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September 10, 2009

Youth Justice Committee Minutes

Thursday, September 10, 2009


City Hall Room 345

1. The meeting was called to order at 4:50pm. The Director of the Youth Commission, Julia Sabory facilitated the meeting.

2. In attendance: Jennifer Escamilla, Tobias, Theo Ellington, Corey Carlson

3. There was no public comment

4. The Commissioners reviewed the notes from the Retreat.

5. The Commissioners then discussed the various Juvenile Justice projects the Youth Commission has worked on in the past. Each Commissioner took some time to review the various UN Rights of the Child Articles that relate to Youth Justice. It was agreed that the Youth Justice Committee would focus on Police relations, Violence Prevention and Juvenile Justice. It was then decided that we need to come up with clear objectives and individualized workplans.

6. Theodore signed up for: Police and Youth Relations Policy

a. To develop a briefing letter for the new Chief of Police that will include DGO update, focus group findings and the recommendation that each community advisory board have at least 1-2 youth representatives

b. Next steps: set up meetings w/ Joe Marshall of the Police Commission, Ross Mirkarimri/aide, Community Policing, Samara marion, Office of Citezen’s Complaints

7. Jennifer signed up for: Police and Youth Relations Direct Youth Contact

a. Jennifer will work with her young people to develop questions for the Youth Vote Survey.

b. Jennifer will continue to attend the DGO meetings to obtain more information to give directly to the youth via our Youth Forum

8. Tobias signed up for: Increasing support to the Youth where they are and earlier to prevent violence

a. Tobias will continue to be the lead on the SFUSD Board resolution for the Commission. He could advocate for the co-chair of the Discipline Task Force to be a youth/student

b. Tobias could produce a resolution promoting more programming at school sites similar to Beacons

i. Work with various committees and set up meeting with DCYF

9. Cory signed up for: Protecting intervention workers and national youth justice concerns and cases

a. Set up a meeting Jeff Adachi and re-entry allies to inform

b. Write letter of support for Efren and Alex

10. The election of Chair took place for the Committee. It was decided that Corey Carlson would be Chair and Tobias would be Vice-Chair. It was a unanimous decision.

11. Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm


Last updated: 10/7/2009 10:41:27 PM