Public Outreach & Engagement Improvements: Stay informed & involved!

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Public Outreach and Engagement Effectiveness Initiative Update

Dear Community Members,

A few months back you may have filled out a Planning Department survey or signed up to hear updates about our Public Outreach and Engagement Improvements Process.  We heard your ideas and input; thank you for your feedback!

We have now completed the assessment of current practices and developed some preliminary recommendations based on your input and ideas as well as those from staff.  We are still in the process of finalizing our full report, which will be available in a week or two but we want to let you know that we will be providing an informational update of our preliminary findings and recommendations to the Planning Commission at City Hall, room 400 on Thursday, October 13th.

If you would like to attend or view the presentation online see the links below:

Planning Commission Agenda (check 1-2 days before hearing date):

SFGOV TV live streaming:
It will also be archived here, under Planning Commission, soon after the hearing:

Attached you will also find a summary of the preliminary findings and recommendations.  We will let you know when the full report is available and posted on the website!

Thank you for your participation!

For questions please contact or at 415-558-6473, or

 POE Update Final thumnail

POE Update Final (PDF - 236KB)

To stay updated on the process please join our Public Outreach & Engagement Improvements Process email list here: