Addenda #5 Complaint Log 2002

Date ReceivedComplainantDepartmentStatus
1/4/2002Steve CockrellRecreation & ParkHearing before the Task Force 4/23/02; Order of Determination 4/23/02.
1/18/2002Frederick HobsonDrug Abuse Advisory Board8/27/02 complaint dismissed.
2/4/2002Shelley Bell, Helynna Brooke, James Bryant, Deborah DrysdaleElections CommissionTo Complaint Committee 2/12/02; Hearing before Task Force 3/26/02; Order of Determination 3/28/02
3/25/2002Environmental Law & Justice ClinicAirportPublic hearing before Task Force 4-23-02; Order of Determination 4-23-02
3/29/2002Louis CalabroPolice DepartmentPublic Hearing scheduled before the Task Force 6-25-02; Order of Determination 6/25/02
4/8/2002Peter WarfieldLibraryPublic hearing before Task Force 4-23-02; Order of Determination 4-23-02
4/18/2002Anthony ImperialHuman Rights CommissionComplaint Committee 5-16-02; Public Hearing 6-12-02. Order of Determination 6-12-02
4/15/2002Frederick Hobson, Supervisor AmmianoComplaint withdrawn 5/29/02
4/25/2002Kevin HeneghanSupervisors Daly, McGoldrick, MaxwellPublic Hearing scheduled before the Task Force 6-25-02; Order of Determination 6/25/02
5/14/2002Frederick HobsonCommission of Animal Control & Welfare8/27/02 complaint dismissed.
5/16/2002Marilyn AminiPlanning Department, Planning CommissionOrder of Determination 9/24/02
5/30/2002Monette-Shaw, PatrickDept Pub Health/HIV Health Serv Plan CoPublic Hearing scheduled before the Task Force 6-25-02; Order of Determination 6/25/02
6/11/2002John DarmaninFire DeptComplaint Committee 6-19-02; Order of Determination recommended to Task Force 6-25-02; Order of Determination 6/25/02
6/26/2002Anthony ImperialHRC and MUNI8/1/02 he withdrew this complaint
7/2/2002Catherine TchenAnimal Control8/27/02 no jurisdiction upheld.
7/2/2002Frederick HobsonAnimal Control8/27/02 no jurisdiction upheld.
7/2/2002Frederick HobsonAnimal ControlSame as 5/14 complaint
7/9/2002Jason Grant GarzaDept Pub HealthOrder of Determination 7/23/02 Task Force Meeting
7/9/2002Glenda WilliamsLibraryNotifying Complainant this not under Sunshine Ordinance.
7/12/2002Marcia PerezNon-Profit CARECENHold until I hear from Department
7/12/2002Jason Grant GarzaSheriff's Office8/27/02 Order of Determination adopted.
8/1/2002Anthony ImperialHuman Rights CommissionOrder of Determination 9/24/02
8/1/2002Michael PetrelisDept Pub Health/HIV Prevention Planning CouncilOrder of Determination 9/24/02
8/2/2002Michael StollClerk of Board Office10/9/02 withdrew complaint
8/13/2002Mark HanifanNon-Profit SF Study Center1/8/03 sent letter to him for status. Did not get a response. No telephone number.
8/13/2002Michael PetrelisMayor's HIV Scientific Advisory CommitteeMr. Petrelis notified this is not a policy body
8/15/2002Steefel Levitt & WeissSupervisor Tom Ammiano8/30/02: Do not pursue at this time unless requested to do so.
8/16/2002Andre SpearmanDept. Bldg.Insp.Order of Determination 9/24/02
9/3/2002Patrick Monette-ShawDept.Pub. Health; HIV Health Services Planning Council10/22/02 Order of Determination sending to Compliance & Amendments Committee
9/20/2002Peter WittTaxi Commission10/22/02 Order of Determination dismissing Items 2 and 3; 11/26/02 Order of Determination for Items 4 and 6.
10/3/2002Peter WarfieldLibrary10/22/02 Order of Determination dismissing this complaint.
10/25/2002Daisy Tracey BuelHuman Services, Greenbook ProjectWithdrawn 11/6/02
10/29/2002Patrick Monette-ShawDept.Pub. Health; HIV Health Services Planning CouncilComplaint Committee 11/15/02 jurisdiction not found; 11/26/02 upheld by Task Force
11/6/2002Sue CauthenLibraryWithdrawn 11/14/02
11/26/2002United Taxicab WorkersSupervisor Newsom's OfficeOrder of Determination 12/17/02
12/19/2002Michael StollBoard of SupervisorsComplaint Committee 1/9/03