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November 5, 2007

San Francisco Youth Commission
Meeting Minutes & Action Plan
Monday, November 5, 2007
5:30 PM
City Hall, Rm. 416

  1. Call to Order: 5:45pm

    Roll Call:

    PRESENT: Iqra Anjum, Martha Carvajal, Luciana Carvalho, William Do, Deonna Frierson, Natalie Gee, Kenny Gong, Marquez Gray (early departure), Cassandra James, Tanaya Macheel, Nicholas Quesada, Kemi Shamonda, Dasha Tsibulskaya, Belle Yan.

    ABSENT: Brandon Franklin, Liliana Cabrera.

    STAFF: Diana Pang, Kevin Liao

    PUBLIC/CITY STAFF: Trisha Prashad, Tony Litwak, Alicia Schwartz, Jim Queen; Alicia Schwartz; unidentified community member; Daniel X Landry; Francisco Da Costa; Rudy Corpuz; Danny (youth and resident from BVHP); Manuel (United Playaz youth); Krissy, People to Organize for Employment Rights (POWER) youth; Lana Miller, Adela Flores Belanos; Octavio Solorzano.

  2. Approval of the Agenda – approved with the following changes
  3. Staff Report

    Kevin stressed the importance of supporting Commissioner events

    Diana asked for attendance at community events this week – CYWD Open House, Shoot-A-Thon, C.L.A.E.R Project Dinner, and to submit items to Commish Dish alert.

  4. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda
  • Francisco Da Costa; unidentified community members; Jim Queen

  1. Consent Calendar–None
  2. Legislation Introduced

    Update: File #071490 - Resolution urging the United States Congress to overturn the section of the Higher Education Act of 1998 that denies or delays access to financial aid based upon convictions for drug-related offenses [Daly]

    Action: Currently in committee. Shamonda and Carvalho to check with Supervisor Daly's office #071490.

  3. Old Business
  1. Update/Action: YouthVote Coordinator Hiring and Action Plan

    Diana and Kevin updated on the hiring timeline and action plan. Commissioner Yan and Quesada will interview applicants this week.

    Action: Commissioner Yan requests to amend the project goals to include a youth-led event at school site.

  2. Discussion/Possible Action: Statement in support of Supervisor McGoldrick's resolution #070961 to create Golf Task Force to evaluate measures to reduce General Fund support for operation and maintenance of golf courses, and explore alternative revenue sources

    Update: Tsibulskaya that statement does not have bearing, health of the ordinance is unwell, and has been consolidated with another measure.

    Action: Oversee issue in RACs committee.

  3. Discussion/Possible Action: MUNI Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP) -- postponed
    Action: To call back for a later meeting in December.
  4. Discussion/Possible Action: Legislation referred File # 070134 - Ordinance making environmental findings and authorizing the creation of a skate park in the area known as "the horseshoe pits" pursuant to Charter Section 4.113.

Action: Tsilbulskaya motions to endorse File #070134. Quesada seconds. Motion carries. 13 Ayes, 0 Nays, 1 Abstention (Yan). Item heard this Thursday, November 8th, 1pm, City Hall, #263. Item 5 on the agenda City Operations and Neighborhood Services agenda. Statement prepared.

  1. New Business

Discussion/Possible Action: SF Board of Education Resolution 79-25A1: In opposition to Lennar Corporation's Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard Development and In Support of the Community's Demand for a Temporary Stoppage and an Independent Health and Safety Assessment to Protect our Students and Their Families (Commissioners Mar and Maufas)

  1. Commissioner Cassandra James provided an overview of the approved resolution on the BoE, and seeks the Youth Commission's endorsement.
  2. Public Comment: Jim Queen; Alicia Schwartz; Unidentified community member; Daniel X Landry; Francisco Da Costa; Rudy Corpuz; Danny (youth and resident from BVHP); Manuel (United Playaz youth); Krissy, People to Organize for Employment Rights (POWER) youth; Lana Miller, Adela Flores Belanos,; Octavio Solorzano.
  3. Action: Motion to support SF BoE – Resolution to support SFBoE 79-25A1.

    Gee motions, Macheel seconds. Unanimously passed: Ayes -- Do, Gong, Anjum, Gray, Yan, Quesada, Gee, James, Carvalho, Tsilbulskaya, Shamonda, Carvajal, Macheel, Frierson. Nays – 0, Abstentions, 0.

    d) Next Steps: Commissioners James, Frierson will be point people, and set up meeting and site visits with the community. YCers will individually urge the six BOS members that voted against a similar resolution in July 2007 . YC will figure out how to fund an independent health assessment, possibly as a budget advocacy piece. YC will request to have a DPH health presentation at a future meeting

    Discussion/Possible Action: SF Board of Education Pending Resolution: Creating a pilot project for the 2006-2007 school year that will require SFUSD middle schools to give students an opportunity to participate in Peer Courts or other available alternatives to suspension and expulsion as the means of addressing all disciplinary offenses, unless suspension and/or expulsion are required by law

    Action: Tony Litwak and Commissioner Frierson present. Will schedule a Peer Court site visit in early December. Has YC initial support of resolution.

