FY2008-09 Strategic Plan

I. Women's Human Rights

In April 1998,San Francisco became the first municipality in the country to adopt an ordinance implementing locally the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), an international bill of rights for women. Through the landmark local implementation of this Women's Human Rights Treaty, including gender analyses of City departments and budget cuts, the Commission has received national and international attention, including the 2006 National Association of Counties Achievement Award and a featured case study at the 2007 United Nations Gender Equity Training in Atlanta.


A. Gender Analysis

The award-winning gender analysis methodology and the complementary gender budgeting tool have been developed to give organizations the ability to ascertain whether programs and policies, both internal and those provided to the public, are equitable on the basis of gender.

1. Gender Budgeting: Work with the Mayor's budget staff to incorporate a gender focus to the budget guidelines and assist departments with implementation of these guidelines.

2. Gender Analysis: Develop and promote the implementation of gender analyses of departments, monitor departments, and strategically select new programs.

3. 2008 Charter Amendment: Conduct gender analysis of appointments to commissions, boards and task forces every 2 years.

B. Gender Equality in the Workplace

Beginning in 2007, the Commission has been engaging private sector entities in conversations about implementing the gender analysis and gender budgeting tools in their workplaces. With the support of the Washington, D.C.-based investing firm, Calvert, and the Massachusetts-based international human rights monitoring group, Verite, the Commission is ready to bring this initiative to a new level in FY2008-09.

1. San FranciscoGender Equality Initiative: Partner with private sector entities to implement Gender Equality Principles through roundtables and other tools. Participate in roundtables with a focus on work life balance, employment, and compensation to assist entities with Gender Equality Principles implementation, and to develop benchmarks for progress, best practices, and resources.

2. Women in Non-Traditional Fields: Update the Department's non-traditional recruitment brochure as necessary, and be a resource in this area to others.

3. Exotic Dancers: Monitor progress of the legislation addressing the safety and labor conditions of exotic dancers.

C. National and International Promotion of the UN CEDAW Treaty and the Local Ordinance

The Commission is an international leader in the field of human rights. The Board of Supervisors approved the local women's human rights ordinance (CEDAW) in 1998, and for the past 10 years, the Department has implemented numerous policies and programs aimed at improving the lives of women in San Francisco. Now the Commission has a critical duty to share the lessons of the past 10 years with local neighbors and the global community.

1. Women's Human Rights (CEDAW) Promotion and Training: Develop and provide trainings, materials, and information. Work with and be a resource for government agencies and the private sector on the local women's human rights ordinance and the international CEDAW treaty.


D. Women's Leadership

Women leaders act as role models for the community, and it is essential not only to provide women with the tools they need to excel, but also to highlight their accomplishments in advancing the rights and possibilities for women.

1. Promote opportunities for women in leadership roles by updating and distributing Within Your Reach: How to Get That Appointment and Road to Leadership brochures.

2. Host Women in City Leadership Luncheon to promote networking among key decision-makers.

3. Host Women's History Month event in March 2009 to recognize exceptional women citywide.

E. Economic Independence and Housing

For true equality, women must have every opportunity to support themselves and their families economically, as well as to provide shelter for themselves and their families. These are very basic human rights that the Commission is committed to promoting.

1. Expand funding for transitional housing.

2. Engage housing community on the issue of the unique needs of homeless women.

3. As staff time permits, explore issues related to the economic independence of women re-entering the workforce from the prison system.

4. Tabulate an initial count of women-owned businesses in San Francisco to illustrate women's contribution to the economy.

E. Girls in San Francisco

The holistic policy approach of the Commission is to address not only the needs of women, but also girls. In 2003, the Commission released A Report on Girls in San Francisco: Benchmarks for the Future (Girls Report). Strategic plan goals in this area are based on this report.

1. Girls Committee: Restructure the Girls Committee to focus on quarterly convenings of girls' service providers, relevant departments such as the Juvenile Probation Department, and others to promote coordination of social services to address the needs of girls.

2. Girls Services Directory: Produce and distribute a directory of social services aimed specifically at girls in San Francisco.

