City and County of San FranciscoJuvenile Probation Department

October 18, 2012

Full Commission - October 18, 2012



Regular Meeting Minutes
Thursday, October 18, 2012
5:30 p.m.
City Hall, Hearing Room 408
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102

Julian Chang, President
Dirk Beijen, Vice President
Katharine Albright
Joseph Arellano
Susan Jones
Sarah Ching Ting Wan
Rebecca Woodson

Meeting Minutes

1. Roll Call
• The Commission President called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. Commissioners Albright, Beijen, Chang, Wan and Woodson were present. Commissioner Arellano and Jones were excused.

2. Public Comments
• No public comments.

3. Review and Approval of the Full Commission Meeting Minutes of September 12, 2012 (ACTION ITEM)
• Motion to approve the September 12, 2012 Full Commission Meeting Minutes by COMM Albright, second by COMM Beijen, with the exception that the meeting was called to order by the Vice President, and approved by the rest of the Commission.
• No public comments.

4. Nomination of Commission’s Certificate of Recognition for Allen Nance, Assistant Chief Probation Officer, Juvenile Probation Department, by William Siffermann, Chief Probation Officer (DISCUSSION AND ACTION ITEM)
• Chief Siffermann expressed the tremendous work put forth by Assistant Chief Nance for the past two years as Director at LCR, in addition to his responsibilities as Assistant Chief Probation Officer. Without Assistant Chief Nance’s efforts, JPD would not have advanced the programming or have had the prominent impact of youths that emerged from LCR. Assistant Chief Nance’s level of commitment greatly impacted LCR.
• COMM Beijen has encountered LCR graduates and always inquires about the programs and how they are being run. Assistant Chief Nance is always held in the highest esteem by these youths. COMM Beijen would like to join Chief Siffermann in making this nomination.
• Motion to approve the Certificate of Recognition for Allen Nance by COMM Beijen, second by COMM Albright and approved by the rest of the Commission.
• COMM Albright added that she had the honor and privilege of working with Assistant Chief Nance as a member of the SF Child Abuse Prevention Center and spoke of his commitment, dedication and passion to all the children of SF. COMM Albright thanked Assistant Chief Nance.
• COMM Woodson echoed the sentiments of the Commissioners and added that she appreciates Assistant Chief Nance’s dedication to the Commission and his willingness to be at the meetings to answer questions, inform the Commission, and be willing to give any assistance possible in decision making regarding youths and the department.
• COMM Chang was in support of Chief Siffermann’s nomination and COMM Beijen’s motion, expressed his gratitude for the leadership of Chief Siffermann and Assistant Chief Nance in turning SF into a model for other communities, and has been honored to work with Assistant Chief Nance.
• Assistant Chief Nance expressed his gratitude to Chief Siffermann and the Commission. He was deeply honored by the recognition, greatly appreciates the sentiments, and also shares this recognition with Chief Siffermann for his hard work.
• No public comments.

5. Report to the Commission (DISCUSSION ONLY)

a. Chief’s Report:

Report on 2012 Camp Mather Teen Outdoor Experience by Allen Nance, Assistant Chief Probation Officer
• Camp Mather Teen Outdoor Experience was born out of Mayor Lee’s vision in 2011, to find ways to engage young people in the community. At the time, there was a spike in violence in the community. The Mayor spoke with numerous CBO leaders, who expressed a need for young people to get out of the city and away from the violence they encounter every day, and a partnership was developed with Recreations and Parks, SFPD, CRN’s and CBO’s.
• In 2011, 37 youths attended the camp. As a result of their participation, internship opportunities were offered to each youth. There were 12 youths that became employed by Recreation and Parks.
• In 2012, the group focused on youth development and mentoring efforts, in addition to employment opportunities. Twenty-five youths participated; 17 boys and 10 girls, ages 14-17 years. Each were assigned to a PO or identified as an “at-risk” youth. Youths were referred by the Probation Department, PO’s, or CBO case managers and had to be enrolled in school or have completed their GED. Prior sex offenders were ineligible. Each youth had to apply; write an essay, which was used as the selection process; and have parental consent.
• Youths learned about Hetch Hetchy and the significant role it plays in delivering water to SF. One of the preparation themes was getting kids to take responsible risks, such as rock climbing. Other camp experiences consisted of interactive workshops, gender respect sessions, as well as outdoor activities (fishing, campfires, and archery). There was a large focus on interactive activities with youths and adults, such as taking care of the camp, serving the food, creating a sense of ownership and discipline. The ratio of staff and youth was around 1:1.
• All participating youths were offered employment opportunities. Youths that were not ready for employment will be offered job readiness training. A reunion is planned later this month at Hamilton Park and will focus on mentorship, as an ongoing effort to develop youths to young adulthood.
COMM Beijen congratulated Assistant Chief Nance on the success of their program.
COMM Wan also congratulated Assistant Chief Nance on the success of their program, asked if the budget was an issue since 37 youths attended last year and 25 youths attended this year, and if there was any plan to expand in the future. Assistant Chief Nance said that it was not a budget issue, but that they were more rigorous with the application process and anticipates the numbers to go up next year.
COMM Chang asked about the funding and Assistant Chief Nance said that departments used their existing resources and Chief Siffermann paid for the orientation food out of his own pocket. In the future, the group will have to look at a budget and fiscal support. COMM Chang suggested looking at the private sector for funding and internship opportunities. In addition, he asked about the Camp graduates. Assistant Chief Nance said that there were three individuals that returned this year as Recreation and Parks staff and stated that employment opportunities are mainly provided by city agencies, but would welcome the opportunity from private sectors.
• No public comments.

