Planning Commission - September 17, 2015 - Agenda

Meeting Date: 
September 17, 2015 (All day)

San Francisco Planning Commission
Recreation and Park Commission

Notice of Joint Hearing & Agenda

CITY HALL – Commission Chambers Room 400,
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place
San Francisco, CA 94102-4689

Thursday, September 17, 2015
11:00 a.m.

Special Meeting

Planning Commission
President: Rodney Fong
Vice-President: Cindy Wu
Commissioners: Michael J. Antonini; Rich Hillis; Christine Johnson; Kathrin Moore; Dennis Richards

Recreation & Park Commission
President: Mark Buell
Vice President: Allan Low
Commissioners: Tom Harrison; Gloria Bonilla; Megan Levitan; Erick McDonnell

Hearing Materials are available at:
Planning Department, 1650 Mission Street, 4th Floor, Suite 400
Planning Information Center, 1660 Mission Street, 1st Floor
Voice recorded Agenda, only: (415) 558-6320

Commission Hearing Broadcasts:
Live stream:

Ordinances and Accessibility
Hearing Procedures


NOTEThe Joint Commissions will hold one public hearing for the public to provide testimony on all items listed below, including consideration of whether to certify the EIR.  Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission will consider action on certifying the Final Environmental Impact Report; the Recreation and Park Commission will act jointly with the Planning Commission to consider action on raising the cumulative shadow limit for FATHER ALFRED E. BOEDDEKER PARK; the Recreation and Park Commission will consider making a recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding the possible adverse impact of shadow on FATHER ALFRED E. BOEDDEKER PARK; following action on those items, the Recreation & Park Commission will adjourn and the Planning Commission will remain in session and separately consider action on all other entitlements.

