San Francisco Youth Commission
Meeting Minutes & Action Plan
Rm. 416
1. Call to Order: 5:55 p.m.
Roll Call: PRESENT: Jacky Kwong, Antonio Ayala, Shadi Elkarra, Julie Gramlich, Luciana Carvalho, Marc Lowe, Brandon Franklin, Cassandra James, Iqra Anjum, Sam Rubin, Christine Revelo, Anthony Pico, Anthony Albert, Kenny Gong, Kemi Shamonda. ABSENT: Krystal Kiremit, STAFF: Kevin Liao and Diana Pang PUBLIC: Trisha Prashad (Mayor's Office)
2. Approval of Agenda: Approved
3. Approval of Minutes: Approved.
4. Staff Report:
Liao stressed the involvement of the Commission in the formation of the new Magic in Western Addition. Pang referred to It's A Date pocketbook directory for the calendar of events occurring in the next two weeks. Antrobus discussed an upcoming youth conference in Sacramento for California Coalition for Youth and the Youth at the Table survey for feedback.
5. Committee Reports – Youth Justice stressed the importance e of the Peace March on December 15.
6. Officer Reports
Chair: Agenda Inclusion
Please email Iqra Anjum at the language of the agenda request item by Tuesday before the Monday meeting in order to be considered for the meeting agenda.
Operations: Holiday Party
Commissioner Carvalho presented the idea of a holiday party and got feedback from the group on availability and resources.
7. Public Comment–None
8. Consent Calendar–None
9. Legislation Introduced–None
10. Old Business
- Update: Youth Empowerment Fund Advisory Board (Kwong) - Reported on the outreach YEFAB has been working on
- Update: Transitional Youth Task Force (Rubin) TYTF is concentrating on FOCUS GROUPS. The next training day dedicated to this on Tuesday, December 5th, 5:30pm for any interested Commissioners.
- Uodate: Youth Empowerment Summit (Ayala)–YES is looking for presenters or panelists. Staff will follow up with Julie Sabori for more information.
- Check-In: CSAP Allocation Plan: December 15th,2006
Agreement: Committee Chairs gave an update on their assignments. All hairs and members are aware of upcoming deadline.
- Update: YFEST (Anjum)–Because of budget constraints and the consequent change in priorities, YPW will not be hosting YFEST this year. The Steering Committee will discuss at the 12/20 meeting how the Youth Commission can partner or supplement YFEST and Youth Recognition Day to ensure the Commission is supporting and celebrating young people in the community making positive change.
- Check-in: Project homeless Connect (Gramlich)–12/7 is the next PHC. The Health and Social Services Committee will be conducting surveys of providers and young people. Reminded of assigned shifts and solicited for further support.
11. New Business
- Presentation: Foster Care 101. Commissioner Pico presented on the basics of foster care, some overarching issues, current situation and possible projects for the Commission.
- Mentoring
- Recruit mentors, CASAs, or foster families
- Fighting for equal rights
- Networking and sharing foster youth story
- Deal with local implementation issues
- Review Disporportionality Report
B. Check-in: Debrief and next steps for MUNI hearing. Commissioner Anjum highlighted the MUNI hearing and asked for the Commission's suggestions for next steps.
- TYTF formal support
- MTA Meeting
- Outreach
- Develop talking points
- Meet with Mayor's Office
12. Items: Judson True, MTA (12/18), Hydra Mendoza, CSAP Allocation Plan recommendations
13. Announcements: PHC
14. Adjourned: 7:25 p.m., Next meeting, Monday, December 18th at 5:30 p.m., Rm. 416
15. Committee Breakouts (as needed)