San Francisco Youth Commission
Juvenile Justice and Public Safety Committee
Monday, January 10, 2000
City Hall, Room 345
There will be public comment on each item.
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- Approval of the Agenda
- Public Comment
- 4. New Business
- Discussion and possible action re: project updates: Educational campaign around Proposition 21 and Juvenile Justice; Statewide Youth Commission Forums on Juvenile Justice Issues, media project and report back on City Departments under the committee.
- Discussion and possible action re: New Juvenile Hall
- Discussion and possible action re: Brainstorming the development of a statewide network of Youth Commissions and dividing tasks among committee members.
- Discussion and possible action re: Writing a resolution to the Board of Supervisors regarding the Juvenile Justice Initiative
- Discussion and possible action re: Utilizing the Youth Commission next Community Meeting at Bay View Opera House to educate youth about Proposition 21
- Discussion and possible action re: Checking with the City Attorney about the legality of the education campaign
- Discussion and possible action re: Setting Next Meeting's Agenda
5. Staff Report
6. Announcements
7. Adjournment