    Discussion/Possible Action: Student MUNI fast passes with Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) access for Budget Recommendation to Proposition H CAC

    1. Action: Motion to endorse and support Student MUNI fast passes BART access for Budget Recommendation to Proposition H CAC. Yan motions, Gee seconds. Motion carries. Unanimously approved, Ayes 14, Nays – 0.
    2. Diana will keep informed will need public input on December 1st.

Discussion/Possible Endorsement: MLK celebrations - YC/MO' Magic MLK event/Glide Memorial Church MLK Rally and March – Postponed.

Action: Postponed until future meeting.

Update: Youth Empowerment Fund Advisory Board (YEFAB)

Commissioner Gee provided a brief update on the movement building activity for YEFAB. 1-2 youth from CBOs/organizations encouraged to attend meeting on Monday, November 26th.

Update: TYTF: Committee Assignments on YC

Actions: Monitor TYTF recommendations in committees.

Fri, November 9th, TYTF, Applications due to Rachel.

Thursday, 11/15 – TYTF Outreach meeting, 3pm, Bayniahanin Center, 1010 Mission (on 6th Street).

Update: Ad-Hoc Joint Education Committee

Commissioner Yan provided update on YouthVOTE, joint committee meetings, SF Promise, and SAC/YC support on BART/MUNI proposal. Next meeting will be Thursday, December 6th, at 555 Franklin, 5:30pm. Meetings occur on the 1st Thursdays of each month with rotations between City Hall (6pm) and 555 Franklin (5:30pm).

Update: Juvenile Advisory Council:

Ask Kevin for more information. All of applicants are named, and the JAC will be convening. There are 6-7 members, and 12-15 interviews were conducted.

  1. Next Steps/Items for next agenda

    See game plan below

  2. Announcements:
  • Commissioner James passed out interview sheets for buddy systems. Reinforce community building. We will sit next to buddies during the 11/19 meeting.
  • Commissioner Shamonda urges everyone to attend the Shoot-A-Thon this Saturday, 11/10, from 10am-4pm at the Mission Boys and Girls Club – 450 Guerrero. Email or
  • Commissioner James passed out Thanksgiving potluck sign-up sheet. We will have a short YC meeting on 11/19 and proceed to dinner at 1380 Church.

Agenda request Items: See gameplan.

  1. Adjourned – 8pm. Next meeting, Monday, November 19th, 5:30pm, City Hall, room 416.



By when

Schedule a site to view Peer Court

Frierson, YJ, Kevin

Saturday, 12/8

Check in with Supervisor Daly's office on File #071490, drug related offenses to be taken off for financial aid consideration.

Shamonda, Carvalho


Amend the project goals of YouthVOTE to include a youth-led event at school sites.



Oversee and Monitor McGoldrick's File #070961 to create Golf Task Force on YC

RACs Committee


Invite DPH for health presentation to YC meeting on Lennar


ASAP, 12/3

Schedule TEP item for future YC Meeting if needed.


December Full

Submit items for posting to Commish Dish


Every Wed.

Speak in support of converting horseshoe pits into skateboard park at BOS committee, City Hall, room 263.

All -RACs

Thurs. 11/8, 1pm.

Set up meeting and site visit to further investigate Lennar Corp.

James, Frierson


Individually urge the six BOS members that voted against a similar resolution


Figure out how to fund an independent health assessment, possibly as a budget advocacy piece.



Forward proposal for BART access to Prop H CAC


Wed. 11/7

Meet up with YC Buddies (interview sheet)



Attend and support Shoot-A-Thon, 3-3 Bball, 10-4pm, 450 Guerreo.


Sat. 11/10

Attend and support C.L.A.E.R Project honoring YC, at 500 Raymond.

All – James, Frierson, Quesada, Anjum, Diana

Fri 11/9, 6-8pm

Attend and support CYWD Open House 832 Folsom, 5:30pm

YEFAB, James, Anjum

Wed. 11.7

Attend Thanksgiving Potluck on 11/19 and email food items to James



Apply to TYTF – applications due Fri. 11/9 to Rachel



Attend TYTF Outreach meeting, 3pm, Bayanihan Center, 1010 Mission (on 6th Street).



Send 1-2 youth from your org to movement building discussion for YEFAB



Black History Month endorsement moved to next meeting


11/19, 12/3

Last updated: 9/4/2009 8:58:12 AM