Full Commission - March 14, 2016 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Full Commission Meeting
Monday, March 14, 2016
5:30 p.m. PDT
City Hall, Room 416
1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102
1. Call to Order and Roll Call The chair called the meeting to order at 5:38 pm. Present: Chair Kennelly; Commissioners Paz; Maldonado; Lee; Enssani; Romanenko; Price; Moses (5:45pm); Kong (5:52pm) Not Present: Commissioner Bernabeu; Fuentes (excused); Vice Chair Gaime (excused) Staff: Director Pon; Deputy Sykes; Commission Clerk Richardson The Commission did not have quorum when the meeting was called to order at 5:38pm. |
2. Public Comment There was no public comment. |
3. Action Item: Approval of previous minutes
Note: This items was discussed out of order. Commissioner Moses motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Kong seconded the motion, no commissioners opposed. The motion was approved. |
4. Information/Discussion Item: Updates from Sheriff’s Office
Sheriff Hennessy  provided an update to the Commission on issues and policies that are presently being evaluated by the Sheriff’s Office. Commissioner Paz stated the importance of the Sanctuary City Ordinance, and the fear that runs through immigrant communities in times of uncertainty. Chair Kennelly thanked Sheriff Hennessy  for continued dialogue around issues affecting San Francisco’s immigrant communities. |
5. Action Items:
Director Pon reported that the Consular Corps Roundtable is scheduled for Monday, March 21, from 10:00 am to 1:15 pm. The Commission discussed further details of the event.
Chair Kennelly recommended this item be moved to the Executive Committee to discuss; the Commission unanimously agreed. Â
Chair Kennelly asked Commissioner Enssani to compose a statement on the Equal Protection in Travel Act of 2016 for the Executive Committee to discuss during their meeting on March 22, 2016. Commissioner Enssani agreed. Â |
6. Staff Report (Director Pon, Staff) (Information/Discussion/Action)
Director Pon reminded the Commission to submit their completed Form 700s before March 30th and submit them to the clerk. All forms are due to the Ethics Commission by April 1.
Director Pon invited the Commissioners to attend/volunteer at the Immigrant Resource Fair, taking place Saturday, March 19. More information was included in the Commissioners’ folders. |
7. New Business Commissioner Price suggested that the Commission draft a statement to present to Sheriff Hennessy. The statement will be drafted by the Commissioner and reviewed by the Executive Committee. |
8. Old Business Chair Kennelly reminded the Commission to continue to share information with each other regarding the Supreme Court decision around President Obama’s Executive Actions on Deferred Action. Director Pon added that on March 7,2016, over 118 cities and local jurisdictions filed an amicus brief, and the Commission, through the Chair and Vice Chair, issued a statement of support. |
9. Adjournment Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 6:53 pm. |
The minutes were prepared by Commission Clerk Jamie Richardson and reviewed by Executive Director Adrienne Pon.