Full Commission - December 6, 2021 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
December 6, 2021 - 2:00pm


Monday, December 6, 2021
2 p.m.
Remote Meeting via video and teleconferencing


President OrdeƱana called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m.

1. Roll Call

Commissioners Present
Roberto OrdeƱana, President
Yakuh Askew
JD Beltran (left the meeting atĀ 2:23 p.m.)
Charles Collins (left the meeting at 3:20 p.m.)
Suzanne Ferras
Yiying Lu
Nabiel Musleh
Linda Parker Pennington
Abby Sadin Schnair
Marcus Shelby
Kimberlee Stryker
Debra Walker
Paul Woolford
Joel Koppel, ex officio

Commissioners Absent
Janine Shiota, Vice President

Staff Present:
Ralph Remington, Director of Cultural Affairs
Allison Cummings, Senior Registrar
Sandra Panopio, Senior Racial Equity & Policy Analyst
Alyssa Ventre, Commission Secretary

President OrdeƱana announced the virtual meeting instructions.

Commission Secretary Alyssa Ventre announced public comment instructions.

President Ordenana began the meeting reading the Arts Commissionā€™s land acknowledgement statement.

2. AB 361 Legislation ImpactĀ 

President OrdeƱana introduced the item. He reminded commissioners that the commission approved the motion at their last meeting. He explained that the commission must approve the motion every 30 days in order to continue to meet virtually. He provided additional background information regarding the AB 361 legislation including its requirements.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Shelby, seconded by Commissioner Beltran moved to adopt a resolution setting forth findings required under Assembly Bill 361 that would allow the Arts Commission and its subcommittees to hold meetings remotely according to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing set forth in AB 361.Ā Ā 

The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
Ayes: OrdeƱana, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Lu, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

RESOLUTION NO. 1206-21-255: Motion to adopt a resolution setting forth findings required under Assembly Bill 361 that would allow the Arts Commission and its subcommittees to hold meetings remotely according to the modified Brown Act teleconferencing set forth in AB 361.


3. Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Beltran, seconded by Commissioner Stryker moved to approve the November 1, 2021 minutes.

There was no public comment.

The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
Ayes: OrdeƱana, Askew, Beltran, Collins, Ferras, Lu, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

RESOLUTION NO. 1206-21-256: Motion to approve the November 1, 2021 minutes.

4. General Public CommentĀ 

There was no public comment.

5. Directorā€™s Report
Director Remington reported that the SFAC Main Gallery reopened on Friday, November 19 with a reception for the artists and the community honoring the two exhibitions: Black Magic and Taking Place: Untold Stories of the City. He reminded Commissioners of the gallery hours and encouraged them to visit.

Director Remington gave an update on the Cultural Equity Endowment funding. He shared some analytics related to grant cycle. He also shared the impact of the cultural ambassadors outreach program. He noted that Grant panels will take place in early spring 2022 with funding recommendations going to the Community Investments committee in April 2022.

He announced some public art updates which included installations from Sarah Szeā€™s Double Horizon, Malik Seneferuā€™s Clear the Air, airport projects such as the Courtyard 3 Connector or C3C featuring the works of Paul Madonna, Kim Anno, and Stacey Carter and Derek Lynch. He also shared other airport including Alison Saarā€™s Flourish, and an exhibition of photographyā€”Harlem of the West in the Kadish Gallery.

He also gave a debrief on the Prop E and Arts Impact Endowment Virtual Community Meetings and thanked thank co-hosts Arts for a Better Bay Area, AAACC, SOMArts, Bayview Opera House, Queer Cultural Center, Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center and Native American Cultural Center.

He provided a HR update by welcoming Paris Cotz, Program Associate for the Civic Design and Special Initiatives and gave a brief update on open positions. He thanked staff especially the Community Investments staff and Deputy Director Joanne Lee for their assistance with Grants for the Arts.

