City and County of San FranciscoJuvenile Probation Department

June 8, 2011

Full Commission - June 8, 2011







Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

6 p.m.

African American Art & Culture Complex

762 Fulton Street, Hall of Culture Room

San Francisco, CA 94102



Julian Chang, President

Dirk Beijen, Vice President

Katharine Albright

Joseph Arellano

Susan Jones

Sarah Ching Ting Wan
Rebecca Woodson


Meeting Minutes


1.     Roll Call
The Commission President called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.  Commissioners Arellano, Chang, Wan and Woodson were present.  Commissioner Albright arrived at 6:16 p.m.  Commissioners Beijen and Jones were excused. 


2.     No public comments.


3.     Review and Approval of the Full Commission Meeting Minutes of April 13­­­, 2011 (ACTION ITEM)

Motion to approve the April 13, 2011 Full Commission Meeting Minutes by COMM Albright, second by COMM Wan, and approved by the rest of the Commission. 
No public comments.


4.     African American Art & Culture Complex (AAACC) Presentation by London Breed, Executive Director, AAACC (DISCUSSION ONLY)

AAACC is a 3400 square foot arts facility and has performances, events, plays, classes, and programs (30% of classes are for kids).  A number of arts organizations utilize space to produce their work.  Currently, AAACC has a partnership with DeYoung Museum, where an artist receives a $25,000 fellowship.  Throughout the space, art is exhibited and artists are paid for their work.  A state of the art recording facility was built so kids could have an opportunity where they could work hard, be successful and feel safe, instead of turning to crime.  Education and employment is now a reality.  The goal is to make a difference and provide opportunities to kids so they do not turn to crime and prosper in their adult lives.  Chief Siffermann expressed that JPD would be happy to explore any opportunities with AAACC to assist kids.  Ms. Breed said that JPD’s Probation Officers have been bringing kids to AAACC to express themselves in an artistic manner. 
COMM Chang asked how integrated the AAACC arts programs are with the school district.  Ms. Breed said that they have a list of teachers from the school district and send out flyers when they are looking to hire instructors. 
COMM Chang asked how the kids get jobs.  Ms. Breed said that when they perform as artists, they get paid.  In addition, they get paid a stipend in teen programs.  Kids are introduced to executives and successful entrepreneurs to inspire them. 
No public comments.

5.     Commission President Chang's Update on Mayor Lee's 06-01-11 Budget Speech (DISCUSSION ONLY)
The City’s budget is $6.83 billion dollars and does not include any budget cuts for police officers, fire fighters, nurses and JPD.  The Mayor stated that SF needed to be safe, successful, and solvent.  Chief Siffermann added that an important element to the Mayor’s budget preparation was that the Mayor met with each supervisor in their districts, as well as the community, to hear their concerns.  In addition, all of JPD’s recommendations were advanced to BOS with the exception of the proposal to expand LCR to include another pod, which will require $600,000-700,000.  JPD received this news a week before the budget was approved by the Mayor’s Office and a few supervisors have since visited LCR. 
COMM Woodson asked if adbacks would be required for this development at LCR since the Mayor wanted to move away from this as mentioned at the prior budget meeting.  Chief Siffermann said that there may be some need for adbacks.  This would be the third pod this year and a fourth pod will be added the following year. 
No public comments.


6.     Chief Probation Officer Siffermann’s Nomination of Commission’s Certificate of Recognition for Sai-Ling Chan Sew, Director of Community Behavioral Health Services, Department of Public Health (DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ITEM)
Sai-Ling Chan Sew is retiring after 30 years of service at the end of June and her work has had a positive impact at JPD.  She has helped youth and families that address behavioral health needs, and her work has enhanced other city departments and agencies.  She was instrumental in helping the clinical services at LCR, as well as setting up the multi-systemic therapy system offered to youths in lieu of out-of-home placement.   
Motion to approve by COMM Albright, second by COMM Wan, and approved by the rest of the commission.   
No public comment.


7.     Report to the Commission (DISCUSSION ONLY)

a.  Chief’s Report:


Update on Operations and Programs

·         Census at Juvenile Hall for the past five months is 89 kids; five of the units are open.  This represents a 28% reduction in the average daily population from 2008;

·         Staff has had shift bidding with collective bargaining units;

·         Use of FMLA benefits has been an issue due to individuals being late to work and shifts need to be covered, which adds to salary utilization.  There are 11 Probation Services staff members on long-term disability, which has reduced the workforce.  The leave status positions cannot be filled and adjustments of staff have been made; court operations have been reduced, which has been difficult on the court system.  JPD is looking at other city departments to see how they manage their FMLA benefits;

·         The third vision testing at Berkeley Vision Center occurred. 15 youths have already been tested;   

·         A department wide review and revision of all policies and procedure manuals is underway for administration, LCR and JJC and is headed by a private, non-for-profit group;

·         Director of Probation Services is still vacant;

·         The LCR Director position is still vacant.  LCR’s population is stabilized.  There are 22 youths at LCR; 1/3 of the youth are in their final phase of the program.  The furlough system has been expanded under Assistant Chief Probation Officer Allen Nance; the staff meets with the youths to discuss their progress prior to discharge.  The staff organized the first annual Men’s Conference at LCR.  Bay Area motivational speakers attended and addressed the youths;

·         Budget update: The LCR expansion was not accepted by the Mayor, but the need was recognized.  After the budget was approved by the Commission and JPD was not going to be held to the further 10% reduction, Chief Siffermann advanced on developing a more balanced executive leadership component at JPD, something he has been working on for the past six years.  With the working capital of the Mayor’s Budget Office, Chief Siffermann advanced the salary/position adjustment held by Allison Magee to a comparable level of Assistant Chief Probation Officer to the Mayor’s Budget Office for review and approval.  It was accepted, is now part of the budget, and is based on the organizational needs of JPD.  One assistant director would be involved in programs and services; the other would be involved in back-office and operations affecting JPD.  JPD has the support of the BOS’ Budget Committee Chair and will seek the support of the remaining Committee.  The Budget Analyst will look for ways to trim department budgets and JPD is prepared to reduce budget and supplies; food allowance; and overtime.  Chief Siffermann wanted the Commission to be aware of this change. 
COMM Wan asked what the costs would be for the LCR expansion.  In addition, in order to make the salary adjustment for Allison’s position, where is the savings coming from to make the budget balance?  The Chief said the balance comes from the adjustment of two positions and will provide the Commission with the supportive documentation.  The Chief said that the LCR expansion (a new unit; 14 beds) would cost around $600,000. 

·         No public comments. 


b.  Committee Reports


8.     Future Agenda Items (ACTION ITEM)


·         COMM Chang proposed that the September Full Commission meeting be held offsite at the Southeast Community Facility in the Bayview (District #10) at 6 p.m. and expressed that Supervisor Cohen is supportive about having the meeting at this location.  Chief Siffermann said that he had wanted community based courts for juveniles held at this facility and is hopeful with the upcoming meeting that this will provide an avenue for probation or court activities. 
COMM Albright supports this meeting location and suggests having other meetings in Chinatown or the west side so that all community members can attend.    

·         No public comments.

9.     Adjournment (ACTION ITEM)
The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.