City and County of San FranciscoLibrary Citizens Advisory Committee

June 16, 2010

Library Citizens Advisory Committee - June 16, 2010



June 16, 2010

Room 278 City Hall

Wednesday June 16, 2010                                                                   
City Hall:  Room 278
One Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, California 94102


I.              Call to Order, Roll Call/Introductions, Sue Cauthen, Chair            6:02 PM

Present:  TedBamberger, Enne Braun, Sue Cauthen, Lucille Cuttler, KarenMelander-McGoon, Roger Kallen, Clarice Moody, Gladys Soto, PeterWarfield, Dan Weaver

Absent:  Houston Garcia, Linda Guitron, Margaret Lee, Jan Seeman, Anne Wintroub

Guests: Charles Moody (husband of member Clarice Moody); Henry Pan

Enne Braun has rejoined the LCAC.

II.              Public Comment

CharlesMoody commented that the BLIP website has been improved, and that itnow has a link to budget information.  He further commented that squarefootage of a project should consider the scope and size of the project,and that when the scope of a project changes that affects the cost persquare foot.

III.            Library Resolutions

A.  Budget FY 2010-2011

S.Cauthen presented a Draft Resolution on SFPL 2010-11 Budget.  Thisresolution is carried over from the May, 2010, LCAC meeting.

Discussion: Since the last LCAC meeting the SFPL received a $500K windfall fromproperty taxes.  The LCAC wants SFPL to use some of this money toincrease the book budget, which was cut $1.6 million.  SFPL wants toapply it to the reserve.

Discussionof the Resolution addressed the issues of increasing interim servicesto libraries undergoing renovation or new construction, and allocationof the $500K windfall.  Consideration was given to using some of thewindfall to increase the library's reserve.

K. Melander-Magoon moved and C. Moody seconded a Motion to approve the following Resolution:

Resolution on SFPL 2010-2011 Budget

TheLibrary Citizens Advisory Committee supports SFPL's fiscal year2010-2011 budget, commends the library for maintaining open hours andmaking prudent use of its reserve.  The LCAC recommends that thejust-received $500,000 in additional property tax be applied to thereserve and to reduce the $1.6 million cut in the book budget.

Aye:  T. Bamberger, E. Braun, S. Cauthen, L. Cuttler, K. Melander-McGoon, R. Kallen, C. Moody, G. Soto, D. Weaver
No:  P. Warfield

Motion to Pass the Budget FY 2010-2011 Passed 9-1.

B.  BLIP Resolution

S. Cauthen presented a Draft BLIP Resolution.

Discussion: LCAC passed a Resolution at its March, 2010 meeting stating that theSFPL website should include BLIP information, and should be updatedmonthly.

Discussion ensued regarding what BLIP costs should include.

S. Cauthen moved and L. Cuttler seconded a Motion to approve the following Resolution:

BLIP Resolution

TheBoard of Supervisors Library Citizens Advisory Committee recommendsthat the latest information regarding the branch modernization projectbe provided to the public and the supervisors, per the LCAC resolutionof March 17, 2010

SanFrancisco Public Library should develop a procedure for informing thepublic of changes in project costs and project schedules, both increasesand decreases.  To this end, the LCAC recommends that the Board ofSupervisors urge SFPL to:

           1.            Update the Branch Library Improvement Project (BLIP) website.

           2.           Include the monthly SFPL Budget Report and Schedule Reportin a                                     prominent spot on the BLIPwebsite home page.

           3.            Develop a chart showing each BLIP project'sconstruction cost per                                     square foot,including architectural and engineering costs and                  management costs.

Motion to approve the BLIP Resolution passed by unanimous vote.

Aye:  T. Bamberger, E. Braun, S. Cauthen, L. Cuttler, K. Melander-McGoon, R. Kallen, C. Moody, G. Soto, P. Warfield, D. Weaver

C.  Library Audit Resolution

S. Cauthen presented a Draft Library Audit Resolution.

Discussion: The purpose of the Resolution is to increase transparency and auditsof BLIP projects.  Consideration was given to resolving that ChairCauthen write a letter to the Board of Supervisors urging more BLIPperformance reviews and better supervision, as discussed in a November,2009, LCAC Resolution.  This Resolution was not voted on.

K. Melander-Magoon moved and G. Soto seconded a  Motion to approve the following Resolution:

Library Audit Resolution

Whereas effective completion of the branch library modernization program is critical to the residents of San Francisco; and

Whereasa performance review by the Controller's staff of the West Portalbranch library renovation project recommended changes to enable SanFrancisco Public Library and the Department of Public Works to bettermanage the modernization program so as to complete all projects on timeand on budget; and

Whereas, the Controller revealed failures in communication and internal systems;

Therefore be it resolved that:

Toavoid errors in BLIP construction (e.g., rusty fencing and a misplacedand oversize utility box at Ingleside branch), the Library CitizensAdvisory Committee asks the Board of Supervisors to urge San FranciscoPublic Library to undertake ongoing and post-construction performancereviews of BLIP projects.

Aye:  T. Bamberger, E. Braun, S. Cauthen, L. Cuttler, K. Melander-McGoon, R. Kallen, C. Moody, G. Soto, D. Weaver
No:  P. Warfield

Motion to Pass the Library Audit Resolution Passed by 9-1.

IV.            Officer Reports     

A.  Annual Report

S. Cauthen presented a draft of the Executive Summary of the LCAC Annual Report and asked for comments.

Discussionfocused on the segment covering LCAC attendance problems, exacerbatedby unfilled LCAC positions.  The following revision under Attendance wasentered for the last sentence in paragraph two: “We urge the supervisors and the city librarian to appoint only those people who can attend meetings regularly.”

The Executive Summary was accepted by consensus.

B.  Facebook

Deferred until next meeting.

C.  Bookmarks

More bookmarks need to be distributed.  LCAC will ask L. Herrera to produce and distribute more bookmarks.

           Public Comment: Henry Pan said there are no LCAC bookmarks at the Chinatown library and he has never seen any there.

V.            Nominations for Office

The following nominations were made and accepted:

Chair:  S. Cauthen, C. Moody, P. Warfield
Vice-President:  L. Cuttler (L. Guitron was nominated, but unable to accept because she was not present at the meeting)
Secretary:  G. Soto

Nominations will reopen at the next meeting.  Elections will then be held. .

VI.            Approval of April and May Minutes

The May minutes were approved by a vote of 10-0.

Yes:            Bamberger, Braun, Cauthen, Cuttler, Melander-Magoon, Kallen, Moody, Soto, Warfield, Weaver

The April minutes were approved by a vote of 9-1. .

Yes:            Bamberger, Braun, Cauthen, Cuttler, Kallen, Melander-Magoon,  Moody, Soto, Weaver.
No:            Warfield

VII.              Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm.