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February 22, 2005

DATE: Tuesday, February 22, 2005
TIME: 5:00 p.m.
PLACE: City Hall, Room 278

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call: Commissioner Lantz called the meeting to order at 5:10 p.m. Commissioners Present: Commissioners Chang, Copi, Der, Jackson, Kwong, Lantz, Lazer-Smith, Lauterborn, McLaughlin, Moir, Mourning, Rodriguez, and White Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Hall, Herzallah, Williams Staff Present: Ayoka Turner

  2. Motion to approve agenda: There was a motion to approve the agenda. MOTION APPROVED.

  3. Motion to approve minutes of February 7, 2005: MOTION APPROVED

  4. Committee Report:

    Youth Justice Committee – The committee updated the full commission on the hiring of Bill Sifferman as the new Chief Probation Officer for the Juvenile Probation Department

    Public Health and Housing Committee – The committee reported that they will be writing a resolution to create a Transitional Youth Task Force.

    Youth Recreation and Services Committee – The committee reported on its effort to assess the impact of budget cuts on Recreation Center and youth-serving organizations in San Francisco.

    Youth Employment Committee – The committee reported on their plans to hold a hearing on the needs of young workers.

    Executive Committee – The committee had no report.

  5. Officer Report:

    Chair – Commissioner Lantz reported on the last Executive Committee meeting.

    Community Affairs Officer - Commissioner Williams reported that she would work with Commissioner White to define outreach and publicity opportunities for commissioners.

    Operations Officer – Commissioner Mourning reported on the attendance of all the commissioners.

    Government Affairs Officer – Commissioner Jackson had no report.

    Media & Public Relations Officer – Commissioner White researched recent Youth media articles and presented a brief synopsis to the Commission.

  6. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda:

  7. Consent Calendar

    There was no legislation on the Consent Calendar

  8. Legislation Introduced

    There was no legislation introduced

  9. Old Business
  1. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission Budget Advocacy for the 2005/06 Fiscal Year, including how the Commission will involve youth in the budget process. The Budget Committee gave an update on their current projects.

  2. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission’s Report on Sexual Assault and Harassment [Commissioner Lauterborn]. There was a motion to approve this item. Motion Approved Unanimously.

10. New Business

  1. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Margaret Brodkin, Executive Director, Department of Children, Youth and Their Families on the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families Community Needs Assessment. Margaret Brodkin, Executive Director of the Department of Children Youth and Their Families presented information on the Community Needs Assessment, and answered questions from Commissioners

  2. Discussion and possible action re: Ordinance amending S.F. Park Code Section 12.01 to increase the Camp Mather cabin and Tent site usage fees, amending Park Code Section 12.02 to increase the Camp Mather day usage fees, and amending the Park Code Section 12.03 to increase the Camp Mather meal fees and making environmental findings. There was a motion to approve this item. Motion Approved Unanimously.

  3. Discussion and possible action re: Presentation by Juanita Recinos, Youth Community Health Organizing Project, on a prohibition against the use of tobacco products at Department facilities and a prohibition against entering into sponsorship agreements with tobacco companies or their subsidiaries at Department facilities or for related programs. Members of Youth Community Health Organizing Project presented this item and asked the Youth Commission to support their resolution. There was a motion to Approve this item. Motion Approved Unanimously.

  4. Discussion and possible action re: Approval of Absence for Commissioner Lazer-Smith (1/18 and 2/7); Chang, Herzallah, Hall, Lantz, Moir, and Williams (2/7 meeting). Commissioner Lazer Smith: 1/8 absence Excused, 2/7 absence Not Excused; Commissioner Chang: Excused; Commissioner Lantz: Excused; Commissioner Moir: Not Excused


11. Items for next Agenda

12. Announcements The Commissioners announced various upcoming community events

13. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:35:46 AM