City and County of San FranciscoJuvenile Probation Department

February 17, 2010

Full Commission - February 17, 2010




Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

5:30 p.m.

City Hall, Hearing Room 263

#1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102


Rebecca Woodson, President

Katharine Albright, Vice President

Dirk Beijen

Julian Chang

Ellouise Patton

Sarah Ching Ting Wan

Meeting Minutes

1. Roll call

  • The Commission President called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Commissioners Albright, Beijen, Chang, Wan and Woodson were present. Commissioner Patton was not present.

2. Public Comment

  • No public comments.

3. Review and Approval of the Full Commission Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2010 (ACTION ITEM)

  • Motion to approve the Full Commission Meeting Minutes of January 13, 2010 by Commissioner Chang, second by Commissioner Beijen, and approved by the rest of the Commission.
  • No public comments.

4. Commission President Woodson’s Report on Budget Meeting with Mayor and Commission Presidents held 1/26/10 (DISCUSSION ONLY)

  • The deficit is larger because of the lack of federal funds and bigger statewide cuts in California. It is estimated at $522.2 million. This assumes only $40 million in state cuts, even though $200 million was projected.
  • The deficit was calculated based on the Governor asking for $6 billion from federal money. Even with this money, California would have a $200 million shortfall that would affect the city budget.
  • Property taxes are down $97 million and payroll taxes are down by $14.7 million.
  • Mayor expects layoffs to be three times higher than last year.
  • Mayor urged Commission Presidents to work with department and other departments to find creative solutions to see whether there could be overlapping funds that could be dispersed.
  • No public comments.

5. Review and Approve Finance Committee Letter Recommending JPD’s Budget (DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEM)

  • Sue Wong, Finance Director, discussed the highlights of the powerpoint presentation given at the 02/16 Finance Committee meeting.
  • The revenue sources, which is not general fund, is around $6 million and represents 17% of the JPD budget. JPD is general fund dependent. 73% of the budget is personnel and a 30% budget cut would take into consideration personnel and layoffs.
  • There is an 11% revenue shortfall at the state level, which equals $338,000 less in Juvenile Probation camps funding (probation services and LCR).
  • Asset Forfeiture funds is a new one-time revenue source of $150,000 from the Police Department. By state law the police department allocates a certain proportion of funds, obtained when they seize property from criminal activities, to different city departments (District Attorney; Sheriff; JPD and Police Department). The ongoing revenue source is around $30,000.
  • The expense chart reflects a total cut of $1.6 million.
  • The summary chart provides the reductions. 20 positions will be affected: three from administrative; seven food service staff (three remain); and 10 probation services positions.
  • The new Food Service contract would generate a savings of $280,000. All the meals would be prepared offsite. On an annual basis, the savings increase to $385,000 per year. It is called a Prop J, and once the BOS approves it, it bypasses the Civil Service Commission, but must abide by the HRC ordinances.
  • COMM Bejen motioned to approve JPD’s budget, second by COMM Chang and approved by the rest of the Commission.
  • No public comments.
  • COMM Albright stated that the department has a significant challenge with the state and city budget cuts. The Mayor has recommended that all departments reduce their budgets by 30%, which totals $7.6 million for JPD.
  • COMM Albright reviewed the draft budget letter with the Commission in support of JPD’s budget to be signed by the Commission President. COMM Chang motioned to approve the letter, second by COMM Beijen and approved the rest of the Commission.
  • No public comments.

6. Presentation on The Youth PROMISE (Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring Intervention, Support, and Education) Act, HR 1065 by Julia Sabory, Youth Commission (DISCUSSION ONLY)

  • Commissioner Carlson and Julia Sabory with the Youth Commission, introduced the Promise Act, which is a federal grant to develop comprehensive programs to implement evidence based prevention and intervention strategies and can be funded for up to four years.
  • There are 219 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, including 18 Republicans, and was introduced by Senators Casey (D-PA) and Snowe (R-ME).
  • The Act has 230 national and state local organizations supporting it and recently gained the support of the City and County of SF Board of Supervisors.
  • The program needs funding support from SF and other counties.
  • Senator Feinstein introduced the Gang Abatement Act, which focuses federal funds on law enforcement and gang suppression programs. This is very similar to the prevention focused Promise Act.
  • COMM Woodson asked if the Programs Committee wanted to recommend a possible resolution in support of the Promise Act to the Full Commission.
    COMM Beijen will look at Senator Feinstein’s competing bill and discuss this option at the next Programs Committee meeting.
  • Public Comment:
    Julia Sabory spoke on behalf of Joanna Hernandez. Ms. Hernandez wanted to express that most summer school activities have been cancelled and there will be a lot more young people on the streets getting into trouble. She wants to find ways to sponsor Youth Commission programs for these youths.
  • No further public comments.

7. Report to the Commission (DISCUSSION ONLY)

a. Chief’s Report

  • Juvenile Justice Center (JJC) Update.
    Chief Siffermann expressed that they have taken trips in the evening and weekends to JJC to introduce new ways of thinking and offering support to youths. JJC needs to look for ways to do their jobs more efficiently with all the reductions, but have the commitment of administration and the staff.
  • Probation Services Update.
    Chief Siffermann expressed that probation officers have partnered with many departments, primarily the police department, to guide youths, keep the city safe and prevent the small percentage of youths from violating their probation.
  • Log Cabin Ranch (LCR) Update.
    LCR witnessed a homecoming from two former graduates after the MYSI model was established. The return of the graduates and their testimonies had a positive impact on the youths. The new model is a progressive vision at LCR. It has allowed new activities for youths, such as constructing picnic tables and planters, which the youths now garden and cultivate.
  • No public comments.

8. Future Agenda Items (ACTION ITEM)


  • Election for President and Vice President in March.
  • Update on Promise Act in April.
  • Chief’s Report: Update on 03/04 Rules Committee on Undocumented Youths in March.
  • No public comments.

9. Adjournment (ACTION ITEM)

  • The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m.