Orders of Determination 2014
Orders of Determination 2014
Click on the Order of Determination, Referral or Response to obtain the related documents. These files are provided in PDF format and requires Adobe Acrobat to open and read.
File No. | Complainant | Respondent | Order of Determination, Referral or Response |
 14010   | Michael Petrelis | Mayor's Office | Order of Determination |
 14015   | Carlos Gracias | SF Municipal Transportation Agency | Order of Determination |
14016Â Â Â | Paula Datesh | Arts Commission | Order of Determination |
14018 | Paula Datesh | Arts Commission | |
14019Â Â Â | William Clark | Office of the City Attorney | |
14021 | Library Users Association | Controller's Office | Order of Determination |
14026 | Craig Gold | Police Department | Order of Determination |
14027 | Craig Gold | Controller's Office | Order of Determination |
 14034   | Paula Datesh   | Arts Commission | Order of Determination |
 14043 | Emmanuel Kourkoulos | Police Department | Order of Determination |
 14047 |  Thomas Peele        |  Supervisor Katy Tang, Board of Supervisors    | Order of Determination |
 14048   |  Cecilia Hairston-Omondi   |  SF Municipal Transportation Agency | Order of Determination |
 14054 |  Philip Carleton    |  Department of Public Health | Order of Determination |
 14055    |  Thomas Picarello   |  Human Services Agency - Community Housing Partnership    |  Advice Letter |
 14056 |  Jason Grant Garza        |  Office of the Sheriff | Order of Determination |
 14062 |  Jonathan Germain |  Department of Public Works | Order of Determination |
 14063 |  Thomas Picarello |  Supervisor Farrell, Budget and Finance Budget and Finance Committee, Board of Supervisors |  Order of Determination |
 14064 |  Thomas Picarello    |  Office of the Mayor |  Order of Determination |
 14066 |  Michael Petrelis        |  Office of the City Attorney |  Order of Determination |
 14067 |  Charles Grisham |  Department of Public Works | Order of Determination |
 14069 |  David Eisenberg      |  Department of Public Works | Order of Determination |
 14084 |  Jason Grant Garza    |  Department of Public Health   | Order of Determination |
 14089   |  Paula Datesh |  San Francisco Arts Commission |  Order of Determination |
 14092     |  Shawn Mooney    |  Office of the Assessor-Recorder |  Order of Determination |
 14096    |  Ray Hartz | Controller's Office |  Order of Determination |
 14099 |  Patrick Monette-Shaw | Office of the City Attorney |  Order of Determination |
 14100 |  Craig Gold    |  Office of the City Attorney | Order of Determination |
 14101 |  SF Urban Forest Coalition |  Tom C. Hui and the Department of Building Inspection | Order of Determination |
 14105 |  Ray Hartz |  Supervisor Mark Farrell, Board of Supervisors |  Order of Determination |
 14117 |  Michael Petrelis |  Office of the District Attorney |  Order of Determination |