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March 2, 2009

San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, March 2, 2009
City Hall, Room 416

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 5:35pm.
Commissioners Present: Tsibulskaya, Marshall-Fricker, Lau, Jones, Erlikh, Frierson, Davidson, Lunsford, Martinez, Quesada
Staff Present: Julia Sabory, Peter Lauterborn, Gillian Bogart

2. Approval of Agenda
Motion made to move 8a to after public comment by Commissioner Jones, seconded by Tsibulskaya with commission approval.
Motion to approve agenda made by Commissioner Marshall-Fricker, seconded by Frierson and all ayes.

3. Approval of Minutes
Motion made by Commissioner Erlikh, seconded by Marshall-Fricker with unanimous commissioner approval.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda
Candidates for Student Delegates were present to speak before the Youth Commission:
Miayanh Patel of Mission High stated that he had good leadership and public speaking skills. He wants to solve problems that have been identified, but not yet solved. He wants to see more programs and choices for students. One of his goals is to amplify the voice of students and parents, and he believes ideas and programs that work should remain in the district.
Kai Shintani from Lowell High believes it is important for students to know their rights. Especially important to her is having an understanding of the relationship between district and state school policies. Her school, Lowell has many services at that work well and should be spread to other schools. She also plans to advocate for more student invovlement.
Jackson Harris, a Junior at Mission High moved to SF from LA in 2007. He loves school and really cares about what goes on with his peers, and cares about more than just statistics, but what students actually want. He conducts youth outreach, is a peer tutor, Vice President of the Key Club and is bilingual English and Spanish.
He wants to bring more opportunities to youth at the school cites across the district- so students can meet new people, access study and job opportunities, and after school opportunities. One of his goals is to improve school culture so that people get to know one another. He wants to bring programs like ASAP in Mission High to other schools and believes programs that work should be spread across the district.

5. Staff Report
Gillian Bogart reported that Natalie Gee has resigned, and that the new commissioners for districts 3, 6, and 11 are being processed. She also reported that applications for the 09-10 term are now available.

6. Policy Report
New Board Items
A. Board referral received 2/6/09: file no. 090124. Hearing to learn what support the City, through the Department of Children, Youth and their Families (DCYF) or other agencies, provides Hilltop High School's program for mothers and expectant mothers. (Dufty, City and School District Select Committee) Deonna follow up

B. Board referral received 2/6/09: file no. 090123. Hearing to receive an update from the SFUSD on reform of student assignment system. (Elsbernd, City and School District Select Committee) Deonna follow up

C. Board referral received 2/2/09: file no. 090085. Hearing to review the plan to begin charging residents for Recreation and Parks Department activities. (Chu, Budget and Finance Committee)Simona follow up

D. Board referral received 2/18/09: file no. 090173. Hearing on the impact on public safety of Juvenile Probation Department Cuts. (Campos, Public Safety Committee)Deonna follow up
Motion to vote on items 6A-6D at once made by Marshall-Fricker, seconded by Erlikh, and approved unanimously by the commission.
Motion made by Frierson to support hearings listed in items 6A-D, second by Marshall-Fricker, and approved unanimously by the commission.

E. Board referral received 2/6/09: file no. 090130. Ordinance amending the Health Code Section 12Q.3 on the calculation of the health care accountability fee for covered contracting parties and increasing the existing fee and amending Section 12Q.2.9 to increase the number of hours an employee must work to be considered a covered employee. (Alioto-Pier)

F. Potential ballot measure X: Charter Amendment authored by Mirkarimi and Chu: 2/3/09. To set a dollar cap on all Charter set-asides, authorize reductions during fiscal shortfalls and waiver during emergencies, require the return of surplus balances, and establish City policies regarding future set-asides and non-binding measures.
The commission welcomed Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi who stated that the document is a starter document which is in many ways unpopular, but in need of thought. Ross sits on the Budget committee. His belief is that there is only so much progressive revenue placement through taxation and smart cost cutting will do to meet the needs of city and that there is a need for structural reform. This is an example of set aside reform. With locked in funding, supervisors are wrestling with an equalizing way to instigate reform while maintaining priorities. He warned that we must take care not to act in self-interest. Chiu, Mirkarimi, and Elsbernd wrote this draft together believing that this budget problem will compound if not addressed structurally. Can this get on ballot-yes, will it win, doubtful. The Board has had hearings and sought input from community members to make sure that the concerns of people in the community are met.
Mirkarimi said that an end document would not look much like this, citing the document as a conversation starter. As an item, the document will be in queue at committee for possible amendments up until November, and a target deadline for amendments would be July. He also said that a finalized document would likely restrict new set asides, saying that Newsom was looking to restrict set-asides last year.
Mirkarimi said he would like the commission to be involved. While people need to protect their personal interests, it is important that these people and groups with personal interests come to the table and work as a partnership to address the need for structural change.

