City and County of San FranciscoVeterans' Affairs Commission

Veterans' Affairs Commission - December 9, 2014 - Meeting Minutes

Veterans' Affairs Commission - December 9, 2014

Minutes for Veterans Affairs Commission Meeting: Dec. 9, 2014


Call to Order

Having achieved a Quorum (see Roll Call, below), the November Meeting (of the SFVAC) was called to order (in City Hall Hearing Room #416) by President Stephen Noetzel at 6:00pm.  Meeting started with the traditional Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll Call

In Attendance for the Meeting: (11) Commissioners: Baldonado, Caldera, Dacumos, Guy, Jenkins, Kennedy, Maffei, Marshall, Noetzel, Wilkerson and Wong.   

Absent:  Excused (4) Comm. Comm. J. Gallagher, (Schedule Conflict), Comm. B. Smith (Illness), Comm. E. Ramirez (Schedule Conflict), Comm. A. Weeby (Schedule Conflict).

Absent:  Un-Excused (1) Commissioner L. Burnette

City Attorney was not present. Note: Commission strength currently at 16 members, with one (Mayoral Appointed) Vacancy.


Approval of AGENDA

Motion to accept Agenda was made by made by Comm. Maffei (2nd, Comm. Wilkerson). After minor discussion, the Agenda was APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY, as written.


Review of Minutes of Previous VAC meeting.

Motion to Approve draft of Minutes for VAC meeting of November 12, 2014 (as written by Comm. Kennedy), made by Comm. Baldonado (2nd Comm. Caldera). After some discussion, a vote was taken and the subject Minutes were unanimously approved.


Agenda item 1 – Call for PUBLIC COMMENT

Commissioner Jenkins reported that she recently attended a presentation at San Francisco State University regarding the “Prison

Industrial Complex”. Commissioner Dacumos announced that attended the “Brain War Conference” at the Marines Memorial. The

Secretary of Veterans Affairs attended the conference and Commissioner Dacumos advised the Secretary that more needs to be

done to address moral injuries suffered by Veterans.


Agenda item 2 - Officers Reports  

A. President’s Report;  

President Noetzel reported on an important meeting on the 5th of December, when he and American Legion War Memorial Commission Chairman Paul Cox ), met with S.F. Supervisor

Mark FARRELL in his office. Meeting began with a presentation of our efforts (to date) to Relocate the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (plaque) from current location in Justin Herman Plaza, to Lobby of War Memorial Veterans Building. We gave Supervisor Farrell an oral background of this issue, and present 3 documents. Including:

  • A copy of 10/7/14 ALWMC Resolution requesting Relocation of Memorial.

  • A copy of SFVAC Mirror Resolution of 10/14/14 requesting Relocation of Memorial, and

  • A copy of 10/22/14 Letter to BOT (from Paul Cox) requesting Relocation of Memorial.

Supv. Farrell expresses great interested in this issue. He will have his staff initiate research to determine exactly which City Agency “owns” the Plaque, or takes responsibility for it. 


President Noetzel and Chairman Cox then provided (to Supv. Farrell)  a General outline of our struggle to retain adequate space allocation for Veterans Organizations and Activities after remodel and building reopening in fall of 2015. The Supervisor was very interested in the issue and requested more background details. On 12/8/14 Chairman Cox wrote a FOLLOW UP EMAIL to inform Supv. Farrell of some of the elements pertinent to the ongoing struggle that the Veterans Community….is having with the Board of Trust, over Retention of adequate SPACE for Veterans and Veterans activities, in the (remodeled) WAR MEMORIAL VETERANS BUILDING.


B. Vice Presidents Report

V.P. Maffei reported that he is almost finished writing the ANNUAL REPORT and will submit his draft for consideration by the Commission on time, at the January VAC Meeting.


C.  Secretary’s Report;

Secretary Kennedy presented Commissioners with a book written by Starbucks CEO Howard Shultz. The book is a

collection of stories depicting Veterans contribution to citizenship, heroism and sacrifice. Proceeds from the sales of the

book are being donated to the Onward Veteran Fund. Secretary Kennedy encouraged Commissioners to read the book

and pass it along with the coffee gift card to any veteran in need.


Agenda Item 3. Final Opened NOMINATIONS for VAC Officers for 2015 Term. 


A.  President Noetzel opened the Nominating Process to for each of the 3 Officer Positions of the SFVAC, Indicating that

      in accordance with the Bylaws, this Nominating Session will be the final opportunity for formal nominations as the VOTE for

      2015 officers will be held, after “Campaign Speeches” at the JANUARY VAC MEETING.

      Pres. Noetzel asked Secretary Kennedy to Review nominations already in place. The Secretary reported, as follows:

  • Earlier nominated for the Office of VAC SECRETARY: Comm. D. KENNEDY

  • Earlier nominated for the Office of VAC VICE PRESIDENT: Comm. J. MARSHALL and Comm. M. MAFFEI

  • Earlier nominated for the Office of VAC PRESIDENT: Comm. S. NOETZEL


B.  President Noetzel then opened the floor for Nominations for the Office of Commission Secretary.  After three unanswered calls

     for further nominations for Secretary, Pres. Noetzel closed nominations for that position.


     Pres. Noetzel then opened the floor for Nominations for the Office of Commission Vice President.  After three unanswered calls

     for further nominations for Secretary, Pres. Noetzel closed nominations for that position.


     Pres. Noetzel then opened the floor for Nominations for the Office of Commission President.  Comm. Guy nominated

     Commissioner Angela JENKINS. She accepted the nomination.  After two additional unanswered calls for further nominations

     for President, Pres. Noetzel closed nominations for that position.


     To Review:  The current list of accepted nominations for the 2015 term include:


  • For the Office of VAC SECRETARY: Comm. D. KENNEDY

  • For the Office of VAC VICE PRESIDENT: Comm. J. MARSHALL and Comm. M. MAFFEI

  • For the Office of VAC PRESIDENT: Comm. S. NOETZEL, and Comm. A. JENKINS


Agenda Item 4.  NEW Business.  


  1. Site Visit Report: Commissioners who participated in the December 9 Site Tour of construction progress at the War Memorial Veterans Building reported on their observations during the 75-minute tour. Attendees included Commissioners Kennedy, Noetzel, Caldera, Ramirez, Wilkerson and Wong.


Agenda Item 5.   OLD Business  - Committee Reports

A. Veterans Committee on Mental Health- No Report


B. Commissioner Marshall gave a progress report regarding formation of a City Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.

This update included detailed information on the history of a similar agency in LA County that was supported by Mayor

Garcetti and creatively funded and staffed.


C. Commissioner Jenkins updated the Commission on ongoing efforts to exonerate the Port Chicago Sailors. Commissioner

Caldera added that he was successful in setting up a meeting with Supervisor Cohen. Commissioner Caldera expressed

concern that City Attorney Snodgrass was not in attendance to answer legal questions regarding how independent

Commissions work together. President Noetzel suggested that Commissioner Caldera contact Mr. Snodgrass via email

for specific legal questions.


Agenda Item 6. Veterans Related LEGISLATION.  

A. Commissioner Guy announced that Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention Act was passed today in the House of Representatives.



President Noetzel announced that litigation efforts were ongoing but not much new to report. Commissioner Caldera reminded

the Commission that the current litigation is not within the purview of the SFVAC. President Noetzel stated that the SFVAC is

committed to supporting the veteran’s use and access to the building through legislative action or litigation support.



Several Veteran related events were announced by Commissioners for the month of December. Description of events and event details will be posted on the website and social networking pages.


Agenda Item 9.  Honors Report and Moment of Silence: In memory of American Armed Service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice in all wars and conflicts, plus the passing of homeless veterans and veterans who died while waiting approval of benefits requests and suicides within the veterans and armed services community, including, this month, at the December 7th Pearl Harbor Anniversary, honoring the last four San Francisco Veterans to survive that tragic event, who passed away during the same two week period this November, namely, Robert V. GILLILAND, Pablo SILVA-RE, Ralph P. ANDERSON Jr., and Ralph TURNER.


Agenda Item 10.  ADJORNMENT 

(At 6:55pm)


Minutes of the 12/9/14 VAC Meeting written by Secretary Dwane Kennedy,

and approved by unanimous vote at VAC meeting of January 13, 2015