• JPD operations update
o JJC: Chief Siffermann stated that the census is at 70 for September 2012. In September 2011, the census was at 95. This has been a complete year that JJC has been under 100. While there is a reduction in numbers, the length of stay has increased and the significant level of charges has elevated. This requires a more deliberate process of assessing and developing a safe release plan.
Chief Siffermann received the 2010-2012 Biannual Inspection Report by the Board of State and Community Corrections (formerly known as the Corrections Standards Authority) regarding JJC and LCR. The letter was also sent to the Mayor’s Office, BOS, JJC, and JPC. Although no non-compliance issues were raised, Chief Siffermann has taken immediate steps to work with the directors of JJC and LCR to identify issues and formulate a corrective action plan.
COMM Chang said that the report does not call for a corrective response from the department and will forward the report to the rest of the Commission.
Chief Siffermann received a preliminary estimate in excess of $800,000 for the capital expenditures necessary to fix the large recreation area behind Juvenile Hall. This estimate will be submitted tomorrow, along with JPD’s capital budget.
o Log Cabin Ranch: Chief Siffermann said that five youths left the facility the other evening, which prompted Assistant Chief Nance to return to LCR at 4 a.m. The youths were quickly apprehended and are currently in another county’s detention center.
o Probation Services: The department received a second extensive grant from the Federal Second Chance Act Grant to enhance the Juvenile Collaborative Reentry Team. Based on the outcomes of this program, it was renamed the Juvenile Collaborative Reentry Unit (JCRU). Through the efforts of Deputy Director Allison Magee, in partnership with the Public Defender’s Office, and a local CBO, they are now able to expand the reentry services from out-of-home services, LCR, and DJJ.
Effective January 2013, a new law eliminates juvenile parole. JPD will now provide supervision over adult convicted felons who will be returned to the community and placed under court conditions. Recently, two PO’s making house visits with the police, were approached by a convicted felon and a known juvenile offender with an automatic weapon. This required immediate police intervention. The new law will require the department to have serious discussions with the Police Department regarding the PO’s level of involvement.
COMM Chang expressed the Commission’s concern regarding the two PO’s who were placed in harm’s way during the ride along and alerted the Commission of the new increased risks involved because of this law.
COMM Beijen asked about the $800,000 repair fee for the recreation area and asked if this was a flaw in the initial design of the center. Chief Siffermann said that part of it was to correct the design, but there are erosion and drainage problems. Chief Siffermann does not want the public to gain access and view the area; wants improved security for the adjacent area; and wants to improve the soccer field with artificial turf.
COMM Beijen asked if there was any recourse with the designer/builder. Chief Siffermann did not think so because they did not have those issues in mind at that time.
COMM Beijen asked if the five youths that ran away from LCR were being accused of further crimes. Chief Siffermann said that no subsequent crimes were committed.
COMM Wan asked about the declining attendance rate at JJC and if there was an update to Mr. Bieringer’s report of last year regarding the police arrest rate. Chief Siffermann said the rate is based on the reduction of juvenile crime. In 2011, 26% of the arrests were made from out-of-county individuals and that there is a relationship between reduced admissions and reduction in crime.
COMM Wan asked if this arrest rate was the same at CARC. Chief Siffermann said it was a greater use at CARC.
o No public comments

b. Committee Reports

6. Future Agenda Items (ACTION ITEM)

• COMM Chang stated that the next Full Commission meeting might be held at Chinatown YMCA at 6 p.m. Space is also reserved at Northern Station in December.

7. Adjournment (ACTION ITEM)
• The meeting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.