San Francisco Youth Commission
Juvenile Justice and Public Safety Committee
DATE: Monday, January 10, 2000
TIME: 5:30 pm
PLACE: City Hall, Room 421
- Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. Commissioners present: Jasmin, Rachel, Rolando, Kareem, Jewnbug. Absent: Joseph. Staff present: Jessica.
- Agenda Changes: There were no agenda changes.
- Approval of the Minutes of the December 13, 1999 Meeting: Minutes were approved.
- Public Comment: There was no public comment.
- New Business
Discussion and possible action re: project updates: Educational campaign around Proposition 21 and Juvenile Justice; Statewide Youth Commission Forums on Juvenile Justice Issues, media project and report back on City Departments under the committee. Commissioners reviewed the media projects they are working on to educate people about the factual information contained in Proposition 21. Jewnbug set up a meeting with YO! to find out what articles they will be featuring on Prop. 21. Kareem will be speaking about juvenile justice issues on Channel 7 this Sunday at 11 am, and he is trying to get interviewed on radio stations and on Bay TV. Joseph is working on an informational Public Service Announcement, which he needs to get approved by the City Attorney's office. Next Steps:
Contact radio stations to find out PSA contact and format by 1/18/00 (Kareem and Jewnbug)
Get draft of PSA to City Attorney's office by 1/21/00 (Joseph and Jessica)
Final PSA completed by 1/28/00 (Joseph and Jessica)
Staff sent out a letter to all the Youth Commissions in California that we had contact information for to invite them to participate in a day of action on juvenile justice issues and education around Proposition 21 sometime during the week of February 14th. The letter invited Bay Area Commissions to a planning meeting on Wednesday, January 19th from 4:30-6 p.m. at City Hall. Commissioners talked about February 17th as a possible date for their forum, and Jewnbug suggested collaborating with Youth Making a Change to put on an event that combined entertainment with education. Rachel would like the event to be interactive and involve group work and sharing ideas. Rolando suggested doing a hearing similar to the Youth Budget Hearing the Commission did last year. Jewnbug wants to include young people and parents, and talk about alternatives to incarceration. Kareem wants to hear from both sides, and from parents and legislators for and against Proposition 21.
- Discussion and possible action re: New Juvenile Hall. Staff will get information on the status of the New Juvenile Hall for the next regular meeting.
- Discussion and possible action re: Brainstorming the development of a statewide network of Youth Commissions and dividing tasks among committee members. Staff will follow up on letter to Commissions and try to get a Youth Commissioner contact at each Commission.
- Discussion and possible action re: Writing a resolution to the Board of Supervisors regarding the Juvenile Justice Initiative. A resolution by the Board of Supervisors has already been passed. Staff will remind Supervisors and Clerk that legislation related to children and youth issues should come to the Youth Commission before passage for comment.
- Discussion and possible action re: Utilizing the Youth Commission next Community Meeting at Bay View Opera House to educate youth about Proposition 21. Kareem will present the work of the Juvenile Justice Committee at the Community Meeting and get feedback from the youth there.
- Discussion and possible action re: Checking with the City Attorney about the legality of the education campaign. Staff reported back that the City Attorney reminds Commissioners that any education around Proposition 21 has to be totally non-biased, impartial, and informational, and provide equal time to both sides of the issue. Any written material or events planned by the Commission should be approved by the City Attorney's office.
- Discussion and possible action re: Setting Next Meeting's Agenda. The next Juvenile Justice meeting will be Tuesday, January 18th from 5-6:30 p.m. Commissioners will continue planning a juvenile justice forum for mid-February, and talk about the development of a statewide Youth Commission network.
- Staff Report: Staff will make copies of the Mayor's Juvenile Justice Action Plan for committee members.
- Announcements: Jewnbug announced a community meeting with the police department on Thursday, January 13th from 7-8:30 p.m. She will attend and report back to the Committee.
- Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m.