City and County of San FranciscoSan Francisco Arts Commission

November 14, 2012

Street Artists Committee - November 14, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
2:30 p.m.
25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 70
San Francisco, CA 94102


Commissioner Chew, Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:34 p.m.

1. Roll Call
Commissioners Present:
Greg Chew, Chair
John Calloway
Amy Chuang
Jessica Silverman

Staff present: Arts Commission Deputy Director Rebekah Krell, Street Artists Program Director Howard Lazar, Street Artists Program Assistant Alyssa Licouris

Commissioner Chew welcomed the Commissioners and Police Officer Porter acting as the sergeant-at-arms.

2. Discussion. Street Artists Program Director’s Report.

Program Director Lazar reported on the following:

New Advisory Committee Members: Program Director Lazar announced that two new members have been appointed to the Advisory Committee: Renee de Cossio and Jennifer Morningstar. He said they have already participated in a screening meeting and that the Advisory Committee is now a full Committee.

Off the Grid Food Trucks: Market Manager John Tunui, former Market Manager Tad Sky and Program Director Lazar will meet with a representative from Recreation and Park and the Off the Grid representatives to talk about the impact of the trucks on artists at JHP. The food trucks will be at Justin Herman Plaza 8 Sundays during the winter season which started last week. Program Director Lazar reported that the artists had a favorable reaction about the food trucks from the past Sunday and loved their food. He said that the artists said that the fumes weren’t bothersome and they didn’t lose any spaces. He also said that he had received feedback from the artists that Off the Grid brought many of their followers to the area and their customers bought from the artists.

Port/L-2: Program Director Lazar thanked Commissioner Collins and Commissioner Chew who joined a meeting he had with David Berbey and Nick Hoppe, owners of SFO Wharf Outdoors. He said they reached a compromise with L-2 space and that the store owners were adamant that the space (former J-9) on the corner of Jefferson Street would hinder the flow of traffic through their doorway on that side of the store. He said that street artists Drew Flores and David Campos also attended the meeting. He said they also agreed that they want to approach the Port to re-designate and reapprove space J-4 and J-3 located on Jefferson Street and opposite the Blue Mermaid Café. Program Director Lazar stated that it was not on today’s agenda because Port personnel didn’t want to discuss street artists’ spaces until after construction in June 2013. Program Director Lazar said that he is already in a discussion with the Port about where to relocate the artists from the current 9 spaces which will be lost during construction. He said that he and some artists offered the idea of Pier 35 but Port personnel said Pier 35 is not an option because there is a leasehold agreement with tenants that occupy the Pier which doesn’t allow any other activity. He also reported that Port personnel clarified that Pier 39 and the east park of Pier 39 are all off limits for the artists. He said that Port personnel are offering the west end of Jefferson street, west of Hyde street, but they still need approval from stakeholders. Program Director Lazar said he offered the idea to relocate artists to open area in front of General Petroleum’s wall where there are currently street performers but he hasn’t received a response yet. He reported that he is unsure if the street artists will get their Jefferson Street spaces back after construction since the Port personnel do not want to discuss it at this time. He noted that the Port is an enterprise agency which receives no general fund money and only money from their tenants.

Scoutmob Feature: Street Artists Amos Goldbaum was featured on Scoutmob Shoppe and it included pictures of his work. Program Director Lazar reported that Amos sells silkscreen shirts and prints at Justin Herman Plaza and on Market Street between Spear and Steuart streets.

Commissioner Chew noted that Arts Commission Deputy Director Rebekah Krell had joined the meeting.

Program Director Lazar stated that Ms. Krell is his immediate supervisor and she’s very helpful to work with.

Public Comment:
Street Artist Tad Sky proposed that the Arts Commission talk to the Port for the artists since the Port is stalling. He stated that, in the past, there were prime street artists spaces on the sidewalk by what is now the Anchorage but they were removed once the Anchorage was built. He noted that the Port said that the artists don’t add anything since they don’t pay rent but he said that he thinks they do add something to the ambiance. He again stated that the Arts Commission should “go to bat” for the artists. He also presented a petition that was referred to at the October 1 full Arts Commission meeting of 247 artists who want the street artists to stay with the Arts Commission.

Program Director Lazar noted that John Tunui referred to this petition at the Government and Oversight Committee of the Board of Supervisors.

Commissioner Chew asked about the status of the Civil Grand Jury’s recommendation regarding the Street Artists Program moving out of the Arts Commission. Program Director Lazar explained that Director DeCaigny has to return to the Government and Oversight Committee to report his investigation into the matter.