3. Combating Stereotypes: Partner with existing organizations doing work to combat the media's influence on women and girls. Department staff will participate on the advisory board to the Women's Foundation Youth Media and Social Change Public Education Campaign, etc.

F. Policy, Research, and Resources

Providing resources and research to the community is an important public service offered by the Commission. The Commission takes action on issues of local, state, and national importance to ensure the human rights of women and girls worldwide.

1. Resources: Update, produce, and distribute a Directory of Social Services for Women in San Francisco.

2. Report on the Status of Women in San Francisco: Gather benchmark data on the status of women in San Francisco and issue a report.

3. Legislative and Policy Action and Monitoring: Monitor and act upon local, state, and federal legislation impacting women and girls.


Resources & Assignments

Commissioners: Kay Gulbengay (Women's Human Rights Ordinance); Andrea Shorter (Girls).

Staff: Executive Director (as needed), 1.50 FTE Policy Analyst. With the support of Executive Director Murase, Policy Analyst Anu Menon will work with City Departments and other organizations on gender analysis and monitoring, as well as girls policies. Senior Policy Analyst Ann Lehman will spearhead the private sector Gender Equality Initiative and media influence. Executive Director Murase will work with other government entities to promote the adoption of CEDAW locally.

II. Women's Health and Safety

The Commission considers violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and trafficking, to be a public health concern. A critical human right outlined in the women's human rights ordinance is that of bodily integrity. Women have the right to be safe in their homes, at their jobs, and on the streets. Women also have the right to healthcare that meets the unique needs of women, including transgender women. This section encompasses all the work the Department does related to the health and safety of women in San Francisco.


A. Violence Against Women Prevention and Intervention (VAW) Grants Program

Historically, the vast majority of the Department's funds have been dedicated to community programs specifically designed to address violence against women. For example, in FY08-09, $2.1 million of $2.9 million (73%) of the Department's total budget was allocated to the VAW Grants Program. Program categories include: 1) Crisis Lines, 2) Intervention/ Advocacy, 3) Legal Assistance, 4) Shelter Services, 5) Transitional/Advocacy, and 6) Prevention Education. Currently, 20 community-based Partner Agencies deliver these services.

1. Programmatic Monitoring of Partner Agencies: Develop guidelines for programmatic monitoring of FY2008-2011 Partner Agencies. Implement monitoring of 33% of Partner Agencies during FY08-09.

2. Citywide Non-Profit Monitoring Committee: Continue participation on the Standard Fiscal and Compliance Citywide Non-Profit Monitoring Committee led by the Controller's Office.

3. Convene an annual conference of Partner Agencies focused on performance measures, goals and outcomes.

4. Monitor invoicing from and payment to Partner Agencies.

5. Data collection: Continue collecting quarterly data from Partner Agencies, analyze data, and develop annual service reports.

6. Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Coordinate a citywide cell phone drive in October 2008, collaborating with the Partner Agencies that receive recycled cell phones, the Department of the Environment, and Verizon Wireless. Host a press conference to announce this collaborative effort.


Resources & Assignments

Commissioners: Katherine Munter.

Staff: Executive Director (as needed), 1.0 FTE Grants Administrator

Grants Administrator Carol Sacco will focus on all goals with the assistance of Administrative Analyst Laura Marshall.


B. Justice and Courage Project

Now 8 years since the tragic murder of Claire Joyce Tempongko, allegedly by her ex-boyfriend, the Justice & Courage Project has a number of achievements to share. These achievements reflect the recommendations of the 2002 Justice & Courage Report: A Blueprint for San Francisco's Response to Domestic Violence, in-depth review of City policies and procedures within the criminal justice system that contains recommendations for improved responses to prevent domestic violence homicides. Created by the Commission to monitor reforms, the Justice and Courage Oversight Panel convened for the first time in October 2002 and initiated several working committees. Currently, Commissioner Dorka Keehn chairs the Oversight Panel and Supervisor Fiona Ma serves as an Honorary Chair. In 2006, the project entered a new phase with the completion of the Domestic Violence Safety & Accountability Audit which evaluated the reforms introduced since the release of the 2002 report.

