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May 19, 2008

  1. Call to Order- quorum reached at 6:02pm

    Present: Commissioners Luciana Carvalho, Martha Carvajal, Belle Yan, Dasha Tsibulskaya, Kemi Shamonda, Nick Quesada, Kenny Gong, Deonna Frierson, Cassandra James, Liliana Cabrera

    Absent: Commissioners Marquez Gray, Iqra Anjum, Natalie Gee, William Do, Brandon Franklin,

    Staff/Public: Julia Sabory, Peter Lauterborn, Diana Pang

  2. Approval of the MinutesMay 5, 2008, Gong motions approve minutes as is, James seconds. All approved. Motion carries.
  3. Approval of the Agenda – Move Items 7 (Chair Report on Evaluations) and 9E (Request for Annual Report Submissions from Chair, Committee Chairs, Commissioners) after Staff Report
  4. Staff Report

    Staff introduces the Ms Gillian Bogart, the new program coordinator. She will begin on Monday, June 2nd.

    Save the Date: Commissioner Appreciation Closing Dinner on Monday, June 2nd, at California Pizza Kitchen We have received YC applications. All items for reporting will be discussed in the meeting agenda. Fliers for Bayview schools, employment opportunities, and etc. are passed around.

  5. Mayor's Office Report – none.
  6. Board of Supervisors/Clerk of the Board Report – none.
  7. Chair Report – Staff/Commissioner Evaluations – Chair Carvalho hands out evaluations for commissioners, due at the end of the meeting.
  8. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda – NONE.
  9. New Business (all items hereinafter are discussion/possible action items)
    1. Next steps and final approval of 2007-2008 policy pushes and scheduling of closing reports – Staff provided folders of the policy documents for Commissioners to meet with their appointing officers. Commissioners are instructed to come to the office to pick up final drafts in the next week.
    2. Endorsement and participation in Family Budget Coalition "Say YES" card campaign deliver to Mayor's Office on Wednesday, May 21, 2008 (Staff/Carvalho) – FBC is starting a blog and tactic for each participating agency to deliver a card to the Mayor's Office, urging him to commit to our budget. Chair Carvalho designed the YC card and Commissioner Gong motions to endorse this campaign, James seconds. All approved, motion carries. Commissioners Quesada, Shamonda, Cabrera will deliver the card to the Mayor's office at the assigned date.
    3. Approval of Commendation for Peace and Dignity Journeys 2008 –

      May 5, 2008 – the Youth Commission endorses Peace and Dignity Journey 2008. Staff forwards resolution to Supervisor Maxwell's office for BOS endorsement. May 19, 2008 – the Yotuh Commission signs written commendation.

    4. YouthVOTE – Commendations for YouthVOTE partners (Staff) -- Commissioners sign commendations for SFUSD high school social studies teachers and department heads who participated in June primary mock elections.
    5. Request for annual report submissions from Chair, Committee Chairs, and Affiliate Organizations – Staff passed out worksheet to be filled out by Commissioners for annual report preparation. It will be due back by June 2nd.

  10. Items for Next Agenda – Transit Effectiveness Project.
  11. Announcements ---
    1. Commissioner Frierson reported on her participation in the Youth Outlook Summit and informed us of opportunities to plug in the police cultural competency training.
    2. Commissioner Yan will be conducting a workshop on YouthVOTE at the SAC Youth Summit, this Thursday, May 22nd. All those interested, please contact her. Commissioner Tsibulskaya may co-present.
    3. SOTA's media night will be from 5/19 to 5/27. $7. Contact Quesada.
  12. Adjournment – 6:26pm

Next and last meeting for the term – Monday, June 2nd, 2008, 5:30pm, City hall, room 416.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:08:59 AM