Former certificate holder Paula Datesh said that Tad Sky is out of order since he commented on an item separate from the Program Director’s report and he didn’t fill out a speaker card.

Program Director Lazar said that Tad Sky commented on Justin Herman Plaza which is a premiere street artist area which Program Director Lazar had mentioned in his report.

Commissioner Chew asked about the Pier 35 and Port tenants. Program Director Lazar answered that the lease agreement extends to the promenade in front of the piers so it is not allowed. He said he personally checked it out and saw a volume of people go by and there were some performers. He also mentioned that the sidewalk is so wide that the nine spaces to be relocated would meet all of the public safety regulations.

Former certificate holder Paula Datesh stated that the Performers Program is a pilot program. She said the performers go to a lottery once a month to get a space, get insurance, pay fees and that the spaces are marked.

Street Artist John Tunui stated that he agreed that the Port needs to be approached since they like to delay and then ultimately cut the spaces out. He also reported that in regard to the food trucks, he feels that since it is a project of the Board of Supervisors, the artists should accommodate the food trucks so they can get on the good side of the Supervisors and get more spaces around San Francisco.

3. Action. Hearing and possible motion to authorize Program Director to request Board of Supervisors for permanent designation of six (6) street artist selling spaces on Market Street, north side, at Spear Street.

Program Director Lazar described the location of the six (6) selling spaces that had been designated for 6 months. He reported that there have not been any problems with the artists selling in the new selling spaces. He requested that the six (6) spaces be made permanent.

Commissioner Chew commented that he didn’t understand why a big hotel like the Hyatt (Downtown) would agree to have street artists selling in front of their hotel when the Port had said no to artists on Port property. Program Director Lazar suggested that the Commissioners contact the Port, as he has done as much as he could do as a staff person. He said he has suggested alternative locations but he hasn’t gotten a response back from the Port.

Commissioner Chew said he would be happy to go to a Port meeting and speak for the artists.

Motion: Motion to authorize Program Director to request Board of Supervisors for permanent designation of six (6) street artist selling spaces on Market Street, north side, at Spear Street.
Moved: Chuang, Silverman

Commissioner Chew called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion was unanimously approved.

4. Action. Hearing and possible motion to authorize Program Director to request Board of Supervisors to re-designate for six (6) months two (2) street artist temporary selling spaces on Post Street, northwest corner, at Stockton Street.

Program Director Lazar explained that, in 2011, because of the Central Subway barricades, construction had moved a flower vendor onto 4 street artists spaces on Geary Street. He said that 2 of the 7 spaces can still be used but with the relocation of the flower vendor, tree planters had also been placed on some of the spaces. He said that because of the Central Subway construction, he created two new temporary spaces on Post Street. He stated that these spaces have already been approved twice by the Board of Supervisors and each time for a 6 month time period. He requested that the Committee approve the two temporary Post street spaces for another 6-month time period. He reported that there have not been any problems with the spaces and their location had already accommodated the adjacent hot dog vendor’s condiments table.

Motion: Motion to approve authorization of Program Director to request Board of Supervisors to re-designate for six (6) months two (2) street artist temporary selling spaces on Post Street, northwest corner, at Stockton Street.
Moved: Silverman, Chuang

Public Comment:
Street Artist Tad Sky stated that this was an example of how the artists have a history of losing spaces and to keep the Port spaces in mind too.

Commissioner Calloway commented that there should be some kind of discussion about street artists’ losing spaces, finding a way to be proactive, and maintaining the dignity of the program.

Tad Sky responded that they don’t mind losing a space but there needs to be an equivalent.

Former certificate holder Paula Datesh stated that Tad Sky has been out of order several times. She said that she doesn’t believe that the street artists have been pushed around on Stockton Street. She stated that the flower vendors are tolerant of the street artists and helpful towards them.

Street Artist John Tunui asked how the street artists can be taken more seriously. He commented that, in the past, they have had success with calling their Supervisors to get the Port to move.

Commissioner Chew suggested that there be a presentation about the Street Artists Program at the Port to educate them about the program.

Program Director Lazar said he would welcome that opportunity.

The motion was unanimously approved.

