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November 29th, 2005




San Francisco Youth Commission

Youth Justice Committee

Tuesday November 29, 2005


City Hall – Room 345

There will be public comment on each item.

  1. Call to Order and Roll Call
  2. Agenda Changes
  3. Staff Report
  1. Public Comment [This is chance for people to give their thoughts on youth issues, feed back to the Commission or any other comments. Each member of the public will be allotted the same

    number of minutes to speak.]

  2. Business
  1. Discussion and possible action re: State of Youth Justice in San Francisco.
  2. Discussion and possible action re: Rally for Stanley "Tookie" Williams, partnership with gang intervention groups across the city.
  3. Discussion and possible action re: African American Community Police Relations Board – status and possible participation.
  4. Discussion and possible action re: Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council – work toward establishing meaningful youth presence and participation on the council.
  5. Discussion and possible action re: Setting up visits to Juvenile Justice groups
  6. Discussion and possible action re: Next steps and strategies for the committee

6. Announcements

7. Items for next meeting's agenda

  1. Next meeting date: December 6, 2005

9. Adjournment

Last updated: 9/2/2009 3:29:09 PM