City and County of San FranciscoSan Francisco Arts Commission

Executive Committee - November 22, 2010 - Meeting Minutes

Executive Committee - November 22, 2010


Monday, November 22, 2010
3:00 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70

Draft Minutes

Commission President P.J. Johnston called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m.

  1. Roll Call
    Committee Members Present 

    P.J. Johnston, President
    Greg Chew
    Leo Chow
    Maya Draisin
    Sherri Young
    Commissioners Absent
    JD Beltran, Vice President
  2. President’s Report
    President Johnston made no report.
  3. Director’s Report
    Mr. Cancel reported that there was no news on the budget. He also reported on the agency’s activities, including an update on the book project, as well as Lights on Market Street and WritersCorps events. The Committee discussed a number of ideas for the book.
    There was no public comment.
  4. Sixth Street Artwalk
    Mr. Cancel briefly discussed the following motion.
    There was no public comment, and the motion was approved unanimously as follows.
    Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to transfer the $3,000 administrative fee received from the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency for Arts Commission services performed for the Sixth Street Artwalk to the Friends of the San Francisco Arts Commission account at Intersection for the Arts. 

  5. ARTery Lights on Market

    Mr. Cancel discussed the following motion, noting that the original proposal underestimated the cost of creating artworks with an impact on Market Street, to last for six months. He explained that the funds were from a fund specifically dedicated to Market Street projects.
    There was no public comment, and the motion was approved unanimously as follows.
    Motion to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to expend $125,000 from the Market Street Public Artwork account to support light installations by artists Jim Campbell, Paul Notzold and Theo Watson for the ARTery’s “Lights on Market,” the signature design element for the National Endowment for the Arts Mayors’ Institute on City Design award.
  6. Innovations in Strengthening the Arts Grants Program
    Mr. Cancel presented the following motion, explaining that it was intended to set up a program to fund studies, help with capacity-building, fund attendance at conferences and workshops on arts management, etc. He explained that organizations would apply by invitation, and the program would replicate the Grants for the Arts process for similar grants.
    In response to the Committee’s question about the source of the funds, he explained that money would come from the POPS fund; this motion would create the mechanism, but not yet set aside the funds.
    There was no public comment, and the motion was approved unanimously as follows.
    Motion to establish the “Innovations in Strengthening the Arts” Grants Program which will support research, knowledge-building activities, and capacity-building and technology-based initiatives that strengthen San Francisco’s arts community.
  7. Public Comment
    There was no public comment.
  8. Old Business
    Special Projects Director Jill Manton reported on the proposal to amend Section 149 of the Planning Code regarding the requirement for private developments in certain zones to contribute 1% of their budget to public art.
    Mr. Cancel reported on the recent gala for the Mexican Museum, and on the possibility of a new scope of work for intern Geneviève Massé. Finally, the Committee briefly discussed a holiday, or post-holiday, celebration for Commissioners, former Commissioners and staff. There was no public comment.
  9. New Business
    There was no new business.
  10. Adjournment 
    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:46 p.m.

posted 12/1/14 spr

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Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretación están disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission Secretary Sharon Page Ritchie, 415-252-2591,