5. Action. Hearing and possible motion to request Board of Supervisors to re-designate one (1) selling space (“L-2”) on Leavenworth Street, west side, at Jefferson Street, for six (6) months for street artists certified by the Arts Commission, City and County of San Francisco; exempting said space from the regulations of Police Code Section 2405(c)(6) and (11) prohibiting selling within ten (10) feet from the outer edge of any entrance to any building and prohibiting selling within five (5) feet of the display of any other street artist (continued from the 10/1/12 full Arts Commission meeting).

Program Director Lazar explained that Commissioner Chew and Commissioner Collins had attended a meeting with owners David Berbey and Nick Hoppe of the adjacent store in The Cannery. He said Commissioner Calloway had visited the site before. He reported that they had come to an agreement with Mr. Berbey and Mr. Hoppe regarding the location of space L-2. He described the history of L-1 and L-2 in relationship to the doorway that had been created. He stated that they compromised to move L-2 8 feet from the entrance of the doorway. He noted that L-2 still required an exemption from the regulation of selling within 10 feet from the outer edge of the doorway entrance but commented that it is not a heavy traffic area. He stated that the owners agreed to this compromise on a 6 month basis with exemptions from the doorway regulation and from the distance between street artists regulation.

Program Director Lazar explained the procedure of how the space would get approved by the full Arts Commission and Board of Supervisors.

Commissioner Calloway stated that he visited the site. He said that the artists are giving up a lot with this compromise. He said it wasn’t really a compromise because L-2 doesn’t receive much traffic now that L-1 no longer exists. He stated that although it isn’t the best compromise at least the artists will get one of their spaces back.

Motion: Motion to request Board of Supervisors to re-designate one (1) selling space (“L-2”) on Leavenworth Street, west side, at Jefferson Street, for six (6) months for street artists certified by the Arts Commission, City and County of San Francisco; exempting said space from the regulations of Police Code Section 2405(c)(6) and (11) prohibiting selling within ten (10) feet from the outer edge of any entrance to any building and prohibiting selling within five (5) feet of the display of any other street artist.
Moved: Silverman, Calloway.

Commissioner Chew called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion was unanimously approved.

6. Action. Hearing and possible motion to approve Program Director’s recommendation of denial of renewal of certificate of the following certificate-holder for allegedly (1) interfering with artists’ business by making loud abusive comments; and (2) provoking a physical confrontation with another street artist (Walter Molina), constituting the following alleged violation: Conducting business in an improper, disorderly and hazardous manner:

Jameson Christiansen – Certificate #8582

Commissioner Chew welcomed Spanish-English translator Hazel Georgetti whose service was obtained by the Street Artists Program.

Program Director Lazar asked that the Committee take item #6 and #7 together since they are related. He stated that Walter Molina was present and Jameson Christiansen was not. He said that he had not been contacted by Jameson Christiansen.

Program Director Lazar described the incident that occurred on September 16, 2012. He stated that Mr. Christiansen was speaking loudly and abusively and disrupting various artists’ business. He said that Walter Molina showed up to sell and asked Mr. Christiansen to leave since he was “squatting” in Mr. Molina’s space. He stated that Mr. Christiansen was saying abusive language about flattened bottles and other crafts.

Commissioner Calloway asked Program Director Lazar if Mr. Christiansen had responded at all, and Program Director Lazar said he had not heard from him. Program Director Lazar said that staff always send hard copy mail to the artists and it was evident that Mr. Molina had received his notice of hearing. Program Director Lazar stated that he had heard that Mr. Christiansen knew about his hearing because someone had said he knew about it.

Continuing with the description of the incident, Program Director Lazar said that Mr. Christiansen gave Mr. Molina an ethnic slur and threw a bag of popcorn at Mr. Molina and his display. Program Director Lazar stated that Mr. Christiansen proceeded to say more slurs regarding Mr. Molina’s baby and mother. Mr. Molina grabbed Mr. Christiansen from behind and Mr. Christiansen started laughing. Mr. Molina head butted him from behind and Mr. Christiansen kept laughing and some other artists separated them.

Program Director Lazar reiterated the charges against Mr. Christiansen and Mr. Molina.

Commissioner Calloway asked if there was a police report, and Program Lazar stated that he was not aware of one.

Commissioner Calloway asked for clarification if Mr. Christiansen was in Mr. Molina’s space. Program Director Lazar confirmed that Mr. Christiansen was in Mr. Molina’s space but he was vacating it. He stated that Mr. Christiansen was stating ethnic slurs as he was vacating and throwing popcorn.

Commissioner Chew said he was disappointed and asked Program Director Lazar if there were any problems with either artist since the September 16 incident.