Invite: Last Friday in March is the Persian New Year and there will be an art party from 5:30-8pm in his office.

Past Board Items
A. Board Referral file no.081330. Resolution to locally adopt the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Gillian Bogart, staff, reported that the resolution was seen in the City Operations and Neighborhood Services Committee and will be discussed at the full Board on Tuesday, March 3rd at 2pm. Additionally, on January 15, 2009, Senator Barbara Boxer asked the State Department to review the UNCRC with a 60day time limit, so that the Senate could discuss it for ratification. Gillian will follow up with Commissioner Martinez about lobbying.

7. New Business
A. Presentation on Architecture of Segregation Arts Education & Organizing Project and core partnership. Patricia Torres, City College of San Francisco.
Torres explained that the project is an art project and installation started by students and professors of urban planning that looks at how racism is built into our living environments. It touches on access to loans and environmental justice, and allocation of resources. This is something that City College wants to bring out people of the city through City College's Downtown campus. The exhibit looks to answer questions with summer programs: theater, word, dance, visual art, lectures, and workshops. She will come back next year to request that the YC become a core partner. Other partners include PODER, POWER, Urban Habitat, City College, and the Ella Baker Center's Green Collar Jobs Campaign.
Commissioner Frierson suggested MYEEP workers help with out outreach instead of hiring people and trying to fundraise for stipends.
Patricia will come back next year, since it is for summer 2010.

B. Discussion and possible action re: Resolution calling for the creation of a student feedback system in the San Francisco Unified School District.
Commissioner Martinez introduced the item. Commissioner Frierson suggested that teachers not be in the room when surveys are being filled out, so that the student is protected. She also suggested that the information and gathering of grading for teachers be given to administration before the teachers receive it.
Frierson's Amendment added a clause to protect students against retribution or bias from teachers by instituting mechanisms to protect their anonymity.
Frierson motioned to suspend rules so that the commission could vote on this item to day, seconded by Marshall-Fricker.
Motion made to adopt with amendment by Frierson, seconded by Martinez. A first reading at the school board will occur next Tuesday.

8. Unfinished Business
A. Discussion and possible action re: Youth Commission statement of Budget Priorities for fiscal year 2009-2010. Commissioner Quesada.Commissioners read over. Commissioner Quesada will approve the final document which will be reviewed by the full commission on Monday, March 16, 2009.

9. Committee Report
Youth Justice- focuses: teacher resources, community policing
Education- presenting youthvote results, lgbtq reolution voted on SAC this coming Monday
Planning, Land Use & City Services- meeting with HOPE SF and Mayor's Office of Housing regarding youth engagement. Upcoming meeting about TAY Multiservice center.
Health & Wellness- continuing work on LGBTQ resolution, working with NSRC and C2P on implementation piece. CCHRC event and art contest being planned with support and endorsement by the committee.

10. Announcements (This includes Community Events)

11. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned 7:25pm.

Supplemental documents for agenda items are available for review at City Hall Room 345. Minutes are also available on the Youth Commission Website at


The Youth Commission meeting will be held in City Hall Room 416 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA. The closest accessible BART station is the Civic Center Station at the United Nations Plaza and Market Street. Accessible MUNI lines serving this location are: MUNI Metro Lines J-Church, K-Ingleside, L-Taraval, M-Oceanview, N-Judah, and T-Third Street at Van Ness and Civic Center Stations; 9-San Bruno, 19-Polk, 47-VanNess, and 71-Haight Noriega. For information about MUNI accessible services call 923-6142.

The Commission meeting room is wheelchair accessible. Accessible curbside parking spaces have been designated on the corners of McAllister and Polk, and Grove and Polk. There is accessible parking available within the Civic Center Underground Parking Garage at the corner of McAllister and Polk Streets, and within the Performing Arts Parking Garage at Grove and Franklin Streets.

If you require the use of an American sign language interpreter, a sound enhancement system, or a reader during the meeting, Calendars and minutes of the meeting in alternative formats; such arrangements can be made by calling Gillian Bogart at (415) 554-6446, at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Late requests will be honored if possible.

Individuals with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities should call our accessibility hotline at (415) 554-8925 to discuss meeting accessibility. In order to assist the City's efforts to accommodate such people, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.


Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:11:59 AM