided on ways to solve recreation issues and will create an action plan at the next meeting.
Sexual Harassment Prevention Ad hoc Committee – the Sexual Harassment Prevention Ad hoc Committee gave a report back on their hearing held on April 1st.
Executive Committee – The Executive discussed the agenda for this meeting.
- Officer Report:
Chair – Commissioner Cottrell gave a report back on the Youth Commission’s budget training.
Government Affairs Officer – Commissioner Lauterborn had no report.
Operations Officer – Commissioner Champion was absent from this meeting.
Community Affairs Officer – Commissioner Williams gave a report on the Gang Prevention Conference.
Media & Public Relations Officer – Commissioner Shy updated the Commission on current media articles featuring Commissioners.
- Public Comment on Items not on Agenda:
- Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on these items]
A. Resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to urge the State of California to pass SCA-19 and lower the voting age to 14. [Commissioner Cottrell]. Commissioner Cottrell introduced this item.
B. Resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to urge Governor Schwarzenegger and the California State Legislature not to cut funding for Temporary Aid to Needy Families [Commissioner Baires]. Commissioner Baires moved to have this item severed until he could get more information. MOTION APPROVED.
9. Old Business
A. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Budget Advocacy for the 2004/05 Fiscal Year, including how the Commission will involve youth in the budget process. Nicole discussed the next steps in budget advocacy. Commissioner Williams noted that the Commission should do budget training’s in schools as well.
B. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution urging the Board of Supervisors to implement daily substance abuse treatment in San Francisco Youth Guidance Center [Commissioner Williams]. Commissioner Williams introduced this item. There was a motion to continue this item. In Favor: Commissioners Baires, Fichelson, Kuang, Lantz, Recinos. Opposed: Commissioners Chang, Cottrell, Jimenez, Lauterborn, Moir, Mourning, Shy and Williams. Motion Failed. There was a motion to change the word "Daily" on Line 3 of page on to "Continuous". MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. There was a motion to change lines 11 through 12 to read "22% of youth are detained for drug possession and or sales of illicit substances, and were possibly under the influence at the time of arrest". MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. There was a motion to change lines 23 through 24 to read "Whereas, the recent increase in attention to youth drug abuse by the U.S. Federal Government reflect the urgent need for youth drug abuse services". MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. There was a motion to add on line 10 of page 2 "Further resolved that the above mentioned services would not be provided by Juvenile Probation Department Staff, but rather by Community Based Organizations or by the Department of Public Health". MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. There was a motion to add on line 10 of page 2 "Further resolved that the San Francisco Youth Commission believes that the creation of better substance abuse treatment in San Francisco’s Youth Guidance Center should not be used as an incentive to incarcerate San Francisco Youth. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. There was a motion to approve this item. In Favor: Commissioners Baires, Chang, Cottrell, Fichelson, Kuang, Lauterborn, Lazer-Smith, Lauterborn, Moir, Mourning, Shy and Williams. Opposed: Commissioners Jimenez, Lantz and Recinos. MOTION APPROVED.
C. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Statement regarding The San Francisco Unified School District’s Dream Schools Initiative [Commissioners Baires and Lauterborn]. Commissioner Lauterborn moved to continue this item at the next meeting. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
D. Discussion and possible action re: Commending Ms. Novella Smith for her work towards improving the lives of San Francisco Youth. [Commissioner Lauterborn]. There was a motion to approve this item. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
10. New Business
- Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Belle Taylor-McGhee on the Department on the Status of Women’s 04/05 Proposed Budget and cuts impacting children and youth. Belle Taylor McGee presented the Department on the Status of Women’s Budget and answered questions from the Commissioners.
- Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Phil Arnold on the Department of Human Services 04/05 Proposed Budget and cuts impacting children and youth. Phil Arnold presented the Department of Human Services budget and answered questions from the Commissioners.
- Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Iman Nazeeri-Simmons on the Department of Public Health’s 04/05 Proposed Budget and cuts impacting children and youth. Iman Nazeeri-Simmons presented the Department of Public Health’s Budget and answered questions from the Commissioners.
- Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 040250: Resolution urging the San Francisco Police Department to provide on their website the general whereabouts of registered sex offenders, classified as either " Serious" or High Risk offenders who reside in the City and County of San Francisco. There was a motion to support referral. In Favor: Commissioner Baires, Chang, Jimenez, Kuang, Lantz, Lauterborn, Mourning, and Recinos. Opposed: Cottrell, Shy, and Williams. MOTION FAILED. There was a motion to send a "No Comment" response to this referral. In Favor: Commissioner Chang, Cottrell, Lauterborn, Recinos, Shy and Williams. Opposed: Commissioner Baires, Jimenez, Kuang, Lantz and Mourning. MOTION FAILED.
- Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission statement regarding Board of Supervisors, File 040334: Resolution urging the California State Legislature to pass legislation to allow local governments to obtain voter approval to restore the Vehicle License Fee. Commissioner Chang introduced this item. There was a motion to approve this item. There was a motion to amend this item and remove the last sentence. In Favor: Commissioner Baires, Lantz and Recinos. Opposed: Commissioners Chang, Cottrell, Kuang, Lauterborn, Mourning, Shy and Williams. MOTION FAILED. There was a motion to amend the last sentence to read "If we can’t support our economy, we can’t support the youth for the future." In Favor: Commissioners Baires, Chang, Cottrell, Kuang, Lantz, Lauterborn, Mourning and Recinos. Opposed: Commissioners Shy and Williams. MOTION PASSED. There was a motion to approve this item. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
- Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Response to the Children’s Fund Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC) resolution urging no cuts to services for children, youth and families. There was a motion to approve this item. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
- Discussion and possible action re: Resolution commending and supporting the efforts of the Asian/Pacific Islander Youth Advocacy Network in the production of a community response plan for the Asian/Pacific Islander youth population of San Francisco and for serving the API youth population of San Francisco. [Commissioner Kuang]. There was a motion to change AYAN to "The Services an Advocacy for Asian Youth Consortium (SAAY). MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. There was a motion to approve this item. MOTION APPROVED.
- Discussion and possible action re: Resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to urge the California State Legislature to continue to fund University of California outreach programs to high school students in San Francisco and statewide [Commissioner Kuang]. There was a motion to approve this item.MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
- Discussion and possible action re: Resolution commending Elizabeth Goldstein for all the years she has contributed to the Recreation and Parks Department and to the youth of San Francisco [Commissioner Chang]. Commissioner Chang moved to continue this item at the next meeting. MOTION APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
- Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission appointment to the Childhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Task Force [Commissioner Adofoadom]. Commissioner Adofoadom was absent. This item was continued until the next meeting.
- Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Summer Bash Project [Commissioner Shy]. Commissioner Shy informed the Commission that the date may have to be moved to a date in July. Commissioner Shy will write a proposal for this event and present it to the Youth Commission at a later date.
- Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of Absences for Commissioner Jimenez (3/15 meeting). Commissioner Jimenez was excused.
11. Items for next Agenda:
12. Announcements: The Commissioners answered various upcoming community events
13. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.