Executive Committee - March 6, 2019 - Minutes
San Francisco Immigrant Rights Commission
Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Vice Chair Paz called the meeting to order at 5:47 pm.
Present: Vice Chair Paz, Commissioners Khojasteh (5:49 pm), Radwan, Rahimi (5:50 pm).
Not present: Chair Kennelly (excused)
Staff present: Director Pon, Deputy Director Fernández Sykes, Commission Clerk Shore.
2. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
3. Action Items: Approval of previous minutes
a. Approval of May 23, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Vice Chair Paz invited the Executive Committee to review the minutes from May 23, 2018. Commissioner Khojasteh noted that the committee had deferred approval of the May minutes due to the absence of Chair Kennelly. Commissioner Khojasteh made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Rahimi seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
b. Approval of November 28, 2018 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Vice Chair Paz invited the Executive Committee to review the minutes from November 28, 2018. Commissioner Rahimi made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Khojasteh seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
4. Action Items: Approval of Committee Assignment and Plans
a. Plan for March 11, 2019 IRC Hearing: Special Testimony from Yemeni Community
Director Pon thanked Commissioner Rahimi for organizing the special testimony for the Full Commission meeting on March 11, 2019. She asked Commissioner Rahimi to send staff a list of the confirmed speakers, including an expert speaker to present an overview of the issue. Vice Chair Paz will draft a reminder email to Commissioners, to be sent out by OCEIA staff.
Director Pon asked the Executive Committee if they would like the hearing to be filmed. OCEIA staff is checking on videographers’ availability. Commissioner Rahimi stated that community members may prefer to livestream the event on Facebook. A photographer also will be available at the hearing. Those who do not want their photograph taken will be asked to identify themselves.
Director Pon stated that an Arabic interpreter would be available for the hearing. Deputy Director Fernández Sykes requested that Commissioner Rahimi send OCEIA staff an estimate of the number of people who may need interpretation.
Commissioner Rahimi provided an update on his efforts inviting speakers and community members. Director Pon stated that she would invite legislative offices.
Vice Chair Paz suggested that Commissioner Rahimi introduce the special testimony during the hearing. Commissioner Rahimi agreed.
b. Appointment of 2019 Immigrant Leadership Awards Committee
Director Pon stated that OCEIA staff recommend Vice Chair Paz appoint Commissioners Ricarte and Fujii as co-chairs of the 2019 Immigrant Leadership Awards Committee. She recommended that he appoint Commissioners Khojasteh, Radwan, Rahimi, or Wong as committee members. Director Pon noted that the committee needs to set the date of the awards event. OCEIA staff will look into availability of locations. Director Pon discussed the awards categories used in the previous year. The committee may decide to change the categories.
Vice Chair Paz appointed Commissioners Ricarte and Fujii as co-chairs of the awards committee. He appointed Commissioners Khojasteh, Radwan and Rahimi as committee members, and Commissioner Wong as an alternate. Commissioners Khojasteh, Radwan and Rahimi accepted their appointments.
5. Staff Reports (Director Pon)
a. Re-appointment Hearings
Director Pon noted that the Rules Committee has tentatively scheduled the Commission’s re-appointment hearings on March 18, 2019 at 10:00 am. Four Commissioners are up for re-appointment and there are two vacant seats. In June 2019, the other Board-appointed Commissioners will be up for re-appointment. Director Pon requested that Vice Chair Paz attend the re-appointment hearings.
b. IRC Annual Report and Outreach Materials
Director Pon presented the Executive Committee with samples of the Immigrant Rights Commission’s annual report. The report was written by Commission Clerk Shore with contributions from Director Pon and Deputy Director Fernández Sykes, and designed by Senior Communications Specialist Richardson. The Executive Committee previously approved the content. OCEIA staff is also designing a postcard for the Commission as requested by the Communications Committee.
Commissioners commended staff on the report. In response to a question, Director Pon discussed the recommendation to change requirements for Commissioners. OCEIA staff is looking into how to increase ways for residents to participate.
c. Retreat Planning
Director Pon requested that the Executive Committee provide OCEIA staff with possible dates for the Commission’s annual retreat. Vice Chair Paz suggested that the Executive Committee defer scheduling the retreat until they communicate with Chair Kennelly. Commissioner Radwan recommended that the retreat be held in September or October. Commissioner Rahimi advised that it be held sooner in order to plan for the year. Commissioner Khojasteh recommended that the retreat be held first, and the election be postponed. Director Pon noted that another option would be for the Executive Committee to calendar out what they would like the Commission to do this year, and ask the Full Commission to vote on it. Vice Chair Paz and Commissioner Rahimi agreed.
d. Immigration Updates & Actions
Director Pon provided an overview of immigration policy developments. Rep. Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) is expected to introduce the Dream and Promise Act of 2019 on March 12, 2019. The bill will include protections for young undocumented immigrants, and recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). OCEIA staff is monitoring the legislation and will share it with the Executive Committee.
e. LAO Report Approval Recommendation
Director Pon directed Commissioners’ attention to the San Francisco Language Access Ordinance 2019 Summary Report, which was sent to the Immigrant Rights Commission on February 1, 2019. Director Pon invited Deputy Director Fernández Sykes to share highlights from the report.
Deputy Director Fernández Sykes discussed the City’s progress with language access over the past decade and its current challenges. The Commission may call a hearing on language access and ask departments to report back to it. Deputy Director Fernández Sykes suggested that the Commission invite OCEIA’s Language Access Grantees to speak to the Commission about their work. She will present the quarterly LAO complaint report at the next Full Commission meeting.
Commissioners congratulated OCEIA staff on the annual report. Commissioner Radwan motioned to approve the San Francisco Language Access Ordinance 2019 Summary Report and advance it to the Full Commission. Commissioner Rahimi seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
6. Old Business
This item was heard out of order.
Vice Chair Paz suggested that the Immigrant Rights Commission organize a delegation to visit the U.S.-Mexico border to learn about what is happening on the border and how it impacts San Francisco residents. He suggested inviting the Human Rights Commission. Vice Chair Paz offered to connect Director Pon with an organization that leads trips to the border. Director Pon stated that she would consult the City Attorney to ensure that the Commission can take such an action.
Vice Chair Paz asked Director Pon to provide the Executive Committee with an update on San Francisco’s 2020 Census Complete Count Committee. Director Pon provided an overview. The Committee will be announced by the Mayor in April and a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be issued in March. OCEIA has hired Robert Clinton as its civic engagement project manager to help plan and implement the citywide campaign. Director Pon will ask the Commission to play a role in the census. OCEIA is now engaged in planning its census activities, and will launch outreach and education efforts in July, after the Supreme Court has resolved the citizenship question. Vice Chair Paz thanked Director Pon for the update.
7. New Business
Commissioner Khojasteh suggested that the Executive Committee hold a meeting one week after a special hearing in order to prepare resolutions, reports or recommendations. Director Pon stated that the Executive Committee could meet as long as it is properly noticed. Alternately, the Commission could make this part of its planning when scheduling a