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May 17, 2010

San Francisco Youth Commission
Youth Justice Committee
Thursday, May 17, 2010
City Hall, Room 345

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 4:40pm
Present: Commissioners Hirano, Ellington, Jones, Vasquez
Absent: Commissioner Carlson
Staff Present: Julia Sabory

2. Approval of Agenda – Commissioner Jones moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Hirano.

3. Approval of Minutes - Commissioner Vasquez moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Hirano.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda – There was none

5. New Business

Discussion and Possible Action: Following up on Youth Justice Committee’s Budget Priorities
The Commissioners reviewed the Committee’s Budget Recommendations and developed next steps for each.

• Reinvigorate the VPP; The Committee would like to meet with new Violence Prevention Director. Julia will set up a meeting for after June 3rd, once the Committee members are out of school.

• DCYF Broker Role; Committee will send letter to the Director of DCYF, Maria Su to ask about what if any progress has taken place to reach this objective.

• Assure that DCYF funding is aligned with Zone; The Committee decided to send a memo to Supervisor Dufty and Campos’s office regarding the Zone strategy and the recommendation of usage these districts as a reference when implementing the recent Board approved Review of the DCYF RFP process.

• Reconstitute the School Resource Officer; The Committee decided to send an email/memo to Supervisor Campos and Supervisor Avalos staff asking for their feedback on what next steps should be taken. Concurrently, Commissioner Hirano will contact SAC to request feedback. Julia will contact the Discipline Task Force to gauge their concerns and ideas. The Committee will have to decide within the next two weeks whether they want to write another resolution with a more specific policy ask.

Discussion and Possible Action: Preparation of Committee Highlights for Annual Report
Commissioner Hirano volunteered to write the Youth Justice Committee’s section of the Annual Report which is due as close to June 4th as possible.

6. Announcements (This includes Community Events)
Commissioner Vasquez will be co-facilitating the Juvenile Justice Provider’s Association Meeting the following day on Tuesday, May 18th. This will be a meeting with Supervisor Campos’s aide Hillary Ronan.

7. Adjournment at 5:25pm

Supplemental documents for agenda items are available for review at City Hall Room 345. Minutes are also available on the Youth Commission Website at

Last updated: 5/21/2010 5:19:33 PM