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October 20, 2008

San Francisco Youth Commission

Juvenile Justice Committee

Monday October 20, 2008


City Hall, Room 345

1. Call to Order Roll Call
Commissioner Frierson called the meeting to order at 4:22pm
Commissioners Present: Lunsford, Jones, Frierson
2. Approval of Agenda (Action Item)
Commissioner Lunsford motioned to approve the Agenda as is and it was seconded by Commissioner Jones.
3. Approval of Minutes
Approved by Commissioner Lunsford seconded by Commissioner Jones
4. Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
No public comment
5. Staff Report
Marna reiterated the changes of the survey questions and proposed the next two resloltions that we work on are: The resolution of S.F curfew, and The re-districting of S.F police station.
6. Unfinished Business
A. Discussion and possible action re: Survey targeting youth that have dropped out of school or is on the verge of dropping out.
Julia will add and developed questions as wish by the Mayor's office.
B. Discussion and possible action re: Youth budget for the fiscal year
Commissioners have come up with a list of characteristics of programs that we want to back p when budget season comes around.


  • Serves youth that's been in the Juvenile Justice(J.J) System
  • Focus in youth development'
  • Employ youth that are coming out of the J.J system
  • Rehabilitation for youth
  • Prevent youth from going to the J.J system
  • Medically help youth coming out of the J.J system
  • Neighborhood Clinics

C. Discussion and possible action re: Agenda for the year
Commissioners came up with a on-going list of the things that they are going to do to create bridges between youth and justice ns education.


  • Collaborate with the Police Department
  • Collaborate with programs that are affected by youth we are targeting
  • Push Funding towards CBO's and Non-Profits meeting our program characteristic list
  • Collaborate with S.F.U.S.D/ CCSF/ S.A.C
  • Collect statistics on what we want to change

7. New Business
A. Marna> will send Commissioner Jones a list of CBO's from JPD before the next meeting
B. Marna> get research data on San Francisco's curfew for the next meeting
C. Marna> bring research on the Police re-districting maps for the next meeting
D. Commissioners Jones and Frierson will draft the 5-year Plan of decreasing the violence of the city.
8. Announcements
The Excelsior Peace March is on the 24th of October and will be starting at the Excelsior Boys and Girls Club on London and excelsior, starting at 4pm. Also there will be a meeting held with the police Department on the 28th of October in Room 345 at 4:30pm.

Last updated: 9/2/2009 3:08:10 PM