Historic Preservation Commission - February 4, 2015 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
February 4, 2015 - 12:30pm




Meeting Minutes


Commission Chambers, Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102-4689


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

12:30 p.m.

Regular Meeting



COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:   Hasz, Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram




STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  Rich Sucre, Keith DeMartini, Chris Kern, Kelly Wong, Pilar LaValley, Tim Frye - Preservation Coordinator, Jonas P. Ionin – Commission Secretary



                                + indicates a speaker in support of an item;

-   indicates a speaker in opposition to an item; and

= indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition.




Richard Rothman - gave an update of public work of arts murals on Coit Tower, Mother’s buildings, the Zoo and asked to landmark other city murals at 35 Onondaga, George Washington, Roosevelt  and John Muir Schools;

Jason Stein - 201 Buchannan, Nightingale House regarding his Mills Act Contract with Planning Department.




1.             Director’s Announcements                         


Director Rahaim: Good afternoon, commissioners. I want to call your attention to something that is on the written director's report, which is the first item there, really for the benefit of the public and just as a reminder, since this has gotten a lot of media play in the last few weeks, the short term rental ordinance took effect this week and we are accepting applications and I just wanted to remind members of the public that in order to rent their unit out on a short term basis they do in fact need to register with the Planning Department and must get a registration number and show that they are in fact a resident of the unit. That's an important part of the legislation. For your information we have taken over 400 phone calls this week just on this topic, over 300 people have requested appointments to come in and register, we have scheduled about half of those, we have a number of staff who are lined up on phone time and on appointment time and to go through applications and to assign registration numbers. We are hoping this initial glut will tail off just in terms of staff time, but this is actually a big deal for the Department and we have three full-time people who will be dedicated just to this program and the enforcement of this program. So just wanted to let you know and remind the public that this is in effect this week and that they should be calling the Department to register to rent out their unit on a short term. Thank you.


President Hasz:  Mr. Director, I have a specific question on that. If a property owner owns a two unit, three unit, four unit, they live in there, it’s still separate addresses, so they need to live in that unit. They can’t rent out another unit within that same property?


Director Rahaim: Only the resident of the unit can do this. It's only available -- the whole point of the way the ordinance was organized is that it would be available to people who live in their units so that units are not being held off the market only being use the for this purpose so that is why the requirement is that the actual person renting the unit out on a short term basis is the resident, whether they own it or rent the unit, it's only the resident that can do this, do this short term rental.


President Hasz: Are we, because we're going to be burdened with three positions for enforcement, now those three positions, and I guess maybe we'll take this up in our budget?  Maybe we should take it up in budget?


Commission Secretary Ionin:  I was going to say this is not an agendized item.


Commissioner Johnck:  I guess my question is how does this affect the staff dedicated to the work of Historic Preservation Commission.


Director Rahaim:  The short answer is there are three new positions that we got in this budget and will carry over to next year that are just for this work. These are brand new positions.  It won't take away staff from the historic preservation.


2.             Review of Past Events at the Planning Commission, Staff Report and Announcements


Preservation Coordinator Tim Frye:  There are no items to report from recent Planning Commission hearings, but I did want to remind you of our National Alliance Preservation Commission Training on Monday at the Ferry Building. An agenda will be emailed to you, I believe, this afternoon. I think, check in starts at 8:30 a.m. and it will end at 4:30 pm.  Lunch will be served on site but if you have any questions about the training please feel free to contact me. Thank you.




3.             President’s Report and Announcements


4.             Consideration of Adoption:

·        Draft Minutes for January 21, 2015


SPEAKERS:           None

ACTION:                Adopted as corrected, Page 2, last sentence, change “To my knowledge, any NPC NAPC is not affiliated with the southern California event.” and Page 2, Item 11, change “…to include that the mass mast arm be painted….”

AYES:                     Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz


5.             Commission Comments & Questions


·        Disclosures


·        Inquiries/Announcements


·        Future Meetings/Agendas

Commissioner Pearlman: I had a question on the Advance Calendar.   We had the project on 3751 20th Street for the ARC. I thought that was coming before us on our next meeting on the 18th of February and here it says the 18th of March. So I just wanted to clarify.

Mr. Ionin: There was some movement around; based on the CAC hearing schedule and that got pushed a little further out. The Project Sponsor is aware of that.  That will be coming back before you on the ARC and then the full HPC at a later day.

Commissioner Pearlman: Here it says the ARC was March 18th.  I thought the ARC was February 18th.  Is that what pushed them out another month?


Mr. Frye:  Commissioner Pearlman, if I may, Rich Sucre met with them and they are not ready to present to the ARC so it was a combination of accommodating the subcommittee’s schedule as well as the project sponsor schedule.