1.   2011.0409E
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M Project”)Certification of Environmental Impact Report for a project that would entail development of office, retail, residential, cultural, educational, and open space uses in the southwest quadrant of Fifth and Mission Streets in Downtown San Francisco. The project would result in the retention/renovation of four buildings (Chronicle Building at 901-933 Mission Street, constructed in 1924; the Dempster Printing Building at 447-449 Minna Street, constructed in 1907; the Camelline Building at 430 Natoma Street, constructed in 1923; and a portion of the existing Examiner Building’s connector to the Chronicle Building), the demolition of five existing buildings and surface parking lots (910 Howard Street, 912 Howard Street, 924-926 Howard Street, 190 Fifth Street and 110 Fifth Street) and construction of three towers (“H-1, N-1, M-2”) on the approximately four-acre site. The project would accommodate a program of approximately 821,300 square feet of residential uses (approximately 690 units), 807,600 square feet of office uses, and 68,700 square feet of other active ground-floor uses (a mix of retail establishments, recreational and arts facilities, restaurants, workshops, and educational uses). Building heights would range from approximately 31 feet to 470 feet. The project would also include vehicular parking, bicycle parking and loading facilities, private- and publicly-accessible open-space and streetscape and public-realm improvements. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X, and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Note: The public hearing on the Draft EIR is closed. The public comment period for the Draft EIR ended on January 7, 2015. Public comment will be received when the item is called during the hearing. However, comments submitted may not be included in the Final EIR.
Preliminary Recommendation: Certify the Environmental Impact Report.
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2a.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                    (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Adoption of Findings and adoption of Statement of Overriding Considerations under the California Environmental Quality Act in association with the 5M Project. The Project proposes to demolish surface parking lots and several existing buildings (926 Howard Street, 912 Howard Street, 409-411 Natoma Street, and 190 Fifth Street), retain the Dempster, Camelline, Chronicle, and Examiner (portion) buildings, and construct three new towers on the project site, with occupied building heights ranging from approximately 200 feet to 450 feet. The project includes approximately 821,300 square feet of residential uses (approximately 690 units), 807,600 square feet of office uses (including active office uses at or below the ground floor), and 68,700 square feet of other active ground floor uses (a mix of retail establishments, recreational and arts facilities, restaurants, workshops, and educational uses). The project would also include vehicular parking, bicycle parking, and loading facilities, an extensive program of private- and publicly-accessible open space, and streetscape and public-realm improvements. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X, and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt CEQA Findings
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2b.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                 (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”)- west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Adoption of Findings of Consistency with the San Francisco General Plan and Planning Code Section 101.1, in association with the 5M Project. The Project proposes to demolish surface parking lots and several existing buildings (926 Howard Street, 912 Howard Street, 409-411 Natoma Street, and 190 Fifth Street), retain the Dempster, Camelline, Chronicle, and Examiner (portion) buildings, and construct three new towers on the project site, with occupied building heights ranging from approximately 200 feet to 450 feet. The project includes approximately 821,300 square feet of residential uses (approximately 690 units), 807,600 square feet of office uses (including active office uses at or below the ground floor), and 68,700 square feet of other active ground floor uses (a mix of retail establishments, recreational and arts facilities, restaurants, workshops, and educational uses). The project would also include vehicular parking, bicycle parking, and loading facilities, an extensive program of private- and publicly-accessible open space, and streetscape and public-realm improvements. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X, and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt General Plan Consistency Findings
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2c.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                 (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725; and FATHER ALFRED E. BOEDDEKER PARK, bounded by two six-story private mixed-use properties on the north, Jones Street on the west, Eddy Street on the south, and a six-story residential building on the east; a portion of the L-shaped park is bounded by Ellis Street to the north and two-to-six story private buildings to the east, south and west - Lots 009, 017, 018 and 019 in Assessor’s Block 0332 - Discussion and possible joint action by the Planning Commission and Recreation and Park Commission to raise the Cumulative
Limit for Father Alfred E. Boeddeker Park, pursuant to the jointly-approved Planning Code Section 295 Implementation Memo adopted in 1989, in order to accommodate new shadow cast by the 925 Mission Street/5M Project, and adoption of findings under the California Environmental Quality Act. The project proposes to demolish surface parking lots and several existing buildings (926 Howard Street, 912 Howard Street, 409-411 Natoma Street, and 190 Fifth Street), retain the Dempster, Camelline, Chronicle, and Examiner (portion) buildings, and construct three new towers on the project site, with occupied building heights ranging from approximately 200 feet to 450 feet. The project includes approximately 821,300 square feet of residential uses (approximately 690 units), 807,600 square feet of office uses (including active office uses at or below the ground floor), and 68,700 square feet of other active ground floor uses (a mix of retail establishments, recreational and arts facilities, restaurants, workshops, and educational uses). The project would also include vehicular parking, bicycle parking, and loading facilities, an extensive program of private- and publicly-accessible open space, and streetscape and public-realm improvements. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X, and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation:   Raise Cumulative Shadow Limit
(Planning Commission and Recreation and Park Commission Joint Action)

2d.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                                       (RPD Staff)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725; and FATHER ALFRED E. BOEDDEKER PARKbounded by two six-story private mixed-use properties on the north, Jones Street on the west, Eddy Street on the south, and a six-story residential building on the east; a portion of the L-shaped park is bounded by Ellis Street to the north and two-to-six story private buildings to the east, south and west - Lots 009, 017, 018 and 019 in Assessor’s Block 0332. Discussion and possible action by the Recreation and Park Commission to adopt a resolution to recommend to the Planning Commission that the new shadow cast on Father Alfred E. Boeddeker Park, by the proposed project at 925 Mission Street will not be adverse to the use of the park, as required by Planning Code Section 295 (the Sunlight Ordinance). The project proposes to demolish surface parking lots and several existing buildings (926 Howard Street, 912 Howard Street, 409-411 Natoma Street, and 190 Fifth Street), retain the Dempster, Camelline, Chronicle, and Examiner (portion) buildings, and construct three new towers on the project site, with occupied building heights ranging from approximately 200 feet to 450 feet. The project includes approximately 821,300 square feet of residential uses (approximately 690 units), 807,600 square feet of office uses (including active office uses at or below the ground floor), and 68,700 square feet of other active ground floor uses (a mix of retail establishments, recreational and arts facilities, restaurants, workshops, and educational uses). The project would also include vehicular parking, bicycle parking, and loading facilities, an extensive program of private- and publicly-accessible open space, and streetscape and public-realm improvements. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X, and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
(Recreation and Park Commission Action Only)

NOTE:  Following items 2a, b, c, and d the Recreation and Park Commission will adjourn, and the Planning Commission will remain in session to separately consider items 2e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, and q.

