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September 17, 2007

San Francisco Youth Commission

Meeting Minutes & Action Plan

September 17, 2007, 5:30 PM

Rm. 416

  1. Call to Order: 5:30 p.m.

    Roll Call:

    PRESENT: Iqra Anjum (M), Kemi Shamonda (D6), Samuel Rubin (M), Cassandra James (D10), Tanaya Macheel (D2), Belle Yan (M), Brandon Franklin (D5), Natalie Gee (D1), Dasha Tsibulskaya (M), Cassandra James (D10), Luciana Carvalho (D9), Nicholas Quesada (M), Kenny Gong (D8), Martha Carvajal (D11), William Do (D4), Deonna Frierson (M), Lilliana Cabrera (M)

    ABSENT: Marquez Gray (M)

    STAFF: Diana Pang, Rachel Antrobus, Kevin Liao

    PUBLIC/CITY STAFF: Rick Bailey (Public Safety Strategies Group), Trisha Prashad (Mayor's Office), Sam Rubin (ITOP, TYTF)

  2. Approval of the Minutes: Approved (9/4)
  3. Approval of Agenda: Approved, Moved 9A to after 3.
  4. Staff Report:

    Trisha Prashad introduced herself from the Mayor's Office.

    Diana calendar items and needs for Youth in Policy training.

    Kevin gang injunction rally tomorrow, SOMAFEST Saturday, Fair and Impartial policing meeting this Thursday, statewide Youth Commission and Excelsior Fest this Sunday.

    Rachel health services–sign up by this Friday, YEFAB–two positions are competitive, two are government affairs and community affairs officers.

  5. Public comment on items not on the agenda – None
  6. Consent Calendar
  7. Legislation Introduced
  1. Discussion/possible action–Resolution urging the US Congress to overturn the section of the Higher Education Act of 1998 (Carvalho), two files for BOS, and one for Youth Commission.

Carvalho, Quesada PASSED–ayes-13, nay-2, absentions-0

Next Steps: Break into two resolutions

8. Old Business

  1. Discussion/Action–Response to current civil gang injunction

    Commissioner Macheel introduced the response to the gang injunctions, YC discussed feedback: C. James need to explicitly say that we opposed all gang injunctions, D. Frierson asked about the Oakdale gang injunctions–Kevin explained that existing gang injunctions are not able to changed, but that subsequent gang injunctions can be influenced, N. Quesada asked to add a process for errors and changes on the list, L. Carvalho need to limit the  publication' of the list as well as contact information.

    Carvalho, Yan PASSED– ayes-15, nay-0, absentions-0

  2. Action–Approval of the 2007-2008 bylaws and officer elections

    James, Gee PASSED–aye-15, nay-0, absentions-0

    2007-2008 Officer elections:

    Chair-Luciana Carvalho

    Vice-Chair-Cassandra James

    Government Affairs-Tanaya Macheel

    Community Affairs-Brandon Franklin

    Media and Public Affairs-Nick Quesada

  3. Discussion/possible action–Committee structure planning and possible election of committee chairs

Youth Employment

Youth Justice

Recreation, Arts & City Services

Health, Housing & Social Services


9. New Business

  1. Discussion–Hearing to gather initial public input regarding the review of police redistricting and foot patrol pilot program evaluation (Rick Bailey)

    Mr. Bailey and his colleagues collected feedback for the current evaluation process. Encouraged the Commission to spread the word about the current survey at -----

    Iqra encouraged the Commissioners to ensure youth input in this effort due by October 1, final report at the end of the year.

    Kenny asked the Commission to continue input, gathering more feedback .

  2. Update/Action–Resolution urging the SFUSD to implement and carry out YouthVOTE in all SF public high schools and an annual voting curriculum

    Yan suggests Economics class be included as part of YouthVOTE curriculum for all high school seniors. Liao responds that it may be difficult, as it may not be included in the Economics standards but will look into it.

    Tsibulskaya motions, James seconds. Ayes – 15, Nays – 0, Abstentions - 0

    Next steps:

    Resolution will go onto full BoE either on Tuesday, October 9th or 23rd, 555 Franklin, 6:30pm.

    Public comment is needed beforehand in curriculum committee. We can write a formal position. Need to find out date. Commissioner Yan and Carvalho will be in attendance.

  3. Discussion/possible action–Impacts of CA state budget cuts on health services (continued to October meeting)
  4. Discussion/possible action–Leg referred #071008

    Board of Supervisors has tabled legislation and reached an agreement. The Commission has decided to table it as well.

  5. (Moved to 7A.)

10. Next Steps/Items for next agenda

Dasha–Privatization statement

Skateboard legislation, research and agendize

11. Announcements

Steering Committee meeting on September 26 at 7 p.m.

12. Adjournment

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:04:58 AM