The overarching goal of the Justice and Courage Project is to prevent domestic violence by creating a seamless system-wide response to domestic violence.

1. Implement the FY08-09 Strategic Plan for the Oversight Panel.

2. Domestic Violence Safety & Accountability Audit: Oversee implementation of the Audit recommendations, particularly those related to language access, batterer accountability, and stalking.

3. Monitor and advocate for the implementation of the domestic violence data module of JUSTIS.

4. Domestic Violence Response Cross-Training Institute: Work with consultant grant writer to seek additional funding for the Institute. Seek General Fund support for the Institute. Utilize final evaluation report to promote and market Institute to criminal justice agencies, potential funders, and other counties.

5. Advocate for appropriate and adequate staffing and resources to support the San Francisco criminal justice system's response to domestic violence and stalking.

6. Explore opportunities to coordinate city-wide efforts to address batterer accountability, working with the Adult Probation Department, batterer intervention programs, the Courts, the domestic violence service/advocate community, and other City departments and community based organizations as appropriate.

7. Expand collaboration with the courts, particularly on issue of batterers' accountability.


Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Dorka Keehn.

Staff: Executive Director, 1.0 FTE Policy Analyst, 0.25 FTE Administrative Analyst.

Senior Policy Analyst Jill Tregor is responsible for the Justice & Courage Project and will oversee its outputs. Administrative Analyst Laura Marshall oversees the implementation of the Domestic Violence Response Cross-Training Institute.

C. Family Violence Council

Mandated by the California Attorney General's Office for each county, the Family Violence Council was intended to coordinate the efforts of government and community responders to domestic violence. However, San Francisco's already well-organized community of domestic violence service providers made the work of the Council redundant. In 2005, the domestic violence community requested that the Commission and Department work with them towards creating a new Council with a wider scope. Since then, a group of City representatives and community providers in the domestic violence, elder abuse, and child abuse fields collaborated to revise the legislation to create a Council that addresses cross-cutting issues affecting all 3 separate but related groups. After 2 years of intensive planning, the new San Francisco Family Violence Council legislation was approved by the Board of Supervisors on August 14, 2007. The interagency Council that includes community stakeholders began holding quarterly meetings in October 2007. The Department provides staffing, and the Commission holds 1 seat on the 21-member Council.

1. Convene 4 quarterly meetings of the Family Violence Council (21 members).


2. Continue to engage community members and City agency staff in the work of the Family Violence Council.

3. Family Violence Council Outputs: The Family Violence Council will compile statistics and analyze trends related to family violence in San Francisco. The Council will use this data to produce an annual report on family violence to be presented to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, and the community. The Council will produce and update community resources, and carry out additional projects as determined by the Council throughout the year.

Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Andrea Evans (designee).

Staff: Executive Director, 0.25 FTE Administrative Analyst.

Administrative Analyst Laura Marshall will provide staffing for the Family Violence Council and oversee its outputs.


D. Language Access to Services

A primary strength of San Francisco is the diversity of the City. However, the large immigrant population that brings such a wealth of culture and experience must be supported by culturally and linguistically appropriate City services. The Department began a partnership with the Office of Language Services in 2007, and continues to work closely with this department on a number of initiatives.

1. Partner with the Office of Language Services to make web and published information about the Commission and the Department available in other languages.

2. Partner with the Office of Language Services and criminal justice agencies to develop strategies for building a well-trained community-based and criminal justice domestic violence response network staffed by multilingual and multicultural personnel.


Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Jing Lee.

Staff: Executive Director, 0.10 FTE Policy Analyst. Senior Policy Analyst Jill Tregor will address these goals as they intersect with the work of the Justice and Courage Project.


E. Trafficking

Every year, thousands of individuals are brought into San Francisco against their will, and forced into sexual slavery, coerced prostitution, or indentured servitude. The Department is committed to ending this particularly egregious form of violence against women. In 2006, the Department awarded a grant to conduct a public awareness campaign in this area for the first time, and the Department will continue to fund anti-trafficking efforts through the FY08-11 VAW Grants Program. At the policy level, the Department supports and monitors various task forces and policy bodies related to this issue.

