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November 12, 2009

San Francisco Youth Commission

Youth Justice Committee Minutes

Thursday, November 12, 2009


City Hall, Room 345

There will be public comment on each item.

1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 4:40pm.

Commisioners Present: Carlson, Escamilla, Hirano, Ellington

Staff Present: Julia Sabory

2. Approval of Agenda- The agenda was unanimously approved.

3. Approval of Minutes- The minutes were unanimously approved.

4. Public Comment on Items not on Agenda- There was none.

5. Review Youth Forum goals and Juvenile Justice Report (Discussion and Possible Action)

i. Staff reviewed the Forum criteria the Executive Committee created for the forums. Commissioner Ellington reminded the Committee to keep in mind budget advocacy efforts. Youth Justice Issues raised:

· New JPD guide (rights and rules) and New Police Rules. The Committee decided to allocate one break-out session to this issue.

· School discipline issues (SFUSD rules, SRO, SFPD DGO) (keep in mind continuation schools) The Committee decided to allocate one break-out session to this issue.

· Need a Violence Prevention issue- (informational? Programs?) The Committee would like to have a workshop on this.

· Up charging / disproportionate detention rate.

· New youth crime trends: technology (MySpace, gamer, cell phone text and video, public cameras).

ii. Structure: 3 breakout sessions (either testimonial in the beginning or after with a report back

iii. Location: School, city hall in what neighborhood?


A. Review of SF Police Department General Order 7.01 implementation (Discussion and Possible Action)

Staff updated the Committee on recent accomplishments and challenges surrounding the implementation of DGO 7.01. The three main areas of the DGO are now space for investigation as well as methods for data tracking, the training of officers on the new orders, and outreach to the youth and community. Staff agreed to provide a policy brief via email to each of the Commissioners and to notify each of the Commissioners when the next DGO mtg is taking place. Commissioners Escamilla and Hirano agreed to begin working on a resolution that would provide feedback to the Police Commission that the DGO is a Youth Commission top priority.

B. Review of article on Chief Gascon's new strategy (Discussion and Possible Action)

Commissioner Hirano summarized the article for the full Committee. The article was from the Bay Guardian and reviewed the Chief’s statements on the new Undocumented Youth Policy and his effort to reinvigorate the ‘Intelligence Unit’.


A. Review the Completed Guide to the Juvenile Justice Center (Discussion and Possible Action)

Each Commissioner received a copy of the Guide and reviewed it as a group. Everyone was excited and pleased that this will be helping youth and their families. Staff notified the Committee that the Guide will be translated into 5 languages. Commissioner Carlson asked how we can encourage and enforce the Supervising PO’s to give the Guide to parents visiting within the first 24 hours. Staff answered by acknowledging that new processes are being implemented which will slowly take into effect. The Committee may want to look into sending a letter or writing a resolution about the new guide.

  1. Letter to John Avalos re: legislation and support (Discussion and Possible Action)

Committee members read a memo that was sent to Supervisor Avalos requesting a follow up meeting from the first Juvenile Justice convening that Commissioner Carlson attended. The Committee members asked that the next meeting with the Supervisor try to be scheduled during hours that the Committee members can attend. The memo suggests discussing the issue of ‘up charging’ and the disproportionate detention rate of youth of color as well as a briefing on DGO 7.01.

D. Invitation to visit Community Assessment and Referral Center (Discussion and Possible Action)

The Committee is very interested in taking a tour of CARC and learning more about the program. It was agreed that either a Tues or a Fri around 3/3:30 would work best for the committee members.

E. New trends in Youth Crime (Discussion and Possible Action)

The Committee discussed technology and youth crime- MySpace, gamer profiles, cell phone texting and video and public cameras are part of a new era leading to an increase in youth criminalization. Members discussed the fact that many youth don’t understand the serious consequences of having a particular representation on public technological outlets.

8. Violence Prevention Items

A. Review the Los Angeles guide to Street Based Intervention (Discussion and Possible Action)

Staff shared a copy of, “A Guide for Understanding Effective Community-Based Gang Intervention: What is Gang Intervention? How do You Measure its Effectiveness”, developed by Councilmember Tony Cardenas of Los Angeles. Commissioner Carlson agreed to read it and follow up as it relates to his policy work plan.

B. Prepare a letter for the new Violence Prevention Director (Discussion and Possible Action)

Staff shared Draft reports on statewide Youth Justice and Violence Prevention policy data as well as recent SF violence prevention efforts. The Committee members agreed to take the reports home and develop responses about missing angles and information. Staff agreed to send out reminder emails and a list of questions to answer which will then be shared at the next Committee meeting.

9. Announcements

A. Invitation to Juvenile Advisory Council this Saturday (Discussion and Possible Action)

Correction: The Juvenile Advisory Council is every 1st Saturday of the month, 10am-11am. Committee members are invited and encouraged to attend. The next one will be December 5th.

10. Adjournment at 6:06pm

Last updated: 11/24/2009 12:07:51 PM