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June 7, 2004

DATE: Monday, June 7, 2004
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
PLACE: City Hall, Room 416

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Williams called the meeting to order at 5:05p.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Adofoadom, Baires, Chang, Cottrell, Fichelson, Jimenez, Kuang, Koeppel, Lantz, Lauterborn, Lazer-Smith, Moir, Recinos, Williams , and Shy Absent: Commissioners Champion and Mourning Staff Present: Nicole Derse, Ron S. McCan, and Colleen Montoya.

2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda. Motion Approved.

3. Approval of the Minutes from May 17, 2004: There was a motion to approve the minutes. Motion Approved.

4. Staff Report:

5. Committee Reports

Education Committee – The Education Committee is continuing their work on the school safety survey’s. They are also spending some time reviewing the MOU between SFUSD and the SFPD

Housing Committee – The Housing Committee had no report.

Public Health Committee - The Public Health Committee had no report.

Youth Justice Committee – The Youth Justice Committee reported that they are continuing their work on the youth violence issues.

Youth Recreation & Services Committee – The Youth Recreation & Services Committee is working on reallocating funds from Park Sessions and YouthSpace to the Park and Recreation Department’s Teen Advisory Committee. Commissioner Chang also met with Supervisor Ma and informed her of the issues surrounding the funding. Supervisor Ma said that she would look into the issues and talk to other Supervisors about the issue.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Ad hoc Committee – the Sexual Harassment Prevention Ad hoc Committee approved the final outline for their report. They will be talking to different groups from public, private and charter schools and other agencies about policies around sexual harassment and assault.

Executive Committee – The Executive discussed the agenda for this meeting. And also discussed the annual report.

6. Officer Report:

Chair – Due to Commissioner Cottrell’s leave of absence, there was no Chair’s Report.

Government Affairs Officer – Commissioner Lauterborn deferred his report to the agenda.

Operations Officer – Commissioner Champion was absent from this meeting.

Community Affairs Officer – Commissioner Williams reported the conference she attened in Los Angeles on people of color in the prison system.

Media & Public Relations Officer – Commissioner Shy reported on the annual report and asked people to write committee reports. The following people committed to writing committee reports: Housing: Leah/Laura; Education: Amina; Youth Justice: Juanita; Public Health: Shanell; Youth Recreation and Services: Kyle. The committee reports will be due at the next meeting.

7. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda:

8. Consent Calendar

  1. Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File: 040654: Resolution urging San Francisco State University to continue full funding for its School of Social Work.

There was a motion to approve this item. Motion Approved Unanimously.

9. Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on these items]

  1. Resolution urging the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to place the SFUSD Controller Charter Amendment on the November 2004 ballot. Commissioner Lauterborn introduced this item.

10. Old Business

  1. Discussion and possible action re: 2004/2005 Youth Commission Budget Priorities. Francisco Castillo from the Mayor’s Office of the Press presented information from the Mayor’s Budget as it pertains to children & youth. Commissioner Baires encouraged everyone to go to their Supervisors offices to discuss the budget priorities.

11. New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action re: Authorization of Absences for Commissioner Lazer-Smith (5/17 meeting). Commissioner Lazer-Smith: Excused.
  2. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission suggestions to the newly revised MOU between SFPD and SFUSD. There was a motion to approve this item with all amendments. Motion Approved.
  3. Discussion re: Amending the Youth Commission Bylaws, Section VI – Attendance – adding section 8: Any member who has missed more than half of the meeting (be it a full yc meeting or a retreat of any sort) shall be deemed to have been absent from the meeting. This absence will be treated as a normal absence, and is subject to approval by the full Commission.[Commissioners Mourning and Champion]. Ron introduced this item for Commissioners Mourning and Champion. He noted that this item was pending approval from the City Attorney, and he will follow up with their findings once they are received.


  4. Discussion and possible action re: The Future of the San Francisco Civic Action Innovation Fund Board [Commissioner Williams]. This item was continued to the next meeting.
  5. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission End of the Term Legislation Review [Commissioner Lauterborn]. Commissioner Lauterborn announced that he has the legislation tracking sheet available for the entire term. Please see him for a copy if you are interested.

11. Items for next Agenda:
12. Announcements:
The Commissioners answered various upcoming community events
13. Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45p.m..

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:36:24 AM