Policy and Reports
City and County of San Francisco
July 1997 Sustainability Plan Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this resolution accepting the Sustainability Plan for the City of San Francisco as a non binding city-policy. The resolution recognized the achievement of a sustainable society as a fundamental goal of the city.
December 2000 Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this resolution urging the FDA, EPA and USDA to consider a temporary moratorium on genetically engineered foods, until further research could prove them safe for human health. It also encouraged more stringent regulations and additional information for consumers.
November 2002 Precautionary Principle Ordinance (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this ordinance adopting the precautionary principle as a general city policy. The precautionary principle is that precautionary measures should be taken when an activity may raise the threat of irreversible harm to human health or the environment. The ordinance also asked the Department of the Environment to draft policy focusing the ideals of the precautionary principle onto the city's purchasing practices.
December 2003 Childhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Task Force Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this resolution establishing a multi-disciplinary task force charged with creating a strategic plan to address childhood health problems related to poor habits of nutrition and lack of exercise. The resolution required the task force to include a diverse array of stakeholders in recognition that addressing this problem requires a change the environmental conditions that can only come through collaboration.
June 2005 Urban Environmental Accords (PDF)
This Green Cities Declaration of the Urban Environmental Accords was signed in San Francisco at the United Nations World Environment day by mayors from major cities around the world. The declaration listed 21 actions for cities to take towards environmental sustainability. Highlighting the importance of healthy food systems, Action 17 promoted the public health and environmental benefits of locally and organically grown foods and has a goal that over 20% of city facilities will be serving local organic foods by 2012.
June 2005 Fair Trade Certified Goods Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this resolution declaring that the city would maximize its purchasing of fair-trade certified goods, such as chocolate, tea, coffee and other food products. It was passed in recognition of the global, environmental, social and health benefits that the Fair Trade certification represents.
June 2005 Organic Certified Foods Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this resolution resolving that the city would create a policy to maximize the city's purchasing of Organic Certified goods. The resolution recognized organics for their contributions towards a healthier safer and more sustainable food system and benign environmental impacts.
July 2005 "Taking Action for a Healthier California Resolution" (PDF) of Strategic Alliance Recommendations (attach taking action for a healthier california ro575 AND taking action for a healthier california (plan by SA) ) The Board of Supervisors passed this ordinance endorsing the recommendations of Strategic Alliance's action plan, Taking Action for a Healthier California. The plan detailed specific actions that industry, employers, government and schools can take to improve public health through increased nutrition and physical activity. San Francisco currently has several policies in line with the Alliance's recommendations.
August 2005 Food Security Task Force Ordinance (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this ordinance establishing a Food Security Task Force, charged with the responsibility of creating a city-wide plan for addressing food security. In addition to addressing food security, a state where everyone can obtain a nutritionally adequate and culturally acceptable diet, the task force was also instructed to address ways to increase participation in federal programs such as Food Stamps.
August 2005 Sweatfree Contracting Ordinance (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this ordinance requiring all city contractors providing goods (including food) to the city to ensure that standards regarding safe and humane working conditions were met during all stages of production. Furthermore, it required observance of all applicable laws including wages, employee benefits, safety, child labor, environmental conditions, discrimination, and freedom of association.
April 2006 Peak Oil Plan of Response and Preparation Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this resolution recognizing the nation's unsustainable dependence on the limited global supply of oil and its vulnerability to higher prices. The Board supported the creation of a global Oil Depletion Protocol to address pricing and equity issues, as well as an assessment of how San Francisco would best cope with potential future shortages. A robust local, small scale food production would become critical in a shortage due to the significant oil use by food production and transportation industries.
April 2006 Shape Up at Work Directive (PDF)
Mayor Newsom issued this executive directive in response to the rising costs of employee health care. It required city departments to incorporate employee health into their mission statements by focusing on creating environments that support healthy living and eating. The directive also stipulated that all departments should meet at least 75 % of the Worksite Wellness Guidelines within 5 years.
May 2006 Global Warming Resolution (PDF) regarding California Global Warming Solutions Act AB32 (attach ab_32_bill_20060927_chaptered)
The Board of Supervisors passed this resolution urging the state to pass the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32). AB32 proposed a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020. It was approved by the state on Sept 27 2006. Because the agriculture and food industries are large contributors to greenhouse gas emissions, AB32 will require change in current food systems.
July 2006 SFDPH Healthy and Sustainable Foods Policy (PDF)
The Department of Public Health passed this policy and resolution (pdf) in recognition of the important health benefits of sustainable foods. The policy included departmental nutrition, environmental and social justice standards for food at meetings and events, as well as methods for incorporating sustainable food procurement practices at DPH's institutions, San Francisco General and Laguna Honda Hospital.
January 2007 Farmer's Markets Ordinance (PDF)
The Board of Supervisors passed this ordinance requiring all farmers' markets in the city to accept all forms of payment from food assistance programs, namely Food Stamp/EBT cards. It allowed Parks/Rec land to be considered as a possible venue for future markets, and called for a comprehensive assessment by the Agricultural Commissioner of the neighborhoods in San Francisco that could support farmers' markets.