2e.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                       (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725; and FATHER ALFRED E. BOEDDEKER PARK – bounded by two six-story private mixed-use properties on the north, Jones Street on the west, Eddy Street on the south, and a six-story residential building on the east; a portion of the L-shaped park is bounded by Ellis Street to the north and two-to-six story private buildings to the east, south and west - Lots 009, 017, 018 and 019 in Assessor’s Block 0332 - Request to Consider, upon the recommendation of the Recreation and Park Commission, whether the net new shadow cast by the project on Father Alfred E. Boeddeker Park will be adverse to the use of the park, and to authorize the allocation of the cumulative shadow limit for Boeddeker Park to the project (Section 295). The project proposes to demolish surface parking lots and several existing buildings (926 Howard Street, 912 Howard Street, 409-411 Natoma Street, and 190 Fifth Street), retain the Dempster, Camelline, Chronicle, and Examiner (portion) buildings, and construct three new towers on the project site, with occupied building heights ranging from approximately 200 feet to 450 feet. The project includes approximately 821,300 square feet of residential uses (approximately 690 units), 807,600 square feet of office uses (including active office uses at or below the ground floor), and 68,700 square feet of other active ground floor uses (a mix of retail establishments, recreational and arts facilities, restaurants, workshops, and educational uses). The project would also include vehicular parking, bicycle parking, and loading facilities, an extensive program of private- and publicly-accessible open space, and streetscape and public-realm improvements. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X, and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation:  Adopt Findings
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2f.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                                       (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for General Plan Amendments of various maps and figures within the Downtown Plan, the Urban Design Element, and the South of Market Area Plan elements of the General Plan, annotation of the Eastern Neighborhoods Area Plan maps, and updating of the General Plan Land Use Index to reflect the proposed amendments,  in association with the mixed-use commercial, residential, retail/educational/cultural development project known as the 5M Project. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2g.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                   (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Zoning Text Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment in accordance with Planning Code Section 302 to 1) Reclassify Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, and 098 within Assessor’s Block 3725 from the RSD (Residential Service) to the C-3-S (Downtown Support) Zoning District (Zoning Map ZN01), 2) Remove Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, and 098 from the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District of (Zoning Map SU01) (Section 302), and 3) Establish the “Fifth and Mission Special Use District” (SUD) on the entire project site (Zoning Map SU01). The proposed SUD would modify specific Planning Code regulations related to permitted uses, dwelling unit density, floor area ratio, dwelling unit exposure, height limitations, bulk limitations, setbacks and tower separation, off-street vehicle and bicycle parking and loading, open space, streetscape improvements, pedestrian wind limitations, artworks, wayfinding signs, and transferrable development rights, and would establish review procedures for building permits for the 5M Project. The SUD would also incorporate by reference a proposed “Design for Development” for the 5M Project that provides specificity on aspects of architecture and massing, streetscape improvements,  landscaping and greening, lighting, circulation and transportation facilities, public art, open space programming and design, activation and enhancement of the pedestrian realm, and sustainability features. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2h.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                    (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725 - Request for Height Reclassification (Section 302) of Zoning Map HT01 to reclassify portions of the property from the existing 40-X/85-B, 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts to the 85-X, 200-S, 365-X, and 450-S Height and Bulk Districts, in association with the 5M Project. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2i.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                 (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Approval of a Design for Development Document in association with the 5M Project. The Project proposes to demolish surface parking lots and several existing buildings (926 Howard Street, 912 Howard Street, 409-411 Natoma Street, and 190 Fifth Street), retain the Dempster, Camelline, Chronicle, and Examiner (portion) buildings, and construct three new towers on the project site, with occupied building heights ranging from approximately 200 feet to 450 feet. The project includes approximately 821,300 square feet of residential uses (approximately 690 units), 807,600 square feet of office uses (including active office uses at or below the ground floor), and 68,700 square feet of other active ground floor uses (a mix of retail establishments, recreational and arts facilities, restaurants, workshops, and educational uses). The Design for Development document sets forth and articulates a vision for the character of the overall project, and provides specificity on aspects of architecture and massing, streetscape improvements,  landscaping and greening, lighting, circulation and transportation facilities, public art, open space programming and design, activation and enhancement of the pedestrian realm, and sustainability features. