Wednesday, April 9, 2008
4:00 p.m., City Hall, Room 406
Committee Members: Richard Knee, Chair; Doug Comstock, Vice-Chair; Erica Craven, David Pilpel, Bruce Wolfe, Harrison Sheppard (ex-officio, non-voting)
Notes: Each member of the public will be allotted the same maximum number of minutes to speak as set by the Chair at the beginning of each item, excluding persons requested by the Task Force to make presentations. Members of the public are encouraged to fill out speaker cards but may remain anonymous. Public comment on items not listed on the agenda (Item #9) will be taken at 5:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible.
Call to Order
Roll Call
Agenda Changes
1. |
Approval of minutes of March 12, 2008. (action item) (attachment)
2. |
Continued hearing on the status of the January 8, 2008, Order of Determination of Kimo Crossman against the Assessor's Office. (discussion and possible action item) (attachment)
3. |
Hearing on the status of the February 26, 2008, Order of Determination of Kimo Crossman against the Mayor's Office (discussion and possible action item) (attachment)
4. |
08004, 08005 & 08007
Hearing on the status of the March 25, 2008, Order of Determination of Kimo Crossman against the City Attorney's Office. (discussion and possible action item) (attachment)
5. |
Hearing on the status of the March 25, 2008 Order of Determination of Kimo Crossman against the City Attorney's Office. (discussion and possible action item) (attachment)
6. |
Hearing on the status of the March 25, 2008 Order of Determination of Kimo Crossman against the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Administrator. (discussion and possible action item) (attachment)
7. |
Possible amendments to Sections 67.30, 67.33, and 67.35 of the Sunshine Ordinance and subsequent sections as time permits. (discussion and possible action item) (attachment)
a. Sec 67.30 The Sunshine Ordinance Task Force.
b. Sec 67.33 Department Head Declaration.
c. Sec 67.35 Enforcement Provisions.
8. |
Administrator's Report. (attachment)
9. |
Public Comment on items not listed on the agenda. Public comment will be held at 5:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible. (no action) (no attachment)
10. |
Announcements, questions, and future agenda items from Committee members. (discussion item) (no attachment)
Adjournment Next regularly scheduled meeting, Wednesday, May 14, 2008.
Note: Each member of the public will be allotted the same maximum number of minutes to speak as set by the Chair at the beginning of each item, excluding persons requested by the Task Force to make presentations. Any person speaking during a public comment period may supply a brief written summary of their comments, which shall, if no more than 150 words, be included in the minutes. (Section 67.16)
Each member of the public who is unable to attend the public meeting or hearing may submit to the City, by the time the proceeding begins, written comments regarding the subject of the meeting or hearing; these comments will be made a part of the official public record. (Section 67.7-1 (c))
1. Complainant presents his/her facts and evidence 5 minutes
Other parties of Complainant presents facts & evidence Up to 3 minutes each
2. City responds 5 minutes
Other parties of City respond Up to 3 minutes each
Above total speaking time for Complainant and City to be the same
3. Complainant presents rebuttal 3 minutes
4. Matter is with the Task Force for discussion and deliberation
5. Public comment Up to 3 minutes each
(Excluding Complainant & City response, witnesses)
6. Vote by Task Force
Note: Time must be adhered to
If a speaker is interrupted by questions, the interruption does not count against his/her time.
Disability Access: The hearing room is wheelchair accessible.
Chemical-Based Products: In order to assist the City's efforts to accommodate persons with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical-based products. Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.
Cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices: The ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.
Government's duty is to serve the public, reaching its decision in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people's business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people's review. For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance or to report a violation of the ordinance, contact the Administrator by mail to: Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco CA 94102-4689; by phone at (415) 554-7724; by fax at (415) 554-7854; or by email at
Citizens interested in obtaining a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance can request a copy from the Administrator or by printing Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code from the Internet, at URL: