K2C's 2025 Art & Video Contests with the theme, “A Future Worth Saving For” is here! Current Kindergarten to 12th grade SFUSD and district-affiliated charter school students with an active K2C account are invited to participate in either contest. K2C will select three citywide honorees for each grade range and award scholarships up to $500. The first 50 entries for the two contests, art or video, will also receive a $10 incentive in their K2C account towards their college savings.
Submissions will be accepted beginning Monday, February 24th. The deadline for submissions is 5pm on Monday, March 24th. Stay tuned and email Community Engagement Coordinator, JP Davis, at jp.davis@sfgov.org with any contest questions.


Art & Video Contest Flyer


Contest Fliers:

English      Español      中文      Filipino      عربي     tiếng Việt     Samoan


Submit Entry Here:



Contest Rules:

Current San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) K-12th grade students with active Kindergarten to College (K2C) savings accounts. Email k2c@sfgov.org for general K2C questions or jp.davis@sfgov.org for contest specific questions.

First ($500), Second ($300), and Third ($100) place city-wide honorees will receive a scholarship deposited in their Kindergarten to College (K2C) account by mid-April.

Participants whose submission was one of the first 50 art or video entries receive a $10 incentive in their K2C account.

Email Community Engagement Coordinator, JP Davis, at jp.davis@sfgov.org with any contest questions and stay tuned for more fun activities to earn free money this summer with K2C's virtual college tour!   

Create an original video that conveys the theme “A Future Worth Saving For”.

All entries should begin with a short (e.g., 5 seconds) “title screen” that includes the following information:  

  • Student full name   

  • School name

  • Grade

  • Title of video   

Videos submissions should be about 1 minute in length (not including the 5 second title screen).

Submit your video to our Google Form with your information. For large files too large to email or upload, send it using a file sharing service (e.g., Google Drive, Dropbox). For support, email jp.davis@sfgov.org.

Copyright images are not permitted.

Create an original artwork in portrait format on 8.5” x 11” (US Letter) with a creative design or image that conveys the theme “A Future Worth Saving For”.

All drawings/artwork may be in any media form. For example, pen, watercolor, computer graphics, or other creative modes.  

Submit your artwork to our Google Form - with your information. For any questions or support, you can email jp.davis@sfgov.org. 

Copyright images are not permitted.

  • All enrolled SFUSD students are invited to participate, however awards will only be given to students with an active K2C savings account.
  • Students can only participate in one contest category – either video or art.
  • All students’ submissions must be received by 5:00pm on Monday, March 24, 2025.
  • Submissions must include student name, grade, school, school ID number and contact information.
  • Decision by K2C will be final - awards will be announced on www.K2CSF.org by April 18, 2025.
  1. Interpretation of theme “A Future Worth Saving For” - does the artwork or video clearly show a representation of “A Future Worth Saving For” for means to them?

  2. Creativity - does the artwork or video show imagination, originality, and expressiveness?

  3. Connection to the K2C program – does the artwork or video align with K2C’s mission to promote students saving, financial, college and career goals?