Planning Commission - August 31, 2017 - Minutes

Meeting Date: 
August 31, 2017 - 1:00pm






 Meeting Notes





Commission Chambers, Room 400

City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place

San Francisco, CA 94102-4689


Thursday, August 31, 2017

1:00 p.m.

Regular Meeting


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:   Hillis, Richards, Fong, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore





STAFF IN ATTENDANCE:  John Rahaim – Planning Director, David Weissglass, Christy Alexander, Steven Wertheim, Claudine Asbagh, Nicholas Foster, Michael Christensen, Doug Vu, Christopher May, Nancy Tran, and Jonas P. Ionin,  Commission Secretary



                              + indicates a speaker in support of an item;

-   indicates a speaker in opposition to an item; and

                              = indicates a neutral speaker or a speaker who did not indicate support or opposition




The Commission will consider a request for continuance to a later date.  The Commission may choose to continue the item to the date proposed below, to continue the item to another date, or to hear the item on this calendar.


1.            2016-004009DRP                                                                           (V. FLORES: (415) 575-9173)

3932-3934 26TH STREET - between Sanchez and Church Streets, Lot 012 in Assessor’s Block 6552 (District 8) - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2016.03.18.2438, proposing to the renovation and addition to an existing three-story two-unit building located within a RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. The project will excavate and expand the garage level. Additionally, the proposal includes a rear horizontal addition to the second and third floors; a new vertical addition for a fourth floor, and façade alterations. Each unit will occupy two floors. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Staff Analysis:  Abbreviated Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation:  Do Not Take Discretionary Review and Approve

(Continued from Regular Meeting of June 1, 2017)

(Proposed for Continuance to October 5, 2017)


SPEAKERS:          - Speaker (DR Requestor) – Opposed to continuance

                              + Jennifer Huber – Support for continuance

                              = Patricia Heldman – Continuance request frustration

-   Lynn Rosenswag – Perplexed over continuance

                              + Ryan Patterson – Architect out of the country

-   Georgia Schuttish – Opposed to continuance

ACTION:                              Continued to October 5, 2017

AYES:                    Hillis, Fong, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Richards


2.            2013.1872ENX                                                                                                 (D. SIROIS: (415) 575-8714)

768 HARRISON STREET - north side between Lapu Lapu Street & 4th Street with frontage on Rizal Street; Lots 033 & 162 in Assessor’s Block 3751 (District 6) - Request for a Large Project Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Section 329 to allow the demolition of a 3,090 square foot two-story, industrial building (automotive service), to merge lots 330 & 162 and to construct an 83-foot-tall, eight-story over basement, mixed-use building approximately 34,340 square feet in size. The proposed building would include 5,160 square feet of office space in the basement and on the on the ground floor facing Rizal Street and 24 residential units above. The proposed project includes 25 Class I bicycle spaces and three Class II bicycle spaces. The project also includes 1,920 square feet of common open space including a 1,300-square-foot rear yard at the second-floor level and a 620-square-foot deck at the roof level. The project is seeking exceptions from certain Planning Code requirements including: permitted obstructions over street (Planning Code Section 136) and dwelling unit mix (Planning Code Section 207.6).  This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary recommendation: Pending

(Continued from Regular Meeting of June 22, 2017)

(Proposed for Continuance to October 5, 2017)


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Continued to October 19, 2017

AYES:                    Richards, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Hillis, Fong


3a.          2017-003134CUA                                                                          (N. FOSTER: (415) 575-9167)