March 2007 Mobile Catering Ordinance (PDF)
Ordinance amending the San Francisco Policy Code to prohibit operators of mobile catering vehicles from selling within 1500 feet of a public middle school, junior high school or high school.
June 2007 Permanent Phase-Out of Bottled Water Directive (PDF)
Mayor Newsom issued this executive directive prohibiting city departments and agencies from purchasing single service bottles of water and requiring that they switch from large bottle dispensers to bottle-less dispensers that use the city's tap water from Hetch Hetchy reservoir. The directive highlighted the wastefulness and unnecessary drain of environmental resources caused by the production, transport and disposal of bottled water.
January 2008 California Green Cities (PDF).
This resolution committed San Francisco to join other California cities in an effort to promote local, regional and national sustainability measures.
January 2008 Caged Hens Resolution (PDF)
Resolution urging San Franciscans not to purchase eggs produced by caged hens and opposing the factory farming practice of confining egg-laying hens in battery cages.
February 2008 Resolution Supporting the California Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act (PDF).
This San Francisco Board of Supervisors resolution supports California initiative 07-0041, The Prevention of the Farm Animal Cruelty Act.
March 2009 Foie Gras Resolution (PDF)
This resolution commends restaurants that have removed foie gras from their menus.
July 2009 Mayor Newsom's Executive Directive on Healthy and Sustainble Foods in San Francisco (PDF).
This first ever comprehensive food policy for San Francisco considers the food production, distribution, consumption, and recyclying system holistically and addresses, hunger, healthy food planning and procurement for city departments, food production on city owned land, a healthy food business plan, marketing regionally grown food in SF, recycling, an education and awareness plan, and advocating for consistant state and federal policies among others.
February 2010 ammendments to Food Security Task Force ordinance (PDF)
This ordinance ammends the SF Health Code to modify the membership of the FSTF and directs the FSTF to prepare an annual assessment of the state of hunger and food insecurity in San Francisco.
April 2010 Healthy Food & Beverage Options in Vending Machines, Executive Directive 10-01 (PDF).
This policy instructs San Francisco City and County Departments to meet specific nutritional standards for all vending machines on city property.
June - August 2010 Soda Free Summer Resolution (PDF)
1997 Sustainability Plan for the city of San Francisco
This plan was created to guide the city's actions in order to preserve resources for future generations. It outlines goals, five and ten year objectives, and specific actions for the city to take towards long-term environmental sustainability. The plan covers a wide range of topics. The food and agriculture section highlights the importance of ensuring access to safe, affordable food for all residents and purchasing locally and organically.
2005 Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity for San Francisco's Children (PDF)
This report by the Childhood Nutrition and Physical Activity Task Force recommended ways to increase nutrition and physical activity opportuntities throughout the city. The recommendations included ensuring that fresh foods are easily accessible to all residents, increasing the rate of breastfeeding, increasing enrollment in food assistance programs, developing partnerships amongst groups already dedicated to these causes, and undertaking extensive awareness and education campaigns.
2005 San Francisco Collaborative Food System Assessment (PDF)
The San Francisco Food Alliance developed the first comprehensive food system assessment for San Francisco. This report contains baseline information for production, distribution, consumption and recycling.
2005 San Francisco Food, Nutrition, and Agriculture Directory, 3rd Edition (PDF).
This directory was compiled by the Department of Public Health (Nutrition Services), Department of Aging and Adult Services, and San Francisco Food Systems and is intended fas a resource guide for use by service providers and community organizations in San Francisco.
2006 Farmer's Market Resource Kit: Making San Franciso a Market City
SAGE (Sustainable Agriculture Education) developed the Making San Francisco a Market City project in collaboration with City agencies and representatives from current and pending farmers' market organizations in San Francisco. The purpose of the Market Resource Kit is to help policymakers, city agencies, and neighborhood groups better understand the role markets do and could play in the City.
January 2007 Food Security for All: A Strategic Plan to End Hunger in Our City (PDF).This report by the Food Security Task Force recommended ways to improve food security and access including better technology use to simplify/increase access to nutrition programs, increasing funding to programs for vulnerable populations, increasing federal funding utilization, and increasing public outreach activities.
January 2007 Farmers' Market Assessment (PDF)
In January 2007, the Board of Supervisors passed the Farmers' Market Ordinance requiring the agriculture commissioner to conduct a needs assessment of the neighborhoods in San Francisco that would be able to support a farmers' market. The ordinance requested a focus on underserved neighborhoods, where markets would support low income access to healthy local produce without detrimentally impacting local businesses. This assessment examines the necessary requirements for a neighborhood to support a market, including physical location, community support, financial backing, and the specific needs of low income neighborhoods.
Shape Up Worksite Wellness Guidelines (PDF)
This set of guidelines offered detailed ways to improve the workplace environment to increase physical activity and nutrition. Food related initiatives included banning soda, providing healthy vending machines, implementing sustainable cafeterias food policies, increasing kitchen access, providing a weekly fresh fruit service and subsidizing access to healthy foods.
2007 Food Preferences in San Francisco's Southeast Sector Survey Results and Analysis (PDF)
In 2007, SEFA, Southeast Food Access, a project of Shape Up San Francisco, developed, fielded, analyzed and released this Southeast Food Preferences Survey. The primary goal of SEFA is to work collaboratively across city and community agencies to ensure that healthy, fresh, sustainable and affordable produce is accessible to all residents of the BVHP, utilizing existing venues and supporting transformation and/or creation of new ones.
2007 A Look at Hunger in San Francisco: Profiles of Hunger and Food Pantries
In July of 2007, the San Francisco Food Bank compiled a report of hunger, poverty and food assistance profiles for every neighborhood of need in San Francisco.
2007 - 2008 The Healthy Development Measurement Tool (HDMT) is a comprehensive evaluation metric to consider health needs in urban development plans and projects. The HDMT explicitly connects public health to urban development planning in efforts to achieve a higher quality social and physical environment that advances health. The following maps of food resources in San Francisco are taken from the HDMT.
2007 - 2008 Increased Hunger: A Summary of Food Program Trends in San Francisco (PDF) provides data comparing the first federal fiscal quarter of 2007 and 2008 for the food bank, food stamps and four free meal programs in San Francisco.
2008 San Francisco Foodshed Study report documents San Francisco's opportunities to increase consumption of locally produced food.
May 2009 Recommendations of the San Francisco Urban-Rural Roundtable (PDF)
This report reflects a series of recommendations for urban and rural collaboration in the development of a "foodshed" for San Francisco.
April 2010 San Francisco Food Insecurity & Hunger Briefing Documents by district.
November 2010 "Hunger and Food Security on the Rise in San Francisco" (PDF)by the Food Security Task Force. This report looks at the current state of food insecurity in San Francisco, examines why it exists and some of its implications. It also explores the future of food insecurity and hunger in San Franciscso and discusses the actions the City and the general public can take in order to impact and reduce this serious problem.
December 2010 Summary Report for SF Food Policy Council on progress towards the Mayor's Executive Directive on Healthy and Sustainable Food (PDF)
San Francisco Unified School District
June 1999 SFUSD Commercial Free Schools Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Education passed this resolution to declare all schools as commercial and tobacco free settings. It declared that SFUSD would not enter into explicit vendor contracts for sort drinks or snack foods and that healthy snack and drink options would be increased.
January 2003 SFUSD Healthy School Nutrition and Physical Exercise Policy Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Education passed this resolution creating a School Nutrition and Physical Fitness Advisory committee, amidst concerns over the increasing rates of childhood obesity. The committee's responsibilities included reaching out to parents, youth groups and other interested parties as well as recommending ways to improve the nutritional quality of school meals and physical educations programs.
2007 SFUSD Wellness Policy (PDF) (Student Nutrition and Physical Exercise Policy)
The SFUSD Nutrition and Physical Fitness Advisory Committee's recommendations helped to form the school district's Wellness Policy. The plan includes detailed minimal nutritional standards for school lunches and vending machines, restrictions on outside food sales, encouragements to improve enrollment in federal lunch programs, enhanced nutritional education, and increased physical activitiy minimum standards. Further information is available at the committee's website.
November 2003 Proposition A (PDF)
Proposition A was passed by voters Proposition A was a $295 million bond to maintain and upgrade school facilities. Prop A provided funds two million dollars for building green design areas and schoolyards gardens in various elementary schools.
April 2004 SFUSD Food Safety and Food Irradiation Resolution (PDF)
The Board of Education passed this resolution not to purchase irradiated meat for school lunch programs following a May 2003 USDA announcement permitting school districts to do so. The board cited consumer health concerns and the lack of long term studies on irradiation in support of their ban, which will be revisited in 2009.
March 2009 Feeding Every Child Resolution (PDF)
The resolution affirms the SFUSD commitment to feeding every hungry child a full meal regardless of their ability to pay. The resolution sets targets for the return of meal applications, identifies six ways school sites should be implementing the schools meals program at their sites, requires an evaluation of the progress after the fall of 2009-10, requires implementation of limits to school sites cash shortages, and outlines further steps to ensure that the district is maximizing its ability to receive federal and state reimbursements for every eligible child while eliminating unnecessary fiscal drains.
Reports farmtoschool
2008 Executive Summary of First Year of the San Francisco Unified School District's Salad Bar Program
2003 San Francisco Farm-to-School Report: Results from the 2003 Feasability Study (PDF)
This report documents work by San Francisco Food System to understand the feasibility of implementing a farm to school program within the San Francisco Unified School District.