City and County of San FranciscoCivil Service Commission

August 15, 2011 Regular Meeting

Civil Service Commission - August 15, 2011





Regular Meeting


August 15, 2011


2:00 p.m.


1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place


A request to hear an item after should be directed to the Executive
Officer as soon as possible following the receipt of notification of an upcoming hearing.  Requests may be made by telephone at (415) 252-3247 and confirmed in writing or by fax at (415) 252-3260. 


Order of Business






























A.      Commission Office

The Civil Service Commission office is located at,

25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA94102
.  The telephone number is (415) 252-3247.  The fax number is (415) 252-3260.  The email address is and the web address is  Office hours are from to , Monday through Friday.


B.      Policy Requiring Written Reports

It is the policy of the Civil Service Commission that except for appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing, all items appearing on its agenda be supported by a written report prepared by Commission or departmental staff.  All documents referred to in any Agenda Document are posted adjacent to the Agenda, or if more than one (1) page in length, available for public inspection and copying at the Civil Service Commission office.  Reports from City and County personnel supporting agenda items are submitted in accordance with the procedures established by the Executive Officer.  Reports not submitted according to procedures, in the format and quantity required, and by the deadline, will not be calendared.


C.      Policy on Written Submissions by Appellants

All written material submitted by appellants to be considered by the Commission in support of an agenda item shall be submitted to the Commission office, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fourth (4th) business day preceding the Commission meeting for which the item is calendared (ordinarily, on Tuesday).  An original and nine (9) copies on 8 1/2-inch X 11 inch paper, three-hole punched on left margin, and page numbered in the bottom center margin, shall be provided.  Written material submitted for the Commission’s review becomes part of a public record and shall be open for public inspection.


D.      Policy and Procedure for Hearings to be Scheduled after and Requests for Postponement

A request to hear an item after should be directed to the Executive Officer as soon as possible following the receipt of notification of an upcoming hearing.  Requests may be made by telephone at (415) 252-3247 and confirmed in writing or by fax at (415) 252-3260.

A request for a postponement (continuance) to delay an item to another meeting may be directed to the Commission
Executive Officer by telephone or in writing.  Before acting, the Executive Officer may refer certain requests to another City official for recommendation.  Telephone requests must be confirmed in writing prior to the meeting.  Immediately following the “Announcement of Changes” portion of the agenda at the beginning of the meeting, the Commission will consider a request for a postponement that has been previously denied.  Appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing shall be  considered on the date it is calendared for hearing except under extraordinary circumstances and upon mutual agreement between the appellant and the Department of Human Resources.


E.       Policy and Procedure on Hearing Items Out of Order

Requests to hear items out of order are to be directed to the Commission President at the beginning of the agenda.  The President will rule on each request.  Such requests may be granted with mutual agreement among the affected parties.


F.   Procedure for Commission Hearings

All Commission hearings on disputed matters shall conform to the following procedures: The Commission reserves the right to question each party during its presentation and, in its discretion, to modify any time allocations and requirements.


If a matter is severed from the Consent Agenda or the Ratification Agenda, presentation by the opponent will be for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes and response by the departmental representative for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes.  Requests by the public to sever items from the [Consent Agenda or] Ratification Agenda must be provided with justification for the record. 


For items on the Regular Agenda, presentation by the departmental representative for a maximum time of five (5) minutes and response by the opponent for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes.


For items on the Separations Agenda, presentation by the department followed by the employee or employee’s
representative shall be for a maximum time limit of ten (10) minutes for each party unless extended by the Commission.  Each presentation shall conform to the following:


1.        Opening summary of case (brief overview);

2.        Discussion of evidence;

3.        Corroborating witnesses, if necessary; and

4.        Closing remarks.


The Commission may allocate five (5) minutes for each side to rebut evidence presented by the other side.


G.  Policy on Audio Recording of Commission Meetings

As provided in the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance, all Commission meetings are audio recorded in digital form.  These audio recordings of open sessions are available starting on the day after the Commission meeting on the Civil Service Commission website at


H.      Speaking before the Civil Service Commission

Speaker cards are not required.  The Commission will take public comment on all items appearing on the agenda at the time the item is heard.  The Commission will take public comment on matters not on the Agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the Commission during the “Requests to Speak” portion of the regular meeting.  Maximum time will be three (3) minutes.  A subsequent comment after the three (3) minute period is limited to one (1) minute.  The timer shall be in operation during public comment.  Upon any specific request by a Commissioner, time may be extended.


