City and County of San FranciscoJuvenile Probation Department

January 19, 2011

Programs Committee - January 19, 2011









Wednesday, January 19, 2011

3:30 p.m.

Juvenile Probation Department

375 Woodside Avenue, Main Conference Room 247

San Francisco, CA  94127


Programs Committee

Dirk Beijen, Chair

Julian Chang

Rebecca Woodson


Meeting Minutes


1.     Roll call

The Commission Chair called the meeting to order at 3:38 p.m.  Commissioners Beijen and Chang were present.


2.   Public Comment

No public comments. 


3.   Review and Approval of the Programs Committee Meeting Minutes of March 8, 2010 (ACTION ITEM)

·         Motion to approve the Programs Committee Minutes of March 8, 2010 by Commissioner Chang and second by Commissioner Beijen.  Minutes approved. 

·         No public comments.   


4.  Presentation on City Youth Now Programs by Elizabeth Fairbanks, Executive Director, City Youth Now (DISCUSSION ONLY)

·         Ms. Fairbanks reviewed City Youth Now’s handout (see supporting documents).  City Youth Now is celebrating its 60th anniversary; there are never more than three employees, the rest serve as volunteers; and most of the money raised is able to go directly to youths.  They specifically serve the youths under the jurisdiction of CCSF in the juvenile probation and foster care system. 

·         The internship program caters to LCR graduates.  Upon leaving the courtroom, they are sent to do an internship with City Youth Now.  Youths are paid a stipend.  It is a three-phase program:  phases one and two, after 30 hours of work per phase, youths are paid $150.  The last phase is 50 hours and they are paid $250.  Youths need to create a cover letter and resume, making them employable.  In addition, an exit interview is conducted.  City Youth Now recently got a computer lab. 
COMM Chang asked how many youths participate in the internship program.  Ms. Fairbanks said between 75-100 youths and only the kids in the juvenile probation system participate.  The PO’s choose the site where the youths will work. 

·         City Youth Now is a non-profit organization and they need support raising funds. 
COMM Chang said that the private sector could provide other styles of work that youths have never been exposed to.  Ms. Fairbanks would like to raise their profile. 

·         COMM Beijen asked about mentorship programs and Ms. Fairbanks said that they do not have one.  COMM Beijen suggested she contact Garry Bieringer at JPD because he used to work for Huckleberry House and could possibly assist with mentorship programs. 
Jennifer Scaife with the Re-entry Council of SF suggested the federally funded Second Chance Act Grant issued only to non-profit organizations. 

·         Youths are able to participate in the internship program until they are 19 years old and City Youth Now tries to restrict one internship per youth, due to lack of funds. 
COMM Chang requested the list of criteria for the partners offering internships, which Ms. Fairbanks will provide. 
COMM Beijen asked if youths wanted to continue in these internships after the exceeded hours and Ms. Fairbanks indicated that they can continue after the 110 hours, however, they will not be paid. 
COMM Beijen asked about medical and dental benefits.  Ms. Fairbanks said that City Youth can grant a small individual request almost immediately.  Specifically, a need for prescriptive glasses or orthodontist request. 

·         COMM Beijen asked how JPC could assist and Ms. Fairbanks said that there are two annual fundraisers: a dinner and silent auction at Bimbo’s on April 29th and at the Green Room on December 2nd.  Most funds for non-profit organizations come from individual donations. 
COMM Chang asked what the City Youth Now budget was each year and Ms. Fairbanks said $350,000.  Ms. Fairbanks said the organization is very careful with administrative costs.  They currently have 1.5 employees. 

·         Public Comments: 
Ms. Scaife is interested to learn more about JPC and supports local efforts to improve policies and services to people leaving jail or prison and that includes out-of-home adult placements from part of the juvenile probation.  She suggested Ms. Fairbanks contact the Office of Workforce Development. 

·         No further public comments. 

5.  Adjournment (ACTION ITEM)

·         The meeting adjourned at 4:13 p.m.