72 ELLIS STREET - north side of Ellis Street, between Stockton and Powell Streets, Lot 011 in Assessor’s Block 0327 (District 3) - Request for Performance Period Extension for an additional three years for a previously-approved project (Conditional Use Authorization).  The amendment proposes minor changes to the overall design of the building with an increase in guest room count from the original proposal (from 156 rooms to 192 rooms).  The Project proposes to demolish an existing surface parking lot and construct an approximately 130-foot-tall (up to maximum height of 146 feet, inclusive of mechanical equipment and elevator over-run), 11-story-over-basement, approximately 76,500 gross square foot (gsf) building.  The proposed building would contain a Hotel Use (a Retail Sales and Service Use), providing one hundred and ninety two (192) tourist guest rooms, and would also contain approximately 8,500 square feet of retail use.  The Project would provide eight (8) Class I bicycle parking spaces in the basement and eleven (11) Class II bicycle parking spaces on Ellis Street.  No off-street parking is proposed; the Project would include a passenger loading zone directly in front of the subject property (subject to SFMTA approval).  The subject property is located within the C-3-R (Downtown Retail) Zoning District, 80-130-F Height and Bulk District, and Kearny-Market-Mason-Sutter (KMMS) Conservation District.  The project also required action by the Historic Preservation Commission on a Permit to Alter for demolition and new construction within the KMMS Conservation District (Case No. 2017-003134PTA).  On June 7, 2017, the Historic Preservation Commission approved the Permit to Alter, with recommendations as amended, by a vote of +4 -0, (Motion No. 0305).

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve Two-Year Extension of Performance Period

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 13, 2017)

(Proposed for Continuance to November 30, 2017)


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Continued to November 30, 2017

AYES:                    Richards, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Hillis, Fong


3b.         2017-003134DNX                                                                          (N. FOSTER: (415) 575-9167)

72 ELLIS STREET - north side of Ellis Street, between Stockton and Powell Streets, Lot 011 in Assessor’s Block 0327 (District 3) - Request for Performance Period Extension for an additional three years for a previously-approved project (Downtown Project Authorization).  The amendment proposes minor changes to the overall design of the building with an increase in guest room count from the original proposal (from 156 rooms to 192 rooms).  The Project proposes to demolish an existing surface parking lot and construct an approximately 130-foot-tall (up to maximum height of 146 feet, inclusive of mechanical equipment and elevator over-run), 11-story-over-basement, approximately 76,500 gross square foot (gsf) building.  The proposed building would contain a Hotel Use (a Retail Sales and Service Use), providing one hundred and ninety two (192) tourist guest rooms, and would also contain approximately 8,500 square feet of retail use.  The Project would provide eight (8) Class I bicycle parking spaces in the basement and eleven (11) Class II bicycle parking spaces on Ellis Street. No off-street parking is proposed; the Project would include a passenger loading zone directly in front of the subject property (subject to SFMTA approval).  The subject property is located within a C-3-R (Downtown Retail) Zoning District, 80-130-F Height and Bulk District, and Kearny-Market-Mason-Sutter (KMMS) Conservation District.  The project also required action by the Historic Preservation Commission on a Permit to Alter for demolition and new construction within the KMMS Conservation District (Case No. 2017-003134PTA).  On June 7, 2017, the Historic Preservation Commission approved the Permit to Alter, with recommendations as amended, by a vote of +4/-0, (Motion No. 0305).

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve Two-Year Extension of Performance Period

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 13, 2017)

(Proposed for Continuance to November 30, 2017)


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Continued to November 30, 2017

AYES:                    Richards, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Hillis, Fong


4.            2017-004521MAP                                                                      (D. SANCHEZ: (415) 575-9082)

THIRD STREET FORMULA RETAIL RESTRICTED USE DISTRICTZoning Map Amendment to include parcels located at 5545 Third Street and 5501 Third Street in the Third Street Formula Retail Restricted Use Districts; affirming the Planning Department’s California Environmental Quality Act Determination; and making Planning Code Section 302 findings and findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code Section 101.1.

(Proposed for Indefinite Continuance)


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Continued Indefinitely

AYES:                    Richards, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Hillis, Fong




All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Planning Commission, and may be acted upon by a single roll call vote of the Commission.  There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Commission, the public, or staff so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item at this or a future hearing


5a.          2017-004417CUA                                                                 (D. WEISSGLASS: (415) 575-9177)

3100 GEARY BOULEVARD - northwest corner of  Cook Street and Geary Boulevard; Lot 021 in Assessor’s Block 1066 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 303.1, to allow a change of operator for an existing Formula Retail use (currently dba “Sleep Train Mattress Center,” proposed as “Mattress Firm”). The subject property is within a NC-3 (Neighborhood Commercial, Moderate Scale) Zoning District, and 40-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Approved with Conditions

AYES:                    Richards, Hillis, Fong, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

                    MOTION:              19982


5b.         2017-004424CUA                                                                 (D. WEISSGLASS: (415) 575-9177)

4550 GEARY BOULEVARD - northeast corner of 10th Avenue and Geary Boulevard; Lot 018 in Assessor’s Block 1441 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 303.1, to allow a change of operator for an existing Formula Retail use (currently dba “Sleep Train Mattress Center,” proposed as “Mattress Firm”). The subject property is within a NC-3 (Neighborhood Commercial, Moderate Scale) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Approved with Conditions

AYES:                    Richards, Hillis, Fong, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

                    MOTION:              19983


5c.          2017-004430CUA                                                                 (D. WEISSGLASS: (415) 575-9177)

4801 GEARY BOULEVARD - southwest corner of 12th Avenue and Geary Boulevard; Lots 042-058 in Assessor’s Block 1532 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 303.1, to allow a change of operator for an existing Formula Retail use (currently dba “Sleep Train Mattress Center,” proposed as “Mattress Firm”). The subject property is within a NC-3 (Neighborhood Commercial, Moderate Scale) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Approved with Conditions

AYES:                    Richards, Hillis, Fong, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

                    MOTION:              19984


5d.         2017-004404CUA                                                                 (D. WEISSGLASS: (415) 575-9177)

1415 VAN NESS AVENUE - southwest corner of Austin Street and Van Ness Avenue; Lot 004 in Assessor’s Block 0666 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 303.1, to allow a change of operator for an existing Formula Retail use (currently dba “Sleep Train Mattress Center,” proposed as “Mattress Firm”). The subject property is within a RC-4 (Residential-Commercial, High Density) Zoning District, the Van Ness and Van Ness Automotive Special Use Districts, and 130-V Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Approved with Conditions

AYES:                    Richards, Hillis, Fong, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

                    MOTION:              19985


5e.          2017-004411CUA                                                                 (D. WEISSGLASS: (415) 575-9177)

1600 VAN NESS AVENUE - northeast corner of California Street and Van Ness Avenue; Lot 018 in Assessor’s Block 0643 - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303 and 303.1, to allow a change of operator for an existing Formula Retail use (currently dba “Sleep Train Mattress Center,” proposed as “Mattress Firm”). The subject property is within a RC-4 (Residential-Commercial, High Density) Zoning District, the Van Ness and Van Ness Automotive Special Use Districts, and 80-D Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          None

ACTION:                              Approved with Conditions

AYES:                    Richards, Hillis, Fong, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

                    MOTION:              19986




6.            Commission Comments/Questions

·       Inquiries/Announcements.  Without discussion, at this time Commissioners may make announcements or inquiries of staff regarding various matters of interest to the Commissioner(s).

·       Future Meetings/Agendas.  At this time, the Commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a Special Meeting and/or determine those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the Planning Commission.


Commissioner Richards:

Interestingly, briefly, today’s Chronicle Page 1- Bay Area Housing Shortage Worsens, it talks about the affordability ratio in the nine counties Bay Areas actually, only second worse to 2005-2006. In San Francisco, medium price of a house is $1.2 million and the affordability ratio is at 12 percent. Imagine, my husband works in non-profit, down payment in a $1.2 million home, would be at least $240K or $120K if you are lucky, to get a carry back mortgage, that is more than he or many of his peers are making in four or five years. So, when we talking about other items today in the agenda and people that are actually in those income ranges, it’s hard for me to understand where they can live, unless they commute very, very long distances to work in the City.



7.            Director’s Announcements




8.            Review of Past Events at the Board of Supervisors, Board of Appeals and Historic Preservation Commission






At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items.  With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.


SPEAKERS:          Georgia Schuttish – Housing element policies. 

                                                                    Demolition definition

F.                REGULAR CALENDAR 


The Commission Hearing Procedures provide for presentations by staff; followed by the project sponsor team; followed by public comment for and against the proposal.  Please be advised that the project sponsor team includes: the sponsor(s) or their designee, lawyers, architects, engineers, expediters, and/or other advisors.


9.            2000.541EKXBTHA                                                                (C. ALEXANDER: (415) 575-8724)

350 BUSH STREET - Informational Presentation - for the 1% Public Art Requirement for a newly constructed 19-story office building addition to the existing Mining Exchange Building, with 20,400 sf of retail space in two galleria levels and 344,540 sf of office space. The project was approved on November 1, 2001 by Motion No. 16274 in Case No. 2000.541EKXBCTHA.

Preliminary Recommendation: None – Informational


SPEAKERS:          = Christy Alexander – Staff Report

                              + Jeffrey Heller – Project presentation

ACTION:                              None – Informational


10.          2011.1356MTZ                                                                                 (S. WERTHEIM: (415) 558-6612)

CENTRAL SOMA PLAN - Informational Presentation - This presentation is intended to continue the process leading to Initiation and eventual adoption of the Central SoMa Plan and accompanying legislation. It will focus on areas of interest and/or concern raised previously by Planning Commissioners and members of the public. For more information on the Central SoMa Plan, go to

Preliminary Recommendation: None - Informational


SPEAKERS:          = Steve Wertheim – Staff Report

                              = Richard Drury – Mid-rise alternative

-   Gina Carriage - Opposed to the high rise plan, support for mid-rise plan

-   Nora Hurley – Support for mid-rise plan

= Mike Farrow – 559 6th Street – Flower Market

= Abraham Pinostian – SALI Zoning negative impacts

-   Scott Feaney – Opposition, housing element

+ Marilyn – Support for plan

-   John Schwerck – Pushing housing out ten years

+ Corey Smith – Support for the plan, proposed amendment

-   John Elberling – TODCO plan

+ Valerie Lee – 725 Bryant Street, support for rezoning

= Speaker – Types of jobs

+ Speaker – Support

+ Angelica Covande – Community development

= Alex Landsburg – Community benefit

= Jane Wike – Open Space

-   Speaker – Arts condition

ACTION:                              None - Informational


11a.       2017-005881PCA                                                          (C. ASBAGH: (415) 575-9165)

FORMULA RETAIL GROCERY STORE IN FULTON STREET GROCERY STORE SPECIAL USE DISTRICT; AMENDMENTS TO PLANNG CODE SECTION 249.35A [BOARD FILE 170514] - Planning Code Amendment to allow a grocery store that may be defined as a formula retail use in the Fulton Street Grocery Store Special Use District, and adding criteria for approval; extending the duration of the controls; and making environmental findings, findings of consistency with the General Plan and the eight priority policies of Planning Code, Section 101.1, and findings of public necessity, convenience, and welfare under Planning Code, Section 302.

Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval


SPEAKERS:          - Ace Washington – We need to talk about it right now

ACTION:                              Continued to October 19, 2017

AYES:                    Richards, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Hillis, Fong


11b.       2017-005881CUA                                                                                 (C. ASBAGH: (415) 575-9165)

555 FULTON STREET - southeast corner of Fulton and Laguna Street; Lot 058 in Assessor’s Block 0794 (District 5) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 303(c), 303.1, 703.4, and 249.35A to establish a formula retail sales and services establishment (d.b.a. New Seasons Market) as would be permitted under Planning Code Amendments proposed under Board File No. 170514. The project is located within a RTO (Residential Transit Oriented) and Hayes Valley NCT (Neighborhood Commercial Transit) Zoning Districts and 40-X/50-X Height and Bulk District, and the Fulton Street Grocery Store Special Use District. Not defined as a project under CEQA Guidelines Sections 15378 and 15060(c)(2) because it does not result in a physical change in the environment. No CEQA review is required pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation:  Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          Same as Item 11a.

ACTION:                              Continued to October 19, 2017

AYES:                    Richards, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Hillis, Fong


12.          2017-002430CUA                                                                          (N. FOSTER: (415) 575-9167)

948-950 LOMBARD STREET - north side of Lombard Street between Jones and Leavenworth Streets; Lot 010 in Assessor’s Block 0067 (District 3) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization pursuant to Planning Code Sections 207, 209.1 and 303 to permit a second Dwelling Unit on a single lot in the RH-1 Zoning District. The project proposes to merge Lots 10 and 17 of Assessor’s Block 0067, each of which contains a single Dwelling Unit, into a single parcel containing two Dwelling Units. 950 Lombard Street (Lot 10) is 9,480-sf lot containing a 1-story, 616-sf cottage with one dwelling unit. 841 Chestnut Street (Lot 17) is a 6,255-sf lot containing a 2-story, 3,430-sf single-family dwelling. Within the RH-1 Zoning District, up to one Dwelling Unit per 3,000 square feet of lot area is permitted with benefit of Conditional Use Authorization. The project also requires a Lot Line Adjustment to permit the merger of the two, existing lots. All interior and exterior permits were previously approved to comply with Department of Building Inspection (DBI) Notice of Violation #201766421 and Planning Enforcement Case # 2016-008722ENF. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          = Nick Foster – Staff Report