I.   Policy on use of Cell Phones, Pagers and Similar Sound-Producing Electronic Devices at and During Public Meetings

The ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting.  Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.


Information on Disability Access

The Civil Service Commission normally meets in Room 400 (Fourth Floor) City Hall,

1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
. However, meetings not held in this room are conducted in the CivicCenter area.  City Hall is wheelchair accessible.  The closest accessible BART station is the CivicCenter, located 2 ½ blocks from City Hall.  Accessible MUNI lines serving City Hall are
47 Van Ness Avenue
, 9 San Bruno and 71 Haight/Noriega, as well as the METRO stations at Van Ness and Market and at CivicCenter.  For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 923-6142.  Accessible curbside parking has been designated at points in the vicinity of City Hall adjacent to
Grove Street
Van Ness Avenue


The following services are available on request 48 hours prior to the meeting; except for Monday meetings, for which the deadline shall be of the last business day of the preceding week.  For American Sign Language interpreters or the use of a reader during a meeting, a sound enhancement system, and/or alternative formats of the agenda and minutes, please contact the Commission office to make arrangements for the accommodation.  Late requests will be honored, if possible.


Individuals with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities should call our ADA coordinator at (415) 252-3254 or (415) 252-3247 to discuss meeting accessibility.  In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate such people, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products.  Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.


Know your Rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code)

Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public.  Commissions, boards,
councils, and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business.  This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review.  For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance or to report a violation of the ordinance, or to obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance, contact Chris Rustom, Administrator of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 at (415) 554-7724, by fax: (415) 554-7854, by e-mail:, or on the City’s website at


San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance

Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Section 2.100) to
register and report lobbying activity.  For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at

25 Van Ness Ave., Suite 220, San Francisco, CA  94102
, telephone (415) 252-3100,
fax (415) 252-3112 and web site


Materials Distributed to Commissioners After Distribution of Agenda Packet

If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Civil Service Commission after distribution of the agenda packet, those materials are available for public inspection at the Civil Service Commission office, 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720 during normal office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday).





City and County of San Francisco

Civil Service Commission


Agenda for Regular Meeting

August 15, 2011

2:00 p.m.












President E. Dennis Normandy


Vice President Donald A. Casper


Commissioner Morgan R. Gorrono


Commissioner Mary Y. Jung


Commissioner Lisa Seitz Gruwell













Regular Meeting of August 1, 2011














Announcement of changes to agenda




Other announcements











Report on Pending Appeals Log as of June 30, 2011.  (File No. 0224-11-1 ) - Action Item





Accept the report.




All matters on the Ratification Agenda are considered by the Civil Service Commission to be non-contested and will be acted upon by a single vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a request is made; in which event, the matter shall be removed from the Ratification Agenda and considered as a separate item.  Each individual addressing the Commission will be limited to a maximum time limit of five minutes for all items severed from the Ratification Agenda.


Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting and are located in the Civil Service Commission office at

25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA94102




Review of request for approval of proposed personal services contracts. 
(File No. 0208-11-8) – Action Item





Type of Service

Type of Approval





Public Utilities Commission


The proposed work consists of periodic combined ground and airborne Light Detection and Ranging

(LiDAR) surveys of HHWP’s 160 miles of 230 kV and 115 kV overhead transmission line systems that run from Hetch Hetchy to Newark. Many of the survey areas are in rugged terrain and remote locations.







Public Utilities Commission



Work consists of planning and engineering of Wastewater Enterprises’ Central Bayside System drainage basin improvements from Mission Creek to Islais Creek. Primary scope items include up to 8,000 feet of 20+ feet diameter tunnel from Channel Pump Station to the Southeast Plant (SEP), a large deep pump station near the SEP, modification to the Channel PS and the Flynn PS, micro-tunnel connections to satellite pump stations and green infrastructures within the basin.






August 1, 2011:

Postpone PSC #’s 4013-11/12 and 4014-11/12 to the meeting of August 15, 2011 at the request of the Public Utilities Commission.