He invited all to the holiday market inside City Hall on December 7 which will feature the agencyā€™s art vendors. He added this event is in collaboration with Office of Economic and Workforce Development.

He also thanked commissioners for their help during his first year as Director of Cultural Affairs and wished all a safe and happy holiday season.

President OrdeƱana thanked Director Remington for his incredible leadership during a very difficult time period for the world and the City including its vulnerable populations of artists and arts organizations. He also thanked staff for their work in supporting Grants for the Arts.

Commissioners echoed President Ordenanaā€™s sentiments thanking Director Remington for his work. They also discussed the importance of the selection of the Harlem of the West work noting its huge significance in San Francisco history. They went on to discuss the history of San Francisco. They also discussed the importance of the Geary overpass at Fillmore featuring the work by Mildred Howard and went into depth about its significance and the need to look into the redevelopment process. They also discussed the power of art to make change and the importance of public art.

Director Remington confirmed that the Mildred Howard piece is not part of the civic art collection.

Commissioner Parker Pennington called attention to the OCII redevelopment issues relating to the artists at the Shipyard. She said that she and Commissioner Walker are concerned about the impact on the artists and asked to add the issue to the agenda.

Director Remington said he will confer with staff.

There was no public comment.

6. Nomination and Election of Arts Commission Officers

Commissioner Beltran left the meeting at 2:23 p.m.

Commissioner Collins thanked the Nominating Committee which included Commissioner Ferras and Commissioner Walker. He described the Nominating Committee process and the factors that went into the decision of the Nominating Committee.

Commissioner Collins announced the Nominating Committeeā€™s recommendation for Roberto OrdeƱana and Janine Shiota continue as President and Vice President. Commissioner Collins, Ferras and Walker spoke to the factors that led to these recommendations.

Commissioner Parker Pennington offered her expertise to help further the cause of the agency. She added that all of the commissioners have unique gifts to offer the Commission.

Director Remington thanked commissioners for their help this year. He asked them to help him understand the skills of commissioners and encouraged them to make suggestions on possible future projects. He said he also depends on the commissioners to help educate him and looks forward to collaborating on current Arts Commission work.

Commissioner Ferras thanked all commissioners and staff for their feedback during this process. She also encouraged all commissioners to bring their talents to the commission.Ā 

Commissioner Parker Pennington, seconded by Commissioner Stryker moved to nominate and elect Roberto OrdeƱana as President and Janine Shiota as Vice President as officers of the Arts Commission for a term beginning on January 1, 2022.Ā Ā 

There was no public comment.

The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:

Ayes: OrdeƱana, Askew, Collins, Ferras, Lu, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, Woolford

RESOLUTION NO. 1206-21-257: Motion to nominate and elect Roberto OrdeƱana as President and Janine Shiota as Vice President as officers of the Arts Commission for a term beginning on January 1, 2022.


7. Committee Reports and Committee Matters

1. Civic Design Review Committee

Commissioner Stryker reported the last meeting was short. She shared that the Committee recently reviewed two projects including the Sandy Tatum Learning Center and PUCā€™s CDD HQ at 2000 Marin St. Project. She also thanked the CDR commissioners and staff for their hard work and commitment to the committee. She thanked Maysoun Wazwaz for her support with Civic Design Review Committee and said she looks forward to welcoming Paris Cotz at the next meeting.

Commissioner Schnair also thanked Deputy Director Joanne Lee for her efforts in organizing projects better and simplifying processes.

There was no public comment.

2. Community Investments Committee

Commissioner Collins introduced the item.

President OrdeƱana recused himself because Queer Women Of Color Media Arts Project has partnered with his employer which may cause a potential financial conflict of interest. He left the meeting at 3:13 p.m.

Commissioner Schnair, seconded by Commissioner Stryker moved to increase the grant amount of $40,000 (authorized by Resolution No. 1101-21-246) to the Queer Women Of Color Media Arts Project by $20,000, and extend the grant window through December 31, 2023 to support the Ebony McKinney Community Stewards Grantā€™s collaborative development and release of the Ebony McKinney Arts Leadership Grant with a focus on reimagining and centering racial equity, addressing harm, and the ideals embodied by the late Ebony McKinney; and, to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into an amended grant agreement not to exceed $60,000 at this time.

