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May 5, 2008




Confirm time and date for end of the year celebration


By week of June 9th

Meeting- ad-hoc budget II for YC closing – look over report card and other items

All (Interested), Carvalho Cmte Chairs

Mon. 5/12, 4:30pm, YC

Attend DGO 7.01 hearing on behalf of YC


Wed 5/7, City Hall, rm 400, 5pm

Contact Kathy Emory on SF Freedom Schools. Sign up/register for FREE summer sessions –, 415.586.0631

All interested

July/Aug 08
10-4pm, Sat

Forward statement of AB 540 and Dream Act to National Immigrant Network



Draft statement to support CA and Federal DREAM Act


Fri. 5/2

Work with Antonio Chavez to draft Peace and Dignity Day Proclamation


By 5/19/ 6/2

Solicit support and forward Peace and Dignity Day commendation and proclamation for adoption



By July 9th

Attend and co-sponsor (and alert Coleman) of budget summit revenue on Monday, June 9th, 2-4pm

Sabory, All,

Mon. June 9th

Send/distribute gang injunctions/ Runner's Initiative info

Lauterborn, All


Attend CYWD Young Mother's Bill of Rights Event

All interested

Sat 5/17, City Hall park

Attend Honoring Emancipated Youth event,


Sat 5/10, Justin Herman Pl

Youth Commission applications OUT Apply by Monday, 5/19


Mon 5/19

YEFAB- final event/dance/resource fair: off the streets into programs at Hotel Whitcomb


Fri 6/20

Chinese Progressive Association hiring summer youth organizers

Contact Gee

CHALK hiring YouthLine and Outreach workers

Contact Gray-

Fri. 5/30

Mission Neighborhood Health Center hiring peer educators

Contact Cabrera

  1. Call to Order- quorum reached at 5:34pm

    Present: Commissioners William Do; Martha Carvajal; Natalie Gee; Tanaya Macheel; Nick Quesada; Luciana Carvalho; Cassandra James; Deonna Frierson; Iqra Anjum; Marquez Gray; Kenny Gong; Kemi Shamonda; Liliana Cabrera. Absent: Commissioners Brandon Franklin, Dasha Tsibulskaya; Belle Yan.

    Staff/Public: Julia Sabory, Peter Lauterborn, Diana Pang, Trisha Prashad, Dr. Kathy Emory; Antonio Chavez; Ray Raynaldo; Madeline Ing; Anthony Sabory.

  2. Approval of the Minutes April 21 2008, Quesada motions, James seconds. All approved. Motion carries
  3. Approval of the Agenda – Move Items 8B (SF Freedom Schools) and 8C (Peace and Dignity Day) before staff report. Motion made by Carvalho, James seconded. Approved unanimously.
  4. Staff Report

    Pang – will exit with the 07-08 Youth Commissioners. Her original plan is to put in two years. Items/documentation for annual report will be passed out during the last Commission meeting. End of the year dinner is planned for June 2nd after the meeting. YC applications are due on Monday, May 19th.

    Lauterborn – office has been revamped and contains a Commissioner workstation. Come view.

    Sabory – All items for reporting will be discussed in the meeting agenda.

  5. Mayor's Office Report – Trisha Prashad – the Mayor is working on greening initiatives and is in Israel. She deferred to for more information on the Runner's Initiative from the Mayor's Office, and is open to an existing meeting with Commissioners.
  6. Board of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board Report

    Legislation Referred – File #080528 – Opposition to California State Initiative 07-0094, the Runner Initiative- Staff reported that the Mayor and BOS voted to oppose the Runner's Initiative. Ella Baker Center will be organizing a Sacramento mobilization on Wednesday, May 7th. (See explanatory document). The State Legislative Analyst breakdown on the language of the Initiative and the Burns Insittute workshop on it are available at the office for Commissioners.

  7. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda – NONE.
  8. New Business (all items hereinafter are discussion/possible action items)
    1. SFPD DGO 7.01 hearing at Police Commission meting. Wednesday, May 7th. Following four years of community advocacy, language on the procedures and protocol surrounding youth detention by police will be heard and most likely approved. The Police Commission expressly invite us to attend. Will occur at City Hall, room 400, 5pm. The Youth Commission re-affirmed supporting the changes this term on February 19, 2008.

      Action – Chair Carvalho, Commissioners James and Frierson will be in attendance and provide testimony. Director Sabory will attend.

    2. Presentation on SF Freedom Schools and possible Commissioner participation (Kathy Emory) – See explanatory document) _ Youth Commissioners are informed of the free opportunity to attend six Saturdays (10-4pm) this summer (July 12th-August 16th) to learn about the Civil Rights movement and how it relates to current issues. To register, contact 415.586.0631 or log onto
    3. Commendation/Proclamation for Peace and Dignity Day (Antonio Chavez) – Chavez presented on Peace and Dignity Journeys 2008 will occur and pass through San Francisco on July 6-7th, 2008. Indigenous runners of the Western Hemisphere from Alaska and Argentina will gather at Panama. Youth Commissioners are asked to support and attend this event as it comes to Columbia Boys and Girls Club in San Francisco.

