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October 18, 2004

DATE: Monday, October 18, 2004
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
PLACE: City Hall, Room 416

1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Lantz called the meeting to order at 5:00p.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Copi, Der, Herzallah, Jackson, Kwong, Lantz, Lauterborn, Lazer-Smith, Moir, McLaughlin, Mourning, Rodriguez, White, and Williams Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Baires and Hall Staff Present: Colleen Montoya, Ron S. McCan, and Ayoka Turner.

2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda. Motion Approved.

3. Staff Report:

4. Officer Report: There were no Officer Reports

5. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda: There was no Public Comment

6. Consent Calendar

All items hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests. In that event, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item immediately following the vote on the rest of the items.

  1. Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 041341: Resolution authorizing the Department of Child Support Services to accept and expend a grant in the amount of $200,000 from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Child Support Enforcement for the Enhanced Parent Involvement Collaboration.

  2. Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 041345: Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH) to accept and expend retroactively a grant in the amount of $499,999 for the third year of a three year grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for the homeless addict vocational and educational network (HAVEN), to enter into an agreement for the use of these funds, and to add two new positions not included in the original grant; for the period of September 30, 2004 to September 29, 2005.

  3. Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 041346: Resolution authorizing the San Francisco Department of Public Health, Community Behavioral Health Services (SFDPH, CBHS) to accept retroactively and expend a grant in the amount of $423,964 from the California Department of Mental Health (CDMH) to expand homeless services to the mentally ill; for the period of July 1, 2004, to June 30, 2005.

    There was a motion to approve all items on the Consent Calendar. MOTION APPROVED.


7. Legislation Introduced [There will be no action taken on these items]

There was no Legislation Introduced at this time

8. Old Business

  1. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 041148: Ordinance amending San Francisco Police Code Sec. 1022 to define "security plan"; amending Police Code Sec. 1023 to require applicants for dance permits to have a security plan, and to require owners or managers of places that are rented to persons planning to use the facility for a dance to inform such persons that a permit is required for such activity; amending Police Code Sec. 1027 to make the violation of Secs. 1023 through 1026 an infraction or a misdemeanor, to increase the maximum penalty for violation thereof to $1000, and subject to revocation of the permit; amending Police Code Sec. 1060 to define "security plan;" amending Police Code Sec. 1060.5 to revise determination of application criteria to require a security plan; amending Police Code Sec. 1060.25 to increase the maximum penalty for violation of Article 15.1 to an infraction or a misdemeanor, to increase the maximum penalty for violation thereof to $1000, and subject to revocation of the permit; adding Police Code Sec. 1060.29 to require one night event permits for one night events; and amending Police Code Sec. 2.26 to include one night events under the schedule of permits and filing fees. The Commission reviewed the amendments that were proposed by Supervisor Maxwell’s office. Amy Ackerman, Deputy City Attorney, and Bob Davis, Staff to the Entertainment Commission spoke on the item. There was a motion to approve this item with amendments. MOTION APPROVED.

9. New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action re: Stacy Shwartz, Member, Bay Area Planning Committee on International Education Week. Stacy Schwarts presented this item. She asked Commissioners to urge the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to proclaim 11/15-19 as "International Education Week" in San Francisco. Commissioner Rodriguez will take the lead on the resolution. Commissioners Der, Kwong, White and Williams would like to work on the resolution and will contact Commissioner Rodriguez.

  2. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 041307: Ordinance amending the San Francisco Health Code by adding Article 19 I, encompassing Sections 1009.80 et seq., to prohibit smoking on any unenclosed area of property in the City and County of San Francisco that is open to the public under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission or any other City department if the property is a park, square, garden, playground, sport or playing field, pier, or other property used for recreational purposes. Jennifer Entine Matz, Legislative Aide, Supervisor Alioto-Pier’s Office presented this item and answered questions from the Commissioners. There was a motion to continue this item at the next meeting. MOTION APPROVED.

  3. Discussion and possible action re: Memorandum of understanding between the San Francisco Police Department and the San Francisco Unified School District regarding the Student Resource Officers. Commissioners Lauterborn and Lantz gave a brief background on this item, and asked Commissioners to read the MOU before the next meeting for discussion.

  4. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 041391 Resolution approving the interim plan of the San Francisco Children and Families First Commission for providing all four-year-old children in San Francisco the opportunity to attend preschool by September 2009. There was a motion to approve this item. MOTION APPROVED.

  5. Discussion and possible action re: Referral from the Board of Supervisors, File 041406: Resolution adopting "Family Economic Self Sufficiency" as a goal toward which the City and County will strive to achieve and will make concerted efforts to move families out of poverty towards economic self-sufficiency through legislation initiative, budgetary planning decisions and executive policy directives. There was a motion to approve this item. MOTION APPROVED. There was a motion to include the following statement:

    The Youth Commission supports this resolution, however, suggests that amendments are made to ensure each department’s accountability to this resolution. For example, department’s should be required to give an annual report to the Board of Supervisors on the status of the efforts being made to achieve this goal.



10. Items for next Agenda:

11. Announcements: The Commissioners answered various upcoming community events

12. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:35:46 AM