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City and County of San FranciscoCity and County of San Francisco


Department of Elections
Elections Task Force on Redistricting

Minutes of the Elections Task Force Meeting

Date: Friday, January 25th, 2002
Location: City Hall, Room 408

Task Force Members Present: John Murray, Bowman Leong, Beverly Foo-Colon, John Trasvina, Quentin Mecke, Barbara Kaufman, David Bisho, Rebecca Prozan, Claudia Cheng, Tammy Haygood (ex-officio member)

Department of Elections: Jeremy Eckstein, Adriana Cruz

City Attorney: Julie Moll (Deputy City Attorney)

Public: (The following individuals made comment during the course of the meeting). Martin MacIntyre, Bob Planthold, Ron Miguel, Marc Salomon, Richard Shadoian, Ron Dudum, Gilbert Criswell, Malik Looper, Samson Wong, Cynthia Amelon.

I. Call to order.

The Meeting was called to order at 2:35pm.

II. Roll Call

III. General Public Comment

Members of the public made comments on the Elections Task Force.

IV. Swearing in of Task Force Members

Members of the Task Force were sworn in by the Deputy County Clerk

V. Organization: Selection of Task Force Chair

Motion 012502-1:

That the selection of the Chair and Vice-Chair be moved to the next meeting, after the Elections Commission has made its appointments to the Elections Task Force.

(Mecke/Bisho): Moved, seconded, and unanimously passed.

Motion 012502-2:

To Establish an Outreach, Legal, Finance/Administration Committees. (Mecke/Prozan&Cheng): Moved, seconded and unanimously passed.

VI. Organization: Selection of Regular Meeting Time

Motion 012502-3:

To set regular meeting time and place to the first, third and fourth Monday of every month, from 6:30pm to 9pm, in Room 408 of City Hall.

(Murray/Leong): Moved, seconded and unanimously passed.

Motion 012502-4:

To publish Notices of Meetings in three languages (English/Spanish/Chinese) and utilize minority language press to use minority language press to post these notices. (Trasvina/Bisho)


To add other languages as appropriate. (Mecke/Cheng)


To table Motion:012502-4.

(Trasvina/Bisho): Moved, seconded and unanimously passed.

VI. Staffing and Budget of Task Force

Motion 012502-5:

To convene Temporary Budget Committee.

(Mecke/Cheng): Moved, seconded and unanimously passed.

Motion 012502-6:

That Quentin Mecke, John Murray, and Beverly Foo-Colon sit on the Temporary Budget Committee.

(Prozan/Kaufman): Moved, seconded and unanimously passed.

VII. Presentation by Chris Bowman

Chris Bowman made a presentation about redistricting to the Elections Task Force.

VIII. Items for future agendas

Motion 012502-7:

Items for the next Task Force Meeting:

· Election of Officers

· Presentation of the 1995 Redistricting Plan:

Considerations: Results and Differences between the 1990 and 2000 Census

· Scheduling of Hearings at City Hall for Outreach

· Hiring of Consultants and Advisors

· Presentation on Voting Rights Act by MALDEF/NAACP/OTHER

(Murray/Kaufman): Moved, seconded and unanimously passed.

IX. Task Force Member Business

Motion 012502-8:

That the Temporary Budget Committee meet on Thursday, January 31st, 2002 at 7pm in Room 408 of City Hall.

(Murray/Leong): Moved, seconded and unanimously passed.

X. Adjournment (the meeting was adjourned at 5:00pm)

Last updated: 2/3/2014 11:04:01 AM