Sunshine Ordinance Task Force - Committees

Complaint Committee|Compliance & Amendments Committee|
Education, Outreach & Training Committee|Rules Committee |Ad Hoc Committee
Weekly Meeting Schedule


Standing Committees


Complaint Committee Agendas & Minutes
(Meets monthly on the third Tuesday of the month, 5:30 p.m.)

The Complaint Committee shall monitor the complaint process and make recommendations to the Task Force regarding how the complaints should be handled. The Complaint Committee shall schedule hearings on complaints to review jurisdiction and the merits of the complaint in order to provide recommendations to the Full Task Force.

Members: Dean Schmidt (Chair), Laura Stein, and Saul Sugarman

Compliance & Amendments Committee Agendas & Minutes
(Meets fourth Tuesday of every even month, 4:30 p.m.)

The Compliance and Amendments Committee may monitor compliance with the Orders of Determination adopted by the Task Force, monitor changes in state law and court decisions affecting access to public meetings and records, and make recommendations to the Task Force regarding amendments to the Sunshine Ordinance. In addition, the Compliance and Amendments Committee shall schedule hearings on complaints to review jurisdiction and the merits of the complaint in order to provide recommendations to the Full Task Force.

Members: Lila LaHood (Chair), Bruce Wolfe, David Pilpel, and Maxine Anderson


Education Outreach & Training Committee Agendas & Minutes
(Meets fourth Tuesday of every odd month 5:30)

The Education, Outreach and Training Committee may monitor compliance with the Orders of Determination adopted by the Task Force, maintain an ongoing education and training program for City employees and the public, and make recommendations to the Task Force regarding outreach and publicity to the media. In addition, the Education, Outreach and Training Committee shall schedule hearings on complaints to review jurisdiction and the merits of the complaint in order to provide recommendations to the Full Task Force.

Members: Chris Hyland (Chair), David Pilpel, and Ankita Kumar

Rules Committee Agendas & Minutes
(Meets on call)

The Rules Committee shall review matters related to amendments to the Task Force by-laws and procedures for Task Force meetings and shall assist the Chair of the Task Force to ensure that all annual objectives enumerated in the Sunshine Ordinance are met by the Task Force. In addition, the Rules Committee shall schedule hearings on complaints to review jurisdiction and the merits of the complaint in order to provide recommendations to the Full Task Force.

Members: Laura Stein and Chris Hyland

Ad Hoc Committees Agendas & Minutes

(Meets on call)

The Ad Hoc Committees shall review specific issue or perform tasks as assigned by the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force. 

City College
School Board


Information Technology

(Meets on call)

Members: Bruce Wolfe (Chair)

The agenda packet for each upcoming meeting is available for review in the Clerk of the Board's Office, City Hall, Room 244