1. Support city-wide strategies aimed at addressing the issue of trafficking.

2. Monitor current trends and efforts in this area.


Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Andrea Shorter.

Staff: Executive Director, 0.10 FTE Policy Analyst. Senior Policy Analyst Jill Tregor will address these goals.




F. Sexual Harassment

Section 33.7 (b) of the Administrative Code mandates that the Commission monitor claims of sexual harassment within City government. A safe and healthy workplace is not possible where harassment and discrimination are present, and the Commission is committed to ensuring that all women can work without fear, whether it is fear of reprisal for speaking out, or fear of bodily harm.

1. Update the sexual harassment curriculum and develop a plan for implementation in the San Francisco Unified School District.

2. Provide community resources, information, and referrals related to sexual harassment.

3. Monitor sexual harassment claims within City and County government.


Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Nicky Calma.

Staff: Executive Director, 0.10 FTE Administrative Analyst. Administrative Analyst Laura Marshall is responsible for tracking Department of Human Resources sexual harassment reports as an indicator of the status of women.

G. Healthcare

The Commission recognizes the importance of health in the lives of women, and has initiated important new partnerships in the healthcare field.

1. COSW Representation at Health-Related Meetings: Attend Universal Healthcare Working Women's Group meetings. Participate in the Healthy San Francisco Task Force to oversee the implementation of San Francisco's landmark universal health care access plan.

2. Provide technical assistance to the Mental Health Board regarding the development of appropriate and culturally competent mental health care for women, beginning with collecting disaggregated data.

3. Explore emerging issues in health, including transgender health access and the high incidence of breast cancer mortality among African American women.

4. As follow-up to the January 2008 Women's Health Summit , assess resources for women and girls as part of the Report on the Status of Women, and explore the coordination of services Citywide.


Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: Carolene Marks.

Staff: Executive Director, 0.10 FTE Policy Analyst. With limited resources, Jill Tregor will address these goals as much as possible.

III. Department Administration


A. Internal Operations

The administrative functions of the Department are a vital component of the work it carries out, allowing the Commission to provide high quality policy and programs for the City and its constituents.

1. Staffing: Conduct annual performance evaluations for all staff. Promote professional development of staff. Increase capacity of the Department to host interns and volunteers. Coordinate internship program, supervising high school, college, and graduate interns during the summer and throughout the year.

2. Work Environment: Maintain a safe and healthy work environment for all staff.

3. Performance Measures: Continue to track data that reflects the status of women in San Francisco and the quality of work carried out by the Commission. Research new indicators and benchmarks that the Commission can monitor to discover new trends.

4. Budget: Pursue strategies to increase departmental resources necessary for addressing the needs of women and girls. Resources include increased physical space for staff, increased staffing, and increased capacity to engage interns. Support the Commission in seeking out additional funding streams for the Department and the VAW Grants Program.

B. Service to the Public

The Commission and Department are committed to providing high-quality services to the City community.

1. Information and Referrals: Continue to provide high quality customer service by responding to constituents, including members of the public and members of other City agencies.

2. Public Outreach: Continue to update and maintain the Commission's website. Ensure all material online is timely and relevant.

3. Commission: Conduct 12 Commission meetings each year, including at least 1 community-based meeting.

4. Promotion: Conduct events that promote the work of the Commission. Participate in monthly meetings of the Association of California Commissions on Women (ACCW), highlighting the best practices that the San Francisco Commission has developed and networking with other county commissions. Work with the Friends of the Commission on the Status of Women to plan events and outreach to the community about the work of the Commission.

Resources & Assignments

Commissioner: President and Vice President as Needed.

Staff: Executive Director, 1. 50 FTE Administrative Staff.

Executive Director Emily Murase, Administrative Analyst Laura Marshall, and Commission Secretary Cynthia Vasquez will ensure that the goals in this section are met.