Program Director Lazar reported that there was a problem regarding Mr. Christiansen this past week but he would not bring it up because it was not related to the present case. He reported that Mr. Molina’s file showed no previous incidents in the Program, but he wasn’t sure if there were any previous incidents in Mr. Christiansen’s file.

Commissioner Chew asked Walter Molina to speak about the case.

Walter Molina described the incident that occurred with Mr. Christiansen. He said he picked space #6 and set up his table. He said his table was far away when he came back and he was told that Mr. Christiansen had kicked his table out of the way. He also stated that when Mr. Christiansen was leaving, he came back and threw popcorn. He said he told him to clean it up and he wouldn’t. He said that Mr. Christiansen began saying Spanish insults about his mom and son. Mr. Molina confessed that he knows he didn’t have to react and hit him.

Former certificate holder Paula Datesh started to comment. Program Director Lazar stated that comments from the public could not be heard until the appropriate time for public comment.

Commissioner Calloway asked if there were any witnesses that had seen Mr. Christiansen kicking Mr. Molina’s table. Program Director Lazar said only one witness among several who had been notified was in the room.

Program Director Lazar answered a question by Commissioner Chew stating that he didn’t know of any previous incidents between the two artists.

Commissioner Chew asked questions of Mr. Molina for clarification of the incident. Mr. Molina said that Mr. Christiansen had a previous reason behind the conflict which derived from an incident that happened a few weeks ago.

Street Artist John Tunui was called as a witness.

John Tunui reported that Mr. Christiansen didn’t show up to the lottery that morning. Mr. Molina took space 6 and he left to rest after placing his table in his space to mark it. He reported that the artists have an unofficial rule that an artist is allowed to “squat” in another artist’s space until the artist shows up. He said Mr. Christiansen showed up in space 6 and kicked Mr. Molina’s table out of the way, and started making noise. He confirmed that there was no police report filed.

Street Artist Luis Gervasi stated that he had experienced two problems with Mr. Christiansen in the past. He said that the first incident happened two years ago when he was next to Mr. Christiansen. He said that he was screaming at Mr. Gervasi’s customers which made his customers walk away. Mr. Gervasi reported that the second problem occurred a few months ago with Mr. Christiansen. He said that Mr. Christiansen set up next to him and put his ipod on high volume and turned the speakers towards his booth when he left. Mr. Christiansen stopped when Mr. Gervasi approached him. Mr. Gervasi said he himself resisted doing something to Mr. Christiansen as he could see himself reacting physically like Mr. Molina had done.

Former certificate holder Paula Datesh stated that she had an incident with Mr. Christiansen about 4 years ago. She stated that he’s a young guy with a skateboard who is a little lazy. She said that he would never come to the lottery but always came later asking to share a space. She reported that she shared her space many times with Mr. Christiansen because she has seen him homeless and wanted to help him. She said he was very abusive but she didn’t report it because “he’s a young guy”. But she stopped sharing a space with him.

Street Artist Pat Lloyd said she arrived at the end of the incident. She said there is a difference between touching someone and saying insults. She reported that there were many incidents regarding Mr. Molina. She said she called the Arts Commission reporting these incidents because she was scared for the well-being of John Tunui and other street artists when Mr. Molina was becoming more violent. She said that another artist was attacked by another person. She said there was an incident when someone knocked over an artist’s display before the lottery and, while other artists had restrained him, Mr. Molina came and punched the man while they were waiting for the police. She stated that this incident had happened 3 days before Mr. Molina missed the lottery. She said that he had been screaming at John Tunui and she thought he was going to have physical altercations with John because the lottery was closed and he had come late. She said there were 3 times that violence had occurred. She reported that she called and spoke to Program Assistant Licouris and asked her if Program Director Lazar was aware of it because she was concerned for safety for artists and tourists. She said there was another incident where Mr. Molina took a space of another artist a few days before and there was a mini lottery to determine who got the space. She said he made a big scene in the middle of the day disrupting everyone’s business. She said a police report should have been made and the police should have been notified the first time Mr. Molina hit someone since it’s assault without question.

Commissioner Calloway asked if there was had any record of Ms. Lloyd’s reports. Program Director Lazar said she’s correct. He reported that that situation was different because from his understanding it had occurred during a different time of day. He said that under the advice of the City Attorney, the Arts Commission’s authority would not extend to incidents occurring before or after the lottery but primarily when artists are open for business.