Commissioner Pearlman: I just wanted to make sure they weren't getting pushed back for no reason.


Commissioner Hyland: So I have several things, one is a disclosure, I was contacted by the 20th Street property owner. We just spoke about, that was before us last week. If the ARC is meeting on the 3rd or 4th of March, I won't be here.  So we'll have to have President Hasz attend in my absence. Anyway, second thing is that we just had the acronym will be the CHA - The Cultural Heritage Assets Committee had a fantastic presentation by Diana Ponce De Leon from the Mayor Office of Economic and Workforce Development. She is spearheading in the Invest in Neighborhood. She spoke about the Invest in Neighborhoods program and she is leading two of the 25 districts, one is Japantown and the other is 24th Street.  So she has sent us a little handout. It was a very exciting and informative and engaging conversation, so we'll bring more of that report back to you on future hearings. The last thing I had was that this past Friday I think I mentioned it last hearing, the American Institute of Architects in San Francisco held a San Francisco Place Making Summit. It was a huge success; Director Rahaim was one of the speakers. We have over 100 attendees, it was sold out, we had 31 people on the waitlist and more that wanted to come. The sessions ranged from how San Francisco can engage in the overall international place making movement to how we can rethink city governance to support the use of our public spaces and it ended on a high note of talking about innovation and how we can drive that innovation down into the communities. So there will be further follow-up. The recordings are available or will be available shortly and I think we're going to do a little synopsis video of the day. So thank you.


Commissioner Johns:  The last weekend in February, last day of February, first day of March is the San Francisco Museum and Historical Society's Annual History Expo. Over that two day period, at which we will gather approximately 50 organizations concerned with San Francisco history at the Old Mint. We anticipate having around 4,000 people come through so I recommend that anyone who is remotely interested in the city where they live or they work should show up at least one of those two days. You will have a lot of fun. I believe that the Planning Department is having a booth again this year.


Mr. Frye:  That is correct. I was just going to reiterate that the Department will have a booth and if any commissioners would like to join us and see our schedule of when we'll be there, happy to share that and forward that along to you.


Commissioner Johnck:  I just wanted to clarify with Commissioner Hyland that I was one of the parties that couldn't get in. I even went there thinking that you know, somebody have been released a spot but no, so congratulations on a successful event. My understanding is that for those of us who signed up but
were on the waitlist that we will be getting some of the information and material. I think that's what they mentioned to me.

Commissioner Hyland:  That's correct, the PowerPoints are available and it was recorded.

6.             Election of Officers: In accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission, the President and Vice President of the Commission shall be elected at the first Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission held after the first day of January each year; or at a subsequent Meeting, the date of which is fixed by the Historic Preservation Commission at the first Regular Meeting after the First day of January each year or at a subsequent meeting.

(Continued from January 21, 2015)


Commissioner Johns:  Well, the names have of the re-nominated commissioners have been submitted to the Board of Supervisors. The Rules Committee is meeting on the
12th at 11:00 to consider them, so for the same reasons that I suggested last meeting we postpone the election, I again suggest that we do so that we know who is actually on the Historic Preservation Commission. So let me say we should know on the 12th whether anything is controversial or whether it's going to go on to the Board of Supervisors, whether there will be hearing, what they are going to do. So I suggest we continue this again perhaps till the first meeting in March.

President Hasz: And then if I might, Commissioner Hyland already said he's going to be missing that first meeting in March, so maybe we do the second meeting in March.


Commissioner Johns:  Second meeting in March would be fine.

President Hasz:  It will take a couple weeks to calendar in Rules, whether controversial or not to go forward with a yea or nay.


Commissioner Johns:   I move we continue the matter until the second meeting of March.

President Hasz:  All the commissioners will be here for that second meeting that we know of now?


SPEAKERS:           None

ACTION:                Continued to March 18, 2015

AYES:                     Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz




7.             2014.1363A                                                                                                       (R. SUCRE: (415) 575-9108)

978-980 GUERRERO STREET - west side of Guerrero Street between 21st and 22nd Streets, Assessor’s 3618, Lot 092-093.  Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for front and rear façade alterations and reconstruction of the rear stair to accommodate a change in use from a two-family dwelling to a three-family dwelling. The façade alterations include installation of a new wood entry door and wood-sash window on the ground floor, creation of a sunken terrace on the rear façade, and installation of a new wood door on the rear facade. The subject property is a contributing resource to the Liberty-Hill Landmark District, and is located within a RH-3 (Residential, House, Three-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk Limit.