There was no public comment.

The motion unanimously carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Askew, Collins, Ferras, Lu, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Stryker, Walker, WoolfordĀ 

RESOLUTION NO. 1206-21-258: Motion to increase the grant amount of $40,000 (authorized by Resolution No. 1101-21-246) to the Queer Women Of Color Media Arts Project by $20,000, and extend the grant window through December 31, 2023 to support the Ebony McKinney Community Stewards Grantā€™s collaborative development and release of the Ebony McKinney Arts Leadership Grant with a focus on reimagining and centering racial equity, addressing harm, and the ideals embodied by the late Ebony McKinney; and, to authorize the Director of Cultural Affairs to enter into an amended grant agreement not to exceed $60,000 at this time.

3. Visual Arts Committee

President OrdeƱana returned to the meeting at 3:17 p.m.

Commissioner Collins left the meeting at 3:20 p.m.

1. VAC Report

Commissioner Ferras shared a number of items from the last committee meeting which included Outer Mission Island Mosaic Project by artist Kim Jensen, Futureforms for Potrero Gateway Park, Kenyatta A. C. Hinklā€™s artwork for the Southeast Community Center, Walter Kitunduā€™s artwork for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center and Flourish, 2021, by Alison Saar for the San Francisco International Airport, C3 Connector.

She thanked project managers for their hard work and staff who support the facilitation of the virtual VAC meeting. She also thanked the artists and the members of the public. She recognized Director Remingtonā€™s first year and said she looked forward to working with him in the future. She thanked Deputy Director Joanne Lee and former Commissioner Dorka Keehn for her work as the previous chair. Ā 

Commissioner Schnair thanked Commissioner Ferras for her leadership as the VAC chair. She also thanked the project managers for their hard work to make successful public art projects.

There was no public comment.

2. Presentation of the Fiscal Year 2021 Civic Art Collection Report

Senior Registrar Allison Cummings presented the fiscal year 2021 (July 1, 2020 ā€“ June 30, 2021) Civic Art Collection report. She reported the program expenditures and budgets. She also gave a summary of the work completed which included emergency response such as monument removals, the creation of the Monuments and Memorials Advisory Committee, disaster service work for the collection staff, water damage at Coit Tower, and vandalism abatement. She also shared program highlights such as conversation assessments, relocation projects, art enrichment projects, and she summarized the collection management for the year. She explained next steps for the future. Ā 

Ms. Cummings thanked Project Manager Jenn Doyle Crane, Registrar Tara Peterson and former Director of Public Art Susan Pontious.

Commissioner Ferras thanked the collections team for their work and congratulated former Director of Public Art Susan Pontious for her 30 years of work. She also congratulated President OrdeƱana and Vice President Shiota on their nomination to continue as president and vice president on behalf of the Visual Arts Committee.

There was no public comment. Ā 

8. Consent Calendar

President OrdeƱana introduced the consent calendar items.

Commissioner Stryker, seconded by Commissioner Schnair moved to approve, as presented.

There was no public comment.

The motion carried unanimously by the following vote:
Ayes: OrdeƱana, Askew, Ferras, Lu, Musleh, Parker Pennington, Schnair, Shelby, Styrker, Walker, Woolford.

