San Francisco Youth Commission
Juvenile Justice and Public Safety Committee
San Francisco Youth Commission
Juvenile Justice and Public Safety Committee
DATE: Monday, November 15, 1999
TIME: 7:00 pm
PLACE: City Hall, Room 345
- Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. Commissioners present: Barker, Baxter, Bolden-Kramer, Strohlin.
- Approval of the Agenda: The agenda was approved.
- Public Comment: There was no public comment.
- New Business
- Discussion and possible action re: Brainstorming projects for the Committee. Committee members brainstormed possible actions and projects, which included:
- Show the public a positive image of youth
- Educate folks on why the crime rate is down
- Pass a resolution (research it, meet with City Attorney's office)
- Educate youth more on consequences of laws
- Collaborate with service providers
- Colleges and Law Schools (Hastings)
- Board of Supervisors, Mayor, Board of Education
- Letter Campaign
- Make information packet for voters (young and old themes)
- Hearing and Forum
- Allies: Parents/Teachers/Yo! (Column in local paper and radio)
Hilton Support of Youth Commission
- Trainings - When can we meet? How do they feel about youth crime?
- Research: Positive crime prevention programs
- Expansion - more art areas, rehabilitation empowerment of youth
- Discussion and possible action re: Setting Next Meeting's Agenda. All other items were tabled till the next meeting.
- Staff Report: No staff report.
- Announcements: No announcements.
- Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.