San Francisco Youth Commission
Juvenile Justice and Public Safety Committee
DATE: Monday, December 13, 1999
TIME: 5:30 pm
PLACE: City Hall, Room 278
1. Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 5:55 p.m. Commissioners present: Joseph, Rachel, Rolando, Kareem, Jewnbug. Absent: Jasmin. Staff present: Jessica
2. Approval of the Agenda: The agenda was approved.
3. Public Comment: There was no public comment.
4. Old Business
A) Discussion and possible action re: Brainstorming projects for the Committee. Committee members continued brainstorming possible actions and projects. They focused on ideas for a public education campaign around Proposition 21 (the Juvenile Justice Initiative) and other juvenile justice issues. Possible ideas were to do presentations in schools (high school and college), to create a public service announcement, to write a Perspective for KQED radio, to do workshops at the Youth Guidance Center, to speak on radio shows, and to write articles for YO! and other newspapers. Commissioners decided to focus on a radio campaign, specifically to create and promote a PSA about Proposition 21, to write a Perspective for KQED, and to try to speak on radio shows. Rachel and Rolando will write the Perspective, Joseph and Jasmin will work on the PSA, and Kareem and Jewnbug will do outreach to radio stations. Commissioners also decided to coordinate a statewide forum or hearing on Proposition 21 and Juvenile Justice issues. They would like all the Youth Commissions across the state to organize hearings on the same day on this issue, and try to get media coverage. Staff will contact Youth Commissions and propose this idea.
B) Discussion and possible action re: Researching the Departments under committee. Staff will compile a general summary of what each department does for committee members.
C) Discussion and possible action re: Plans to Build a New Juvenile Hall. Staff will get information on the status of the Juvenile Hall plans.
5. New Business
A) Discussion and possible action re: Request to hold a hearing on a proposed curfew for minors 17 and under in the city. Rolando proposed that the Youth Commission hold a hearing on a possible curfew for youth 17 and under, along with positive recreational alternatives such as keeping Recreation Centers open later and creating drop-in centers. Jewnbug expressed concern that this would criminalize homeless youth who have no place else to go but the streets. Jewnbug and Rachel asked if the Commission could work on getting Recreation Centers open later but not on the curfew, because they didn’t know why we needed a curfew to help get more young people off the streets. Rolando responded that if we have a hearing we can get the community’s input into these ideas. Commissioners wanted further discussion on this issue at their next meeting before they decided.
B) Setting Next Meeting’s Agenda. Updates on the radio campaign and the statewide Youth Commission Juvenile Justice forums were scheduled, along with further discussion on positive nighttime alternatives for youth.
5. Staff Report: No staff report.
6. Announcements: No announcements.
7. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.