RESOLUTION NO. 1206-21-259:
Approval: RESOLVED, that this Commission does hereby adopt the following items on the Consent Calendar and their related Resolutions:

1. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-260: Motion to approve the Civic Design ReviewĀ Committee Meeting Minutes ofĀ November 15, 2021.Ā Ā 

2. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-261: Motion to approve theĀ Nominating Committee MeetingĀ Minutes ofĀ October 29, 2021.Ā Ā 

3. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-262: Motion to approve theĀ Nominating CommitteeĀ Meeting Minutes ofĀ November 19, 2021.Ā Ā 

Civic Design ReviewĀ CommitteeĀ RecommendationsĀ 

4. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-263: Motion to approveĀ PhaseĀ 1 of theĀ CDD HQ at 2000 Marin St ProjectĀ with the followingĀ contingencies: that there will be another study of the administration building to give it more distinction, that there will be more visibility of the mission of the agency in the landscape and or buildings, that there will be a study to look at the screening of the roof mechanicals on the shop buildings, that materials and color will be considered, and that the team will work with the Visual Arts Committee to reconsider the placement of the art on the site.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā 

5. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-264: MotionĀ to approve Phase 3 of theĀ Sandy Tatum Learning Center Project.Ā Ā 

Visual ArtsĀ Committee Recommendations

6. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-265: Motion to approveĀ Outer Mission Island Mosaic Project,Ā a mosaic design by artist Kim Jensen. The mosaic boulders will be installed on a median strip located at Mission St. at Whipple. The mosaic boulders will measure 8 to 9 ft. high. The project is funded by a Community Challenge Grant. The artwork will not become part of the Civic Art Collection.Ā Ā 

7. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-266: MotionĀ to approve the Design Development Documents (revised artwork placement and attachment system) byĀ FutureformsĀ for an artwork at Potrero Gateway Park.Ā Ā 

8. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-267: MotionĀ to approve Construction Document Phase deliverables (material sample, engineering drawings) by Kenyatta A. C. Hinkle (KACH Studio) for the Southeast Community Centerā€”Alex Pitcher Room.Ā Ā 

9. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-268: MotionĀ to approve Final Design Development Phase deliverables (glass image selections and layout, audio sample) by WalterĀ KitunduĀ (KitunduĀ Studio, LLC) for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center.Ā Ā 

10. RESOLUTION NO.Ā 1206-21-269: Motion to approve as installed the completed artworkĀ Flourish, 2021, painted steel, by Alison Saar for the San Francisco International Airport, C3 Connector.Ā 

9. New Business and Announcements

Commissioner Ferras invited all to attend her live art performance on December 18 in collaboration with a big band and their leader Riley Bandy at Club Deluxe.

Commissioner Shelby announced an event at SF Jazz on December 19. He also thanked all who attended the event at the Bayview Opera House.

Commissioner Walker encouraged all to attend SF Glow and she announced that Charles Gadekenā€™s Entwined is back at Golden Gate Park. Ā 

Commissioner Parker Pennington said she had a good time at the Bayview Opera House event. She announced that the Bayview Opera House is hosting their annual Winter Wonderland celebration.

Commissioner Woolford congratulated Commissioner Shelby on his performance at the Bayview Opera House.

There was no public comment.

10. In Memoriam

President OrdeƱana recognized individuals, artists, cultural leaders and philanthropists who have passed away this past year: Betita Martinez, Bonnie Ora Sherk, Janice Mirikitani, Yolanda Lopez, Steve Wong, Jack Hirschman, Hung Liu, Michael Morgan, Debra ā€œDebbieā€ King, Etel Adnan, Moira Roth, Lew Thomas, Manuel Neri, Ronn Guidi, Clarence "Cuba" Robbs, Charlotte Shultz

11. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:12 p.m.

Posted 12/20/2021, 1:33 p.m., adv

approved 1/10/22


Archives Available
A recording of this meeting will be available online after the meeting at the following address:Ā https://sfgov.org/arts/audio-archive-8.

Language Accessibility

Translated written materials and interpretation services are available to you at no cost. For assistance, please notify Commission SecretaryĀ Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255,Ā Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org.

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Materiales traducidos y servicios de interpretaciĆ³n estĆ”n disponibles para usted de manera gratuita. Para asistencia, notifique a Commission SecretaryĀ Alyssa Ventre, 415-252-2255,Ā Alyssa.ventre@sfgov.org