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2j.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                       (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012, 042-047, 076, 077, 089-091, 093, 094, and 097-100 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Approval of a Development Agreement between the City and County of San Francisco and “5M Project, LLC” in association with the 5M Project. The proposed Development Agreement will address project phasing, delivery of public realm improvements, and public benefits on topics to include affordable housing, transportation, open space, workforce development, historic rehabilitation, youth development, and arts and culture. The project proposes to demolish surface parking lots and several existing buildings (926 Howard Street, 912 Howard Street, 409-411 Natoma Street, and 190 Fifth Street), retain the Dempster, Camelline, Chronicle, and Examiner (portion) buildings, and construct three new towers on the project site, with occupied building heights ranging from approximately 200 feet to 450 feet. The project includes approximately 821,300 square feet of residential uses (approximately 690 units), 807,600 square feet of office uses (including active office uses at or below the ground floor), and 68,700 square feet of other active ground floor uses (a mix of retail establishments, recreational and arts facilities, restaurants, workshops, and educational uses). The project would also include vehicular parking, bicycle parking, and loading facilities, an extensive program of private- and publicly-accessible open space, and streetscape and public-realm improvements. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S and RSD Zoning Districts, the 40-X/85-B, 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts, and is partially located within the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Note: Pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 56.4(c) the Director of Planning has received and accepted a complete application for the amendment of the above-mentioned development agreement which is available for review by the public at the Planning Department in Planning Department Case File 2011.0409DVA.
Preliminary Recommendation: Adopt a Recommendation for Approval
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2k.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                        (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012 and 098 of Assessors Block 3725 – Request for Allocation of Square Footage under the Annual Office Development Limitation Program (Planning Code Sections 320-325), for a project to construct a new 25-story building reaching a maximum height of approximately 362 feet, with an approximately 30 foot architectural screen, for a total height of approximately 395 feet, containing approximately 593,500 square feet of office uses, approximately 33,000 square feet of active ground floor and mezzanine space (including 7,100 square feet of retail), and up to three subterranean levels with vehicle and bicycle parking, loading, and mechanical space, located within the proposed “Fifth and Mission Special Use District” (“5M SUD”) and generally referred to as the "H-1 Project." The H-1 Project is a portion of the larger mixed-use commercial, residential, retail/educational/cultural development project known as the 5M Project. The Project Site is currently located within the RSD (Retail/Service) Mixed-Use District, the 40-X/85-B Height and Bulk District, and a portion is the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2l.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                       (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lot 093 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Allocation of Square Footage under the Annual Office Development Limitation Program (Planning Code Sections 320-325), for a project to convert approximately 40,000 square feet of basement storage space to office uses, within an existing building containing approximately 133,400 square feet office uses, 43,300 square feet of basement storage space, 1,000 square feet of retail space and 1,500 square feet of assembly space, located within the proposed “Fifth and Mission Special Use District” (“5M SUD”) and generally referred to as the "M-1 Project." The M-1 Project is a portion of the larger mixed use commercial, residential, retail/educational/cultural development project known as the “5M Project”. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S (Downtown Support) District and the 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2m.