Commissioner Calloway asked if there was a written report of Ms. Lloyd’s report. Program Assistant Licouris verified that Ms. Lloyd telephoned her report and that she told Program Director Lazar about it but she didn’t know if it had been written down. Program Director Lazar said, in absence of a police report, it was hard to make a case at that time.

Walter Molina stated that someone in the morning was stealing from another artist and no one was there except for one lady. He said when he saw the thief, he reacted and stopped him since no one else was catching him. He said the other artists then came and caught him and called the police.

Commissioner Calloway stated that the Commissioners were receiving a lot of information that was not germane to the case.

Program Director Lazar said many incidents occur between artists especially with parking situations but often it’s hard to draw the line between Arts Commission authority and non-authority.

Jameson Christiansen entered the room.

Former certificate holder Paula Datesh commented that most people work 4 to 5 days a week and there are lots of incidents that go unreported. She said that police reports are not made because it’s disruptive and petty and that Central Station won’t respond to petty reports. She said it’s only over time that one can understand a person’s behavior by being out there and working.

Commissioner Chew asked for any further comments about item #6 or #7.

Luis Gervasi stated that there are many discussions between artists. He said that many times one artist is late but they let that artist into the lottery for spaces and other times when someone else is late, that artist is not let in. He explained this is what happened to Mr. Molina.

John Tunui stated that the procedure is to close the lottery at 6 a.m. according to his watch. He reported that there had been 3 instances with Mr. Molina being late and that Mr. Molina knows that his clock is one minute slower than Mr. Tunui’s since they’ve already compared clocks before. John Tunui stated that he closes the lottery at 6 a.m. based on his clock.

Paula Datesh spoke, and Commissioner Chew called her out of order, stating that Ms. Datesh had already spoken.

Mr. Christiansen left the room.

Program Director Lazar read item #6. He asked that his recommendation of denial of renewal be withdrawn.

Commissioner Silverman stated that Mr. Christiansen evidently did not care about his license since he just showed up late and then left, and she found this extremely disrespectful.

Commissioner Chew asked Program Director Lazar to clarify the process of disciplinary action. Mr. Lazar said that 5 days must pass before he sends a Program Director’s decision letter of the Committee’s decision. He explained that the artist then has 15 days to file an appeal with the Board of Appeals. If the artist doesn’t file during those 15 calendar days, he said, the decision goes into effect.

Program Director Lazar reported that Mr. Christiansen’s license will expire on December 14. He explained that if an artist’s license is revoked, the artist can reapply after a year and then come before the Street Artists Program Committee for consideration of a new license.

Motion: Motion to deny renewal of certificate of Jameson Christiansen.
Moved: Calloway, Silverman.

Public Comment:
Paula Datesh said that Jameson Christiansen cut up his license and it’s sitting in the chair.

The motion was unanimously approved.

7. Action. Hearing and possible motion to approve Program Director’s recommendation of denial of renewal of certificate of the following certificate-holder for allegedly battering a street artist (Jameson Christiansen), constituting the following alleged violation: Conducting business in an improper, disorderly and hazardous manner:

Walter Molina – Certificate #8337.

Program Director Lazar read item #7. Program Director Lazar withdrew his recommendation and recommended a suspension of 2 weeks. He reminded the Commissioners that they have the right to defer a suspension; furthermore, an artist can waive his right of appeal to the Board of Appeals and thereby have his suspension start in 5 days.

Commissioner Calloway asked Program Director Lazar why he changed his recommendation. Mr. Lazar answered that Mr. Molina has no record in his file of coming before the Street Artists Program Committee for violence. He also explained that in other cases, the Committee had given warnings to the artists. He stated that he felt that Mr. Molina was provoked, although this doesn’t excuse his actions. He said that he was hoping a Commissioner would question Mr. Molina on how he intends to control himself in the future.

Commissioner Calloway told Mr. Molina that, although he (Molina) was insulted and disrespected, he was not entitled to hit someone. He said Mr. Molina exercised poor judgment by hitting Mr. Christiansen.

Mr. Molina said that his reaction was not right and he apologized.

Commissioner Calloway asked him what he would do if it happened again.

Mr. Molina said next time he will move away and won’t try to stop anyone from stealing.

Commissioner Chew asked when Mr. Molina’s license expires. Program Director Lazar responded that it will be January 26.

Commissioner Silverman said Mr. Molina shouldn’t have his license revoked.

Commissioner Chew said public comment was closed. Commissioner Silverman said public comment wasn’t very productive and the Commissioners needed to decide what to do. Mr. Lazar reminded them of the process of public comment after a motion is made.