Adopt the report; Approve request for proposed personal service contracts.  Notify the Office of the Controller and the Office of Contract Administration.




Review of request for approval of proposed personal services contract. 
(File No. 0220-11-8) – Action Item





Type of Service

Type of Approval






Postponed from 8/1/11


See Item #7

Public Utilities Commission


Work consists of planning and engineering of Wastewater Enterprises’ Central Bayside System drainage basin improvements from Mission Creek to Islais Creek. Primary scope items include up to 8,000 feet of 20+ feet diameter tunnel from Channel Pump Station to the Southeast Plant (SEP), a large deep pump station near the SEP, modification to the Channel PS and the Flynn PS, micro-tunnel connections to satellite pump stations and green infrastructures within the basin.




Airport Commission


Complete certain tasks related to user adoption and data edits of the Airport’s enterprise-wide PMBS used to monitor, track and report revenue and other key business information on all San FranciscoInternationalAirport property leases, space permits, and other property contracts. Implementation includes training of Airport staff on how to use the system’s features to the fullest extent, data updates, documen-tation and select other changes to support required functionality. This request is to complete the user adoption and data edits tasks of the original PSC 4041-06/07 that expired (November 30, 2009) and totaled $590,000 which included the software, hardware, and services. The portion of the PSC amount devoted to services, including training, was estimated to be approximately 56% (or $330,000).




Airport Commission


This is an agreement to partially fund SamTrans owl bus service between SFO and San Francisco to the

north and Palo Alto to the south. SamTrans is the bus operator that uses its own buses and facilities to

operate in San MateoCounty. This is a late night bus service that operates 7 days per week between the

hours of 12:45 a.m. and 6:00 a.m.




Airport Commission


Engineering and consulting design services to replace existing obsolete Airport access control system in

order to comply with NFPA Fire Code, meet new TSA guideline: Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations

(CFR) Chapter XII Part 1542 - Airport Security, secure Airport Operations Area (AOA) and improve Airport security. The work includes field work, preparation of construction bid plans and specifica-tion and integration of existing Airport systems to the new access control.




Airport Commission


SFO is embarking on the creation of a sustainability plan in which all operations, procedures, and practices will be aligned with sustainability principles. This program includes several elements as follows: 1) Update the 2007 Environmental Sustainability Report (ESR) to summarize the various environmental achievements by the Airport. 2) Secure Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for Operation and Maintenance practices at SFO Terminal Complex from U.S. Green Building Council. This certification would indicate that SFO follows sustainable practices for main-taining the entire terminal complex. 3) Develop an overall Sustainability Plan for SFO. This plan would provide sustainability guidelines for all SFO operations, procedures, and practices and would constitute the basic plan for creating a sustainable Airport. 4) Update the annual Departmental Climate Action Plan (DCAP). The SFO DCAP has been recognized by the Department of Environment as a national trend setter for developing a Climate

Action Plan. City Ordinance No. 8108 (attached) requires that the DCAP be updated annually by each City Department.




Art Commission


Eight Writers Corps Artist-in-Residence will conduct writing classes with youth in need at up to 14 sites in

San Francisco.  Artists-in-Residence will serve youth who may be educationally disadvantaged, recently

immigrated, homeless, incarcerated, or in crisis. Artists-in-Residence will teach and mentor targeted youth to increase their learning, writing and public speaking skills. Artists-in-Residence will plan and organize lesson plans, facilitate writing workshops; compile, design and edit publications of youth writing; and help to organize city-wide literary arts events for participating youth.  Artists-in-Residence will work for ten months from September to June.




Public Works


DPW is seeking two qualified teams of consultants to be the City’s representatives in leading and coordinating the material testing and special inspection services related to the construction of ESER projects.  The two contract amounts are approximately $1,900,000 and $620,000 to provide MTSI services for the PublicSafetyBuilding and the Fire Stations component respectively.  The Materials Testing and Special Inspection (MTSI) Team will be responsible for the monitoring of the materials and workmanship of all work that is critical to the integrity of a building structure to ensure compliance with the approved plans and specifications for Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response

(ESER) Bond Program projects, including the PublicSafetyBuilding and the fire-station comprehensive &

seismic renovation projects. The Special Inspectors will be responsible for performing all structural

inspections prescribed by Local and State Building Codes and other regulatory agencies, including but not limited to concrete placement & sampling; reinforcing steel; shotcrete, bolts installed in new concrete; drilled dowels and anchors; structural welding; special moment-resisting frame; high-strength bolting, structural masonry; special grading and in-place soil density tests (soil compaction), excavation, and backfill; and sprayed-on fireproofing. The selected MTSI Team will provide specialized expertise to supplement Civil Service classifications that can normally perform and will be managed by City staff. The City’s Materials Testing Lab will also be utilized to perform testing for in-place soil density, reinforcing steel testing, drilled dowels and anchors, and concrete sampling.




Municipal Transportation Agency


The real estate planning advisors or consultants will provide commercial real estate planning services and

any other related services to produce a financially sound and cost-effective real estate planning analysis,

study, or other work product as requested by the SFMTA. The elected real estate planning advisory or

consultant will provide qualified personnel for services which may include, but are not limited to, the

following: existing and strategic real estate and facilities portfolio analyses, planning, and recommendations Strategic real estate and facility planning re: real estate acquisitions and modifications required to support growth in the SFMTA’s vehicle fleets and new facilities and/or upgrades; including economic evaluations, development planning, and financial analysis; Commercial retail space leasing market and analysis and recommendations; planning and market research for real estate and policy analysis on urban development issues (e.g., current zoning, height, bulk, floor area ration [FAR], existing and surrounding uses for various sites, schematic plans for outreach meetings); Existing portfolio analysis, planning, and strategic

recommendation; Transit Oriented Development planning (TOD) and analysis; and other requested advisory services.




Treasurer/Tax Collector


TTX is seeking a proven complete Solution for the management of CCSF’s Business Tax Division. The

current BTS is a mainframe COBOL application whose functionality and support have long been

over-reached. TTX has complex requirements due to frequent legislation changes and large number of

departments relying on its services. BTS does not have the flexibility to meet CCSF’s growing requirements nor can it satisfy potential efficiencies from improved workflow and technologies.






Adopt the report; Approve request for proposed personal service contracts.  Notify the Office of the Controller and the Office of Contract Administration.



All matters on the Consent Agenda considered by the Civil Service Commission will be acted upon by a single vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a request is made; in which event, the matter shall be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered as a separate item.  Each individual addressing the Commission will be limited to a maximum time limit of five minutes for all items severed from the Consent Agenda.


Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting and are located in the Civil Service Commission office at

25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA94102




Municipal Transportation Agency’s Report on Provisional Appointments. 
(File No. 0221-11-1) – Action Item





Adopt the report.





Municipal Transportation Agency’s Report on Appointments Exempt from Civil Service under Charter Section 10.104.16 through 10.104.18.  (File No. 0222-11-1) – Action Item





Adopt the report.





Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting and are located in the Civil Service Commission office at

25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720,
San Francisco, CA94102




Appeal by Sonya Knudsen of the Human Resources Director’s determination of insufficient evidence to support her charge of discrimination – EEO File #1371. 
(File No. 0343-09-6) – Action Item




July 18, 2011:

Postpone to the meeting of August 15, 2011 at the request of Sonya Knudsen.





Adopt the report.  Sustain the decision of the Human Resources Director; Deny the appeal by Sonya Knudsen.








Appeal by Cecilia Jaroslawsky of the Human Resources Director’s determination of failure to allege facts raising an inference of discrimination based on age. 
(File No. 0097-11-6) – Action Item




May 16, 2011:

Postpone to the meeting of June 20, 2011 by agreement between the Department of Human Resources and Cecilia Jaroslawsky.  Stipulate this will be the last continuance granted. 




June 20, 2011:

Continue to the meeting of July 18, 2011.  The motion to: Adopt the report; Sustain the decision of the Human Resources Director; Deny the appeal by Cecilia Jaroslawsky failed.  (Vote of 1 to 2; Commissioners Casper and Jung dissent.)  Three (3) votes are needed for Commission action.




July 18, 2011:

Postpone to a meeting when all five Commissioners are present; and, when issues of allegations about a flawed process, namely, failure to redact confidential information and to follow the arbitration order have been addressed. 





Adopt the report.  Sustain the decision of the Human Resources Director; Deny the appeal by Cecilia Jaroslawsky.






