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June 1, 2009

San Francisco Youth Commission
Monday, June 1, 2009
City Hall, Room 416
There will be public comment on each item.

1.Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 5:43pm.
Commissioners Present: Marshall-Fricker, Liang, Lau, Jones, Carlson, Erlikh, Frierson, Kupu, Castaing Lunsford, Quesada
Commissioners Absent: Tsibulskaya, Lobo, Recinos, Balcazar, Davidson, Martinez
Staff Present: Peter Lauterborn, Gillian Bogart

2.Approval of Agenda
Commissioner Jones moved to approve the agenda, but move item 8A to after public comment items not on the agenda, with a second by Marshall-Fricker, the motion passed with unanimous support.

3.Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes made by Commissioner Lunsford with a second by Erlikh and unanimous commission approval.

4.Public Comment on Items not on Agenda
None made.

5.Staff Report
Peter Lauterborn reported that there would be an inaugural event for the student-delegate elect and new members of the Student Advisory Council.
Gillian Bogart reported that there will be an end-of-the-term dinner after the full commission meeting on June 15th.

6.Policy Report
New Items
A.Referral, Charter Amendment re: Firefighter work-week and Budget, Supervisor John Avalos.
Commissioners voted to not support the Charter Amendment 8-3.

7. Past Items
A.Referral, BoS file 090581. Hearing on the SFUSD policies designed to make college a more viable option for every student. Examination of efforts to align district graduation requirements with A-G requirements. City and School District Select Committee.
Peter Lauterborn, staff gave an update that the Board of Education discussed this item and is dedicated to working to close the achievement gap with new A-G policies.
B.BoS file 090660. MTA Transit Justice Alternative, John Avalos.
Commissioner Quesada gave an update about the Transit Justice Package, and the vote to oppose or approve the MTA Budget. The MTA budget was passed.
C.Resolution regarding SFUSD Teacher feed back system.
Peter Lauterborn, staff, reported that the Board of Education voted to create a teacher feedback system for the SFUSD, a win for the Youth Commission.

8. New Business
A.Possible action and presentation by Sharen Hewitt of the CLAER Project.
Hewitt spoke before the commission with a group of youth who are a part of the CLEAR Project. Presenters included Laurle Moeslin, Tyree Vaughn, Lamar Chappele, Lashundra Glaspe, Khyme Williams, and Mike Brown of ICY. Lashundra Glaspe shared testimony about the impacts of violence in the Sunnydale community, and her life personally. Mike Brown of Inner City Youth spoke about the need to improve services for youth citywide, highlighting the amount of division between youth from the different neighborhoods of the city. Hewitt of CLEAR asked that members of the commission join the "Campaign for Life" and spoke about the issue of Urban Homicide is a crucial one that needs to be addressed through partnerships between the youth, communities, and public organizations. She also spoke about the importance of asset mapping. Khyme Williams spoke about the need for immediate action and his reality as a resident of Sunnydale.
Commissioner Jones sympathized with presenters and spoke about his experience with violence and the recent death of his uncle, committing personally to work towards ending violence in his neighborhood, the Fillmore- and through out the city.
Commissioner Frierson spoke about the importance of funding programs that people actually want to use in their neighborhood, and how asset mapping is crucial to meeting people's needs.
Commissioner Quesada added that it is important to take note of not only how much people are spending, but how they are spending funds.
Commissioner Carlson asked some of the youth in attendance to speak about what they wanted to see change in their community.
Tyree Vaughn told the commissioners that Harris Playground was recently shut down to make it a storage unit for the gardening store. He wants the playground to reopen because he used to like going there, and so did his mom.
Adonis Williams from Lakeview spoke about the need for youth programs, and that one way to untie youth would be by creating understanding and having a space to do that. He also stressed the importance of youth jobs.
Commissioners Frierson, Quesada, Jones, and Carlson said that they would like to work on asset mappiong, especially in the SouthEast.
B.Discussion and possible action re: Resolution Urging the Board of Supervisors to set a limit on the number of tobacco permits in Supervisorial districts. Commissioner Jones.
Commmssioner Frierson motioned to suspend the rules and adopt this resolution upon first reading. The motion was seconded by Erlikh and supported unanimously by the commission.
C.Discussion and possible action re: School to Career Expansion.
Commissioners had a first reading of the resolution drafted and introduced by Commissioner Lau.
Public Comment:
Regina Liang spoke in support of the resolution.

9.Unfinished Business
A.Discussion and possible action re: Urging the SF Board of Education to create a green schools action plan. Commissioner Jones.
Gillian Bogart, staff, informed commissioners of the passing of HR 2187, the 21st Century Green-High Performing Public School Facilities Act. Commissioner Jones would like to continue to monitor local movement on this issue.

10.Announcements (This includes Community Events)
Gillian Bogart, staff, informed commissioners that she would be ending her official service as staff for the Youth Commission this June, as she will be moving to Indonesia to work with a Non-Governmental Organization.
Commissioners were asked to fill out term evaluations before leaving.

11. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm.

Last updated: 9/4/2009 9:01:58 AM