San Francisco Youth Commission
Youth Justice Committee
November 27, 2006
City Hall, Room 345
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlet Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-0917
There will be public comment on each item.
- Call to Order and Roll Call
- Agenda Changes
- Staff Report
- Public Comment [This is chance for people to give their thoughts on youth issues, feed back to the Commission or any other comments. Each member of the public will be allotted the same
number of minutes to speak.]
- Business
- Discussion and possible action re: JAC (Juvenile Advisory Council) – STAFF (Kevin)
- Discussion and possible action re: DCYF 3 year allocation plan - Violence Prevention Pg. 42-47
- Discussion and possible action re: File no. 061478 - Appropriating $2,401,110 for Violence Prevention Programming in the Juvenile Probation Department and the Department of Children, Youth and Their Families for Fiscal Year 2006-2007
- Discussion and possible action re: SFUSD School Safety Task Force
- Discussion and possible action re: setting up visits and meetings with other departments - DCYF - Maria Su, SFUSD - Keith Choi, and CBOs (HOMEY - Rene Quinonez, United Playaz - Rudy Corpuz, CYWD - Marlene Sanchez)
- Discussion and possible action re: Legislative ideas - School gang intervention curriculum, interschool collaboration, Board of Education.
New Business
A.Discussion and possible action re: Youth Justice Goals for 2006-2007
B. Discussion and possible action re: M.A.N.N (Men About Non-Violent Neighborhoods) Possible site visit
C. Discussion and possible action re: setting up visits and meetings with other departments - DCYF - MariaSu SFUSD - Keith Choi, and CBOs
6. Announcements
7. Items for next meeting's agenda
8. Next meeting date
9. Adjournment