City and County of San FranciscoJuvenile Probation Department

March 14, 2012

Full Commission - March 14, 2012



Regular Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
5:30 p.m.
City Hall, Hearing Room 408
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Julian Chang, President
Dirk Beijen, Vice President
Katharine Albright
Joseph Arellano
Susan Jones
Sarah Ching Ting Wan
Rebecca Woodson

Meeting Minutes

1. Roll Call
• The Commission President called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
Commissioners Albright, Beijen, Chang, Jones, Wan and Woodson were present. Commissioner Arellano was excused.

2. Public comments.
• No public comments.

3. Review and Approval of the Full Commission Meeting Minutes of February 8, 2012 (ACTION ITEM)
• Motion to approve the February 8, 2012 Full Commission Meeting Minutes by COMM Albright, second by COMM Beijen, and approved by the rest of the Commission.  No public comments.

4. Presentation on Children’s Services Allocation Plan (CSAP) by Maria Su, Director, DCYF (DISCUSSION ONLY)
• The draft plan for 2013-2013 included the overview of the process for developing the plan and review of core strategies and investments allocations.
• The guiding principles build on what’s working; draw on available data to illuminate areas of greatest need; champion strategies that advance best practices; and focus resources for maximum leverage and impact.
• The department’s commitment to their twin core outcomes focuses on learning and school success, while recognizing that a wide range of supporting outcomes are preconditions that make educational attainment possible. The strategies are designed to work to achieve developmentally meaningful outcomes, from birth through adulthood, and are committed to investments that support all SF children, youth and families, while focusing to help those who are most at risk.
• DCYF developed strategies and proposed allocations. They are planning for growth, but preparing for cuts. The investment prioritize resources for child care subsidies and to maintain commitment to cover child care program cost. In addition, DCYF would like to shift resources to comprehensive afterschool programming; location of afterschool programming; increase comprehensive summer programming; Y-LEaD; health and nutrition; violence prevention and intervention; and systems development.
COMM Chang asked how the department differentiates on specialized activities with after school programs and the funding. Deputy Su said that comprehensive before and after school programs provides an entire five day a week curriculum for students that reflect working parents’ hours and specialized activities are services that are provided one-to-two days out of the week. Comprehensive programs would prioritized and be funded over specialized programs.
COMM Chang asked what DCYF was doing to reach out to the private sector for funding. Director Su said this is being explored through Y-LEaD.
COMM Wan asked if they anticipate any state funding. Director Su said that most funding is coming from General and Children’s fund. She does not believe the state will have any more reductions.
COMM Woodson asked about the strategies for out-of-school time. Director Su said that they will be working with the school district to leverage the state after school funds to provide more services to children. DCYF is also working with CBO’s to walk kids to their after school programs. Director Su commended Chief Siffermann and JPD for their support and partnership. Chief Siffermann thanked Director Su and stated that JPD has gained more value and increased its credibility based on DCYF’s vision and leadership within the past seven years.
COMM Chang thanked Director Su and Chief Siffermann for their efforts.  No public comments.

5. Report to the Commission (DISCUSSION ONLY)

a. Chief’s Report:

• JPD's Use of the Juvenile Justice Center Outdoor Recreation Areas.
Chief Siffermann said that the Youth Commission resolution calls attention to Juvenile Probation’s limited use to the outdoor recreational area in the new detention center. The outdoor recreational area is very large and is divided into three areas: the center area is the largest, which includes a volleyball court, simulated baseball diamond and a soccer field. The two side areas, with basketball courts, have not been extensively used because of the gym, which satisfies Title 15 requirements for exercise. JPD has been in discussion with the Youth Commissions’ Committee to utilize this space and JPD’s concerns are the need for staff and the repairs it would need to make it safe. The resolution was to agree to make more use of the two side areas on a regular basis, weather permitting. Mario Yedidia, Youth Commission Director, echoed the sentiments of Chief Siffermann. Mr. Yedidia would be grateful for the Mayor and BOS to provide the type of capital and resources that JPD needs to make the recreational area accessible.
Pastor Ayers, Brothers for Change, commended the Youth Commission for getting involved to help youths reach their potential with sports. Chaplain Robinson, Juvenile Hall, supports the use of the recreational area. He would like to see a better curriculum at Juvenile Hall with the chaplains and pastors and positive programs.  No public comments.

b. Committee Reports

• COMM Wan reported that the Finance Committee met on February 23, 2012 and drafted the Mayor’s Budget letter in support of JPD’s budget. COMM Wan thanked Allison Magee and Catherine McGuire for providing the figures needed for the letter.
• COMM Beijen reported that the Programs Committee met on March 13, 2012 and Denise Coleman, Director, Huckleberry Community Assessment and Referral Center (CARC) and Tacing Parker, Program Director, Truancy Assessment Resource Center (TARC) presented. CARC began its operation in 1998; it is a partnership that includes JPD, SFPD, DCYF, Sheriff’s Department and various CBO’s. CARC now has an advisory board; a full-time on-site therapist for mental health issues; more focus on case management; mentoring component made up of trained college students; and have a secure location for police officers and inspectors to conduct interviews.
TARC began its operation in May 2010 and shares space with CARC. It serves primarily middle school aged children, their families and schools to get kids back to school to obtain educational success.
COMM Beijen said that COMM Woodson made an excellent suggestion that the commission may wish to hold another Full Commission meeting at CARC in the future. Ms Coleman welcomed this suggestion.
COMM Woodson stated that she was impressed by the overall positive updates by both organizations. TARC really addressed the truancy issues; stickers are given to merchants to put on their windows with a number to call when kids are spotted loitering when they should be in school.
COMM Jones noted the metrics and the low recidivism rate. Chief Siffermann added that JPD is on the advisory board. Pastor Ares supports CARC, was a former employee of TARC, and is concerned with tech companies promoting violent video games. Chaplain Robinson would like to develop a family task force to counsel families and provide more of a leadership role.
COMM Albright would like explore the possibility of counseling not only for the child, but the parents.  No further public comments.

6. Review and Approval of the Full Commission Letter Recommending JPD’s Budget to the Mayor’s Office (DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEM)
• COMM Albright motioned to accept the Mayor’s Budget Letter, with the noted changes; seconded by COMM Beijen; and approved by the rest of the commission.  No public comments.

7. Future Agenda Items (ACTION ITEM)

• COMM Albright inquired about a long-term capital needs hearing for both the community and department. Chief Siffermann thought it was a good idea and will discuss it with Ms. Magee and Ms. McGuire.
• Full Commission Offsite Meeting Locations and Dates:
The April 11th Full Commission Meeting will be held off-site at John O’Connell High School, located at 2355 Folsom Street, Room 210, now beginning at 6 p.m.
Other offsite meetings discussed: CARC; District 3 or 11.  COMM Jones will look into Potrero Hill Neighborhood House.  No public comments.

8. Adjournment (ACTION ITEM)
• The meeting adjourned at 7 p.m.