Historic Preservation Commission - August 2, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
August 2, 2017 - 11:30am



Meeting Minutes

Commission Chambers Room 400,
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Wednesday, August 2, 2017
11:30 a.m.
Architectural Review Committe




STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  Elizabeth Gordon-Jonckheer, Jorgen Cleemann, Tim Frye – Historic Preservation Officer, Jonas P. Ionin – Commission Secretary

+ indicates a speaker in support of an item;

  • indicates a speaker in opposition to an item; and

= indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition.

1.                                                                (E. GORDON-JONCKHEER: (415) 575-8728)
CIVIC CENTER KIOSK – located on Assessor's Block 0788, Lot 001, bounded by Grove, Larkin and McAllister Streets and Dr. Carlton B Goodlett Place (District 6) - Request for Review and Comment by the Architectural Review Committee regarding a proposal for construction of a temporary kiosk building at the southeast corner of Larkin and Grove Streets, and removal and replacement of three above-ground mechanical vents to Brooks Hall along Larkin Street.  The proposal also includes outdoor seating, lighting, and site accessibility needed for the kiosk.  The subject property is a contributing site within the Civic Center Landmark District, and is located within a P (Public) Zoning District and OS (Open Space) Height and Bulk Limit.
Preliminary Recommendation: Review and Comment

SPEAKER: = Elizabeth Gordon-Jonckheer – Staff report
+ Alejandra Kessa – Project presentation
+ Speaker – Design presentation
ACTION: Reviewed and Commented
  • Overall Form and Continuity.  The Commissioners concurred with the Department that the form of the proposed project, both the kiosk and vents, are compatible with the surrounding Civic Center Landmark District. 
    • The Commissioners agreed that the kiosk reflects proportions found within the district and that the design of the kiosk incorporates a high degree of transparency, allowing vistas to be maintained when open.  The vents also are minimized in shape and style and reflect a form compatible with district.   
    • Commissioner Hyland noted that an analysis of the full site plan of Civic Center Plaza may have shown an axial relationship between kiosk location and the parking garage entry structure at the northern end of Civic Center Plaza.  The kiosk may have been alternately placed midblock on Grove Street.
  • Scale and Proportion.  The Commissioners concurred with the Department that the scale and proportion of the proposed project, both the kiosk and vents, are compatible with the surrounding Civic Center Landmark District.  
    • The Commissioners agreed that the project design is thoughtful and successful.
    • Commissioner Pearlman commented on the effective composition of the kiosk structure,   a modern interpretation of the existing tripartite pattern with the district – base-shaft-capital, well within the context of the district.
  • Fenestration.  The Commissioners concurred with the Department that the project's overall fenestration is compatible with the surrounding Civic Center Landmark District.
    • The Commissioners agreed that the vision glass window system with butt-joint glazing or aluminum framing was consistent with the district and allowed for visibility and safety, as well as maximizing functional relationships between the kiosk and the new playground, other public areas, and the street.
    • Commissioner Hyland asked for clarification on the functioning of the service windows.  The Project Sponsor stated that the windows will have stops installed to restrict the opening to a Health Code compliant maximum, and that a vertical orientation will be maintained.  The Project Sponsor will continue to confirm that Health Code requirements do not impact design. 
  • Materials.  The Commissioners concurred with the Department that proposed materials, color and finishes proposed are appropriate and compatible with the Civic Center Landmark District.
    • The Commissioners concurred that the Project Sponsor should continue to work with the Department on refinement of materials for the kiosk as constructability options are considered. The Project Sponsor should provide physical samples for review and approval.   
    • Commissioner Pearlman stated that although a range of materials are to be considered for the Base, an effort should be made to use Sierra White Granite.
  • Architectural Details.  The Commissioners concurred with the Department that the proposed details are appropriate and compatible with the Civic Center Landmark District.
    • Commissioner Hyland asked the Project Sponsor to clarify the exhaust fan location on roof.  The Project Sponsor stated that the mechanical equipment would be located in the mechanical well over the restroom and should be shielded from pedestrian vantage points.
    • Commissioner Hyland recommended the Bustle North Wall use Sierra White Granite with stainless channel reveals.
    • Commissioner Pearlman supported the use of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the kiosk.
    • The Commissioners asked for clarification of the storage location of the tables and chairs within the kiosk after closing hours, specifically if these items can be seen through the proposed perforated stainless steel security panels.  The Project Sponsor stated that the items would not be visible and would be stored within the envelope of the kiosk, at the base.  The security gates – with lighting behind -- would be separated by a foot or more from the structure.
  • General.   The Commissioners complemented the Project Sponsor on including a high level of detail and outlining all amenities within the design package.
    • Commission Pearlman noted that a vent design that would be prepared to support future integration of informational data regarding Civic Center would fulfill HPC's goals in educating the public about the history of the area and its historic use.  

2. 2016-010340ENV                                                           (J. CLEEMANN: (415) 575-8763)
500 TURK STREET – located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Turk and Larkin Streets, Assessor's Block 0741, Lot 002 (District 4).  Review and Comment before the Architectural Review Committee on the proposed preservation alternatives in advance of publication of the Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed project.  The project proposes to demolish the existing one- to two-story automotive support structure (Kahn & Keville tire shop) and construct a new eight-story (79-ft tall) 100% affordable residential building with 108 dwelling units (81,869 sf), ground floor retail space (2,597 sf), and common residential amenity spaces (3,564 sf), including an on-grade planted courtyard, garden, and play space located at the northwest corner.  The existing building at 500 Turk Street has been determined individually eligible for the California Register of Historic Resources.  The project site is located with a RC-4 (Residential Commercial, High Density) Zoning District and 80-T Height and Bulk District. 
Preliminary Recommendation:  Review and Comment

SPEAKER: = Jorgen Cleemann – Staff report
+ Sarah Whitewood – TNDC
+ Joan McNamara – MOH
+ Katy Lamont – Response to questions
ACTION: Reviewed and Commented

Overall, the ARC determined that the proposed full preservation alternative and partial preservation alternative were adequate and addressed the expectations outlined in HPC Resolution No. 0746. Both alternatives were determined to be sufficient for incorporation into the DEIR.