The Second LIZ Debuts on Market Street


In June, City leaders and the arts community gathered to celebrate Studio 1: the second installation for San Francisco’s Living Innovation Zone (LIZ) Program. A LIZ is a temporary installation on Market Street that creatively activates public space and encourages people to connect with each other and their community through innovative real-world demonstration.

Studio 1 is a public art project, mobile work space and micro residency center. The 65-square-foot “off the grid” solar powered art studio was built with reclaimed materials on the back of a flatbed trailer by artist and designer David Szlasa. The Studio 1 installation features resident artists representing a variety of mediums. You can find more information on Studio 1 and the LIZ on the Living Innovation Zone’s website.

The completion of Studio 1 was a collaborative effort with San Francisco Planning, San Francisco Arts Commission, San Francisco Public Works, Mayor’s Office of Civic Innovation, Tenth and Market LLC (NEMA), The Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) and Civic Center Community Benefit District.