Commissioner Calloway proposed a suspension of 2 weeks.

Commissioner Chuang said that Mr. Molina agreed that he made a mistake and that he was going to correct actions in the future. She agreed with a 2 week suspension.

Motion: Motion to find Mr. Molina in violation of the Street Artists Ordinance by conducting business in an improper, disorderly, and hazardous manner by battering a street artist.
Moved: Calloway, Chuang.

There was no public comment.

The motion was unanimously passed.

Motion: Motion to suspend certificate of Walter Molina for a period of 2 weeks for having conducted business in an improper, disorderly, hazardous manner.
Moved: Chuang, Silverman.

Public Comment:
Street Artist Tad Sky stated that he wasn’t there on the day of the incident but he did get a phone call from his girlfriend who described the incident to him. He explained that the next week he interviewed many witnesses, talked to Mr. Molina and Mr. Christiansen who evidently did not care because he’s not present at today’s meeting. He said that he asked them both if they wanted to work it out between themselves. He said Mr. Molina agreed while Mr. Christiansen said he wouldn’t apologize to his neighbors for insulting their crafts. He said Mr. Molina shouldn’t have assaulted Mr. Christiansen but the provocation and insults are beyond what most people could handle and that he (Sky) probably would have been provoked too. Mr. Sky asked the Commissioners that they not ruin Mr. Molina’s Christmas and to wait until January to impose a suspension on him. He said Mr. Molina wouldn’t be at today’s meeting if it wasn’t for Mr. Christiansen. He said that since Mr. Christiansen ripped up his license, it shows that he doesn’t care. He stated that he preferred if they gave Mr. Molina a warning but that if they do suspend his license, to wait until after Christmas.

Street Artist Luis Gervasi agreed with Mr. Sky. He said that Mr. Christiansen also had pushed himself (Gervasi) to the limit and asked that they wait until January to suspend Mr. Molina.

Street Artist Pat Lloyd stated that insults are different than assault.

Street Artist John Tunui said he himself receives insults every week and never assaults anyone. He asked the Commissioners to do something to show the other artists that they can’t get away with this behavior.

Former certificate holder Paula Datesh stated that it was a good idea that Mr. Molina says he’s sorry and that he get some counseling.

Motion: To withdraw previous motion.
Moved: Silverman, Chuang.

Motion: Motion to suspend the certificate of Walter Molina for a period of 2 weeks for having conducted business in an improper, disorderly, hazardous manner and that the suspension be deferred to January 7, 2013.
Moved: Silverman, Calloway

Commissioner Chew called for public comment. There was no public comment.

The motion was unanimously approved.

8. Discussion. Public Comment.

Former certificate holder Paula Datesh said that that was no longer her name and she wanted a statement she had prepared to be entered into the minutes. She read her statement.

She continued to read her statement after the allotted 3 minutes time period.

Commissioner Calloway advised Program Director Lazar to ignore the last sentence of Ms. Datesh’s statement.

Street Artist Pat Lloyd stated that Paula Datesh has been harassing her for the last two years via phone and mail. She said that Ms. Datesh copied her (Ms. Lloyd) e-mail address but with a different e-mail provider. She said that she is going to get a restraining order against Ms. Datesh now that she knows who she is and what she looks like. She said that she has noted her harassment with the Arts Commission. She said that Ms. Datesh started as a customer of hers but that the harassment has been out of control since.

Paula Datesh began to speak.

Commissioner Chew said that she had already spoken and that she was out of order.

Officer Porter asked if Commissioner Chew wanted her out of the meeting, and Commissioner Chew asked him to escort her out of the building.

There was no further public comment.

9. Discussion. New Business and Announcements.

Program Director Lazar presented the Commissioners with the 2012-13 temporary and permanent winter holiday spaces blue book.

There was no further new business or announcements.

There was no public comment.

10. Action. Adjournment.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:
Alyssa Licouris, Street Artists Program Assistant

Minutes approved by:
Howard Lazar, Street Artists Program Director

ADL 11/27/12

Additional Explanatory documents submitted by the public at the meeting: Item #2: Petition submitted from Tad Sky; Item #8: Statement read aloud by Paula Datesh at November 14, 2012 Street Arts Commission Program meeting.

An audio recording of this meeting is available online at the following address:

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Howard Lazar, 415-252-2583,

如需協助,Howard Lazar, 415-252-2583,

Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretación están disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Howard Lazar, 415-252-2583,