                              + Tuija Catalano – Project presentation

-   Cathleen Courtney – Opposed, request for denial

-   F. Joseph Butler – Historic resources

ACTION:                              Approved with Conditions

AYES:                    Hillis, Fong, Koppel, Melgar

NAYES:                 Moore, Richards

ABSENT:              Johnson

                    MOTION:              19987


13.          2016-001443CUA                                                              (M. CHRISTENSEN: (415) 575-8742)

2708 24TH STREET - north side of 24th Street between Potrero Avenue and Hampshire Street, Lot 035 in Assessor’s Block 4211 (District 9) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 249.59, 249.60, 303, and 763, to establish a Restaurant use in an existing ground floor commercial tenant space, last occupied by a personal service use (barber/beauty parlor). No exterior modifications are proposed to the structure. The subject property is located within the 24th Street-Mission Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) Zoning District, the Calle 24 Special Use District, and 65-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          = Michael Christensen – Staff Report

                              + Project Sponsor – Project presentation

ACTION:                              Approved with Conditions

AYES:                    Hillis, Fong, Koppel, Melgar

ABSENT:              Johnson, Moore, Richards

                    MOTION:              19988


14a.       2015-005863ENX                                                                                   (D. VU: (415) 575-9120)

342-360 5th STREET - west side between Shipley and Clara Streets - Lots 005, 006A, 007, 057, 058, 100, 101 & 147 in Assessor’s Block 3753 (District 6) - Request for Large Project Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Section 329 including exceptions from the rear yard, obstructions over streets and alleys, dwelling unit exposure, and off-street loading requirements pursuant to Planning Code Sections 134, 136, 140, and 152, respectively, for the demolition of three existing light industrial structures totaling 17,897 square feet and proposed new construction of a 45- to 85-ft. tall, up to eight-story and 132,560 square feet mixed-use development that includes approximately 1,302 square feet of ground floor commercial, 8,011 square feet of ground floor and partially underground light industrial (PDR) space, and 123,247 sq. ft. of residential use for 127 dwelling units. The proposed project would also include a total 10,321 sq. ft. of private and common residential open space and an approximately 18,361 sq. ft. basement-level garage for 40 automobile parking, two car-share, two loading, and 107 Class 1 bicycle parking spaces. The subject properties are located within the Mixed Use Residential (MUR) Zoning District and 45-X and 85-X Height and Bulk Districts. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions


SPEAKERS:          + Danny Campbell – Support for continuance

                              + Tyler Ebbi – Support continuance

ACTION:                              Continued to September 14, 2017

AYES:                    Richards, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Hillis, Fong


14b.       2015-005863CUA                                                                                   (D. VU: (415) 575-9120)

342-360 5th STREET - west side between Shipley and Clara Streets - Lots 005, 006A, 007, 057, 058, 100, 101 & 147 in Assessor’s Block 3753 (District 6) - Request for Conditional Use Authorization, pursuant to Planning Code Sections 202.8 and 303 including exceptions from the rear yard, obstructions over streets and alleys, dwelling unit exposure, and off-street loading requirements pursuant to Planning Code Sections 134, 136, 140, and 152, respectively, for the demolition of three existing light industrial structures totaling 17,897 square feet and proposed new construction of a 45- to 85-ft. tall, up to eight-story and 132,560 square feet mixed-use development that includes approximately 1,302 square feet of ground floor commercial, 8,011 square feet of ground floor and partially underground light industrial (PDR) space, and 123,247 sq. ft. of residential use for 127 dwelling units. The proposed project would also include a total 10,321 sq. ft. of private and common residential open space and an approximately 18,361 sq. ft. basement-level garage for 40 automobile parking, two car-share, two loading, and 107 Class 1 bicycle parking spaces. The subject properties are located within the Mixed Use Residential (MUR) Zoning District and 45-X and 85-X Height and Bulk Districts.

Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions

(Continued from Regular Meeting of July 20, 2017)


SPEAKERS:          Same as Item 14a.

ACTION:                              Continued to September 14, 2017

AYES:                    Richards, Johnson, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

NAYES:                 Hillis, Fong




The Commission Discretionary Review Hearing Procedures provide for presentations by staff; followed by the DR requestor team; followed by public comment opposed to the project; followed by the project sponsor team; followed by public comment in support of the project.  Please be advised that the DR requestor and project sponsor teams include: the DR requestor and sponsor or their designee, lawyers, architects, engineers, expediters, and/or other advisors.


15.          2016-000688DRP-02                                                                          (C. MAY: (415) 575-9087)

116 10th AVENUE  - east side of 10th Avenue between Lake and California Streets; Lot 034 in Assessor’s Block 1369 (District 1) - Requests for Discretionary Review of  Building Permit Application No. 2016.01.12.6840 proposing the construction of a rear horizontal addition and vertical addition to the existing single family dwelling.  The subject property is within a RH-2 (Residential, House, Two-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Staff Analysis: Abbreviated Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation: Do Not Take Discretionary Review and Approve

(Continued from Regular Meeting of June 8, 2017)


SPEAKERS:          = David Lindsay – Staff Report

+ Tom Tunney – Request for Continuance

-   Richard Shreve – Opposed to continuance

-   Francis Gleason – Opposed to continuance

-   Lisa Tsang – DR presentation

-   Francis Gleason – DR presentation 2

-   Lisa Baker – Amount of opposition

-   George Sin – Current conditions

-   Ivan Don – Revisions

-   John Melvin – Out of scale

-   Mimi Chung – Rear decks

-   Kate Hatch – Doubling the size of the house

-   Tony Chan – Light, air, and privacy

-   Tessa Melvin – Opposition

-   Mary Gleason-Sheldon – Opposition, sunlight

-   Heidi Howell – Opposition

-   Speaker – Opposition

-   Speaker – Light and air, midblock open space

-   Matt Frevejon – Out of scale

-   Brendan Gleason – Too large

-   Speaker – Too large

+ Tony Tunney – Project presentation                   

ACTION:                              Disapproved

AYES:                    Hillis, Richards, Fong, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

ABSENT:              Johnson

               DRA No:                              0548


16.          2015-004141DRP-02                                                                        (N. TRAN: (415) 575-9174)

1188 DIAMOND STREET - western side of Diamond Street, between Clipper and 26th Streets, Block 6556, Lot 006A (District 8) - Request for Discretionary Review of Building Permit Application No. 2017.04.03.3058, proposing install Code-compliant property line fencing at grade and canopies with underlights on the fourth floor of an existing single-family dwelling located within the RH-1 (Residential House, One-Family) Zoning District and 40-X Height and Bulk District. This action constitutes the Approval Action for the project for the purposes of CEQA, pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 31.04(h).

Staff Analysis:  Abbreviated Discretionary Review

Preliminary Recommendation:  Take Discretionary Review and Approve with Modifications


SPEAKERS:          = Delvin Washington – Staff Report

-   Jessie Fowler – DR presentation

-   Speaker – will exacerbate a bad situation

+ Henry Karnilowicz – Project presentation

ACTION:                              Disapproved

AYES:                    Hillis, Richards, Koppel, Melgar, Moore

ABSENT:              Johnson, Fong

               DRA No:                              0549


H.               PUBLIC COMMENT


At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission except agenda items.  With respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the Commission will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting with one exception.  When the agenda item has already been reviewed in a public hearing at which members of the public were allowed to testify and the Commission has closed the public hearing, your opportunity to address the Commission must be exercised during the Public Comment portion of the Calendar.  Each member of the public may address the Commission for up to three minutes.


The Brown Act forbids a commission from taking action or discussing any item not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment.  In response to public comment, the commission is limited to:


(1)  responding to statements made or questions posed by members of the public; or

(2)  requesting staff to report back on a matter at a subsequent meeting; or

(3)  directing staff to place the item on a future agenda.  (Government Code Section 54954.2(a))


               SPEAKERS:          Henry Karnilowicz – Central SOMA Plan support


Adjournment - 5:58 P.M.

ADOPTED: September 14, 2017