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                          (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lot 097 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Conditional Use Authorization (Planning Code Section 303), and in accordance with the procedures established by the proposed “Fifth and Mission Special Use District”, for a project to demolish a portion of an existing building and construct a new building reaching a roof height of approximately 450 feet, containing approximately 400 residential units in an approximately 583,700 square foot building, including retail uses of approximately 7,300 square feet, and lobby/building core uses of approximately 5,900 square feet, generally referred to as the "N-1 Project." The N-1 Project is a portion of the larger mixed use commercial, residential, retail/educational/cultural development project known as the “5M Project”. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S (Downtown Support) District and the 160-F Height and Bulk District.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2n.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                        (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lot 093 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Conditional Use Authorization (Planning Code Section 303), and in accordance with the procedures established by the proposed “Fifth and Mission Special Use District”, for a project to convert approximately 40,000 square feet of basement storage space to office uses, within an existing building containing approximately 133,400 square feet office uses, 43,300 square feet of basement storage space, 1,000 square feet of retail space and 1,500 square feet of assembly space, and generally referred to as the "M-1 Project." The M-1 Project is a portion of the larger mixed use commercial, residential, retail/educational/cultural development project known as the “5M Project”. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S (Downtown Support) District and the 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2o.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                         (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lot 097 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Conditional Use Authorization (Planning Code Section 303), and in accordance with the procedures established by the proposed “Fifth and Mission Special Use District”, for a project to partially demolish and reduce an approximately 106,900 gross square foot office building to approximately 21,800 square feet of office uses (including 7,000 square feet within the remaining above-ground connector), up to 11,800 sf retail and 1,300 sf lobby/core uses within the existing 110 Fifth Street (the Examiner building and associated connecting structure) building and to accommodate replacement of building operational systems and circulation modifications, generally referred to as the “New Examiner Building Project.” The New Examiner Building Project is a portion of the larger mixed use commercial, residential, retail/educational/cultural development project known as the “5M Project”. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S (Downtown Support) District and the 160-F Height and Bulk Districts.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2p.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                        (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lots 005, 006, 008, 009, 012 and 098 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Conditional Use Authorization (Planning Code Section 303), and in accordance with the procedures established by the proposed “Fifth and Mission Special Use District”, for a project to construct a new 25-story building reaching a maximum height of approximately 362 feet, with an approximately 30 foot architectural screen, for a total height of approximately 395 feet, containing approximately 593,500 square feet of office uses, (584,900 square feet above the ground floor and 8,600 square feet of active ground floor office), 7,100 square feet of retail, 17,300 square feet of lobby/building core, approximately 33,000 square feet of active ground floor and mezzanine space (including 7,100 square feet of retail), and up to three subterranean levels with vehicle and bicycle parking, loading, and mechanical space, generally referred to as the "H-1 Project." The H-1 Project is a portion of the larger mixed-use commercial, residential, retail/educational/cultural development project known as the 5M Project. The Project Site is currently located within the RSD (Retail/Service) Mixed-Use District, the 40-X/85-B Height and Bulk District, and the SOMA Youth and Family Special Use District. 
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
(Planning Commission Action Only)

2q.   2011.0409ENV/CUA/DVA/OFA/MAP/PCA/SHD                         (D.SIDER (415) 558-6697)
925 MISSION STREET AND VARIOUS PARCELS (“5M PROJECT”) - west side of 5th Street between Mission and Howard Streets –  Lot 089, 090, and 091 of Assessor’s Block 3725 – Request for Conditional Use Authorization (Planning Code Section 303), and in accordance with the procedures established by the proposed “Fifth and Mission Special Use District”, for a project to construct a new building reaching a roof height of approximately 200 feet and measuring approximately 264,300 square feet, containing approximately 288 dwelling units including 6,800 gsf of active retail, and 5,400 gsf of lobby/core uses and other ground floor uses, generally referred to as the "M-2 Project." The M-2 Project is a portion of the larger mixed-use commercial, residential, retail/educational/cultural development project known as the 5M Project. The Project Site is currently located within the C-3-S (Downtown Support) District and the 90-X and 160-F Height and Bulk Districts.
Preliminary Recommendation: Approve with Conditions
(Planning Commission Action Only)