Preliminary Recommendation:  Pending

(Proposed for Continuance to March 4, 2015)


SPEAKERS:           None

ACTION:                Continued to March 4, 2015

AYES:                     Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz




8.             2015-000747CRV                                                                                   (K. DeMARTINI: (415) 575-9118)

FY 2015-2017 PROPOSED DEPARTMENT BUDGET and WORK PROGRAM FINAL - Review and consideration of a recommendation for approval of a balanced Fiscal Year 2015-2017 Department Budget and Work Program for submission to the Planning Commission.

Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval


SPEAKERS:           None

ACTION:                Adopted a Recommendation for Approval

AYES:                     Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz



9.             2014.0877E                                                                                             (B. BOLLINGER: (415) 575-9024)

1546-1564 MARKET STREET PROJECTThe project site is located on two parcels [Assessor’s Parcel Numbers 0836-006 and 0836-007] at 1546-1550 Market Street, 1554 Market Street, and 55 Oak Street. Review and comment on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR). The proposed project would involve merging the two lots into a single lot, demolition of the existing three buildings on the site, and construction of a new 12-story, 120-foot-tall, 138,002-square-foot residential building with 109 dwelling units, approximately 4,810 gross square feet of ground-floor commercial space, and a 12,512 gross square foot ground floor garage with 28 car parking spaces and 110 bicycle parking spaces. Two of the three existing buildings that would be demolished have been determined to be historic resources under CEQA. 

NOTE: Public comment will be accepted at a Planning Commission hearing held on February 12, 2015. Written comments will be accepted at the Planning Department until 5:00 p.m. on February 23, 2015.

Preliminary Recommendation: Review and Comment


PRESENTERS:      Kim Diamond, Project Sponsor with True Mark Urban - Project presentation

SPEAKERS:           Mike Buhler, SF Architectural Heritage - would appreciate a presentation of preservation alternatives; examine issues of facadism could be a successful preservation outcome.

ACTION:                Review and Commented

AYES:                     Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz


10.          2013.0164A                                                                                                       (K. WONG: (415) 575-9100)

25 ALTA STREET south side of Alta Street between Montgomery Street and Kearny Street, Assessor’s Block 0106, Lot 021. Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for the restoration of the front Italianate elevation, construction of a two-story horizontal addition at the rear of the existing historic building, construction of a new roof deck, and the demolition of an existing detached structure at the rear of the property. Constructed in 1876 by architect Henry Smith, 25 Alta Street is a two dwelling unit, two-story over basement wood-framed Italianate building featuring hooded double-hung wood windows with decorative cornice and horizontal wood siding. The subject property is within a RH-3 (Residential, House, Three-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk Limit, the Telegraph Hill – North Beach Residential Special Use District, and is located within the Telegraph Hill Landmark District and designated individually as a Contributory/Compatible building under Article 10 of the Planning Code.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions

(Continued from January 21, 2015)


PRESENTERS:      Elisa Skaggs, Page and Turnbull - Project presentation

SPEAKERS:           + Stan Hayes, Vice President of Telegraph Hill Dwellers - Working together, have a preservation oriented solution project.

ACTION:                Approved with Conditions Option A, clarifying that the condition regarding paint was in regard to the finish not the color.

AYES:                     Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz

MOTION NO:        M-0249


11.          2015-000717GEN                                                                                     (P. LaVALLEY: (415) 575-9084)

AMENDMENTS TO THE BUILDING CODE - BUILDING FAÇADE INSPECTION AND MAINTENCE AND ESTABLISHING FEE [BOARD FILE NO. 141118].  Provide Review and Comment to Board of Supervisors on Ordinance amending the Building Code to require that 1) the façades of certain buildings having five or more stories be inspected periodically by a qualified licensed architect or engineer; 2) inspection reports be submitted to the owner and the Department of Building Inspection according to an inspection and reporting schedule; 3) maintenance of the façades be conducted in accordance with an Administrative Bulletin that is based on a national standard; 4) establishing a fee to compensate the Department for review and related evaluation processing; 5) making findings, including environmental findings, and findings under the California Health and Safety Code; and 6) directing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to forward this Ordinance to the California Building Standards Commission upon final passage.

Preliminary Recommendation: Review and Comment


SPEAKERS:           None

ACTION:                Adopted a Recommendation for Approval with staff recommendations; as amended to include: 1) Expanding the definition to all historic resources recognized under CEQA; 2) Maintenance is in compliance with the Secretary of Interior Standards; and 3) the HPC is involved in drafting the Administrative Bulletin with respect to the Amendment.

AYES:                     Hyland, Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram, Hasz

RESOLUTION:      R-744


Adjournment:    2:01 PM


The minutes was proposed for adoption at the Regular Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission on Wednesday, February 18, 2015.


ACTION:                 Adopted

AYES:                     Hasz, Hyland Johnck, Johns, Matsuda, Pearlman, Wolfram