      Action – Quesada motions to support Peace and Dignity Day. James seconds. All in favor. Motion carries. Commissioners Frierson, Quesada, and James will solicit support of their Supervisors. The YC will write a commendation, and also will urge the sponsorship of a proclamation from the BOS.

    4. Co-sponsorship of Coleman Advocates' Budget Summit for Children and Youth (Staff) – Sabory reports that Coleman Advocates would like the YC to co-sponsor a SF Budget and Revenue Town Hall on Monday, June 9th from 2-5pm at SF Main Library, Koret Auditorum. This summit will prepare for the upcoming BOS budget/finance meetings, and look at a long-term policy and revenue solutions, including a possible campaign for a revenue measure on the November ballot. Commissioner James inquired what co-sponsorship entails – it entails attending the event.

      Action – Motion by James to co-sponsor the Budget/Revenue Summit, seconded by Frierson. Unanimous – all in favor. Motion carries. Staff will communicate with Coleman about endorsement.
    5. Update and next steps on Civil Gang Injunctions – James, Pang and Gray repoted that HOMEY and Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights did a presentation on the opt-out process for those on the gang injunctions list. Explanatory documents are available in the office. This was a win from the community. The community wants clear criteria to get on and off list, to establish re-entry services for those affected, to establish a moratorium on injunctions. YC may be exploring this as a policy priority for item 9A.

  9. Old Business
    1. Approval of the Budget and Policy advocacy revise with appointing officers – Sabory and Carvalho explained the process of the ad-hoc budget/policy push meeting. Since it is a bad budget year, we have decided to review policy/legislation and wins as a closing report. (Explanatory documents attached).. A thorough discussion about the developing of a violence prevention accountability and evaluation report card took place. Gray, James, Anjum, Sabory, Carvalho, and Quesada discussed that any City tool must be developed and implemented with the greatest caution if it measures non-profits without taking into account grantees' structural and funding vulnerabilities.

      Action – Motion to approve budget/policy revision for closing report made by James, seconded by Cabrera. Role Call – 13 AYES, 0 NAYS. Unanimous. Motion carries. Follow-up meeting for budget/policy pushes, Monday, May 12th, 4:30pm, at Youth Commission office.
    2. Youth Commission statement in support of Assembly Bill 540 and reintroducing the DREAM Act. Carvalho and Cabrera submitted a statement on behalf of the Youth Commission. It will be forwarded to Laura at the Immigrant Legal and Education Network as a letter of support.
    3. YouthVOTE – update and next steps on SFUSD student delegate and June elections – Do and Pang reported that student delegate and June elections are in place. SFUSD high schools will be voting on the week of May 19-23rd. Lowell High organized a fantastic student delegate forum on Friday, May 2nd.
    4. Commendation for CYWD Youth Mother's Bill of Rights – Commissioners signed commendation for Saturday, May 17th event that YC endorsed.
  10. Commissioner Reports
    1. Committee Chair Reports – Carvalho announces ad-hoc budget meeting on Monday, May 12th @ 4:30pm, stressed attendance for those especially interested in hashing out report card and other policy discussions.
    2. Projects: YEFAB – Shamonda and Gee reported that YEFAB will host one last base building event: Off the Streets, Into Program, a dance, resource fair on Friday, June 20th at Hotel Whitcomb.

      TAY-SF: Anjum and James reported that they are touring Youth Uprising and conducting various site visits to research multi-service centers.

      JAC – Sabory reported a great meeting with JAC, probation officers and Chief Siffermann. JAC is making headway – every entering probationary youth must fill out paperwork to work with JAC. Chief is also interested in having JAC evaluate JPD funded youth programs which will be aligned with YC's report card idea.

    3. Individual Commissioner reports – See announcements
  11. Items for Next Agenda – tabled. None suggested.
  12. Announcements ---
    1. CHALK is hiring YouthLine and outreach workers. Completed applications are due Friday, May 30th, 5pm. Contact Gray.
    2. Chinese Progressive Association are hiring for youth interns for the summer. Contact Gee.
    3. Mission Neighborhood Health Center hiring peer educators. Contact Cabrera.
    4. SOTA"s media night will be from 5/19 to 5/27. $7. Contact Quesada.
    5. Speak with Carvalho if members are looking for jobs. She has referrals.
    6. Pang – Happy Birthday, Director Sabory!
  13. Adjournment – 6:50pm

Next meeting – Monday, May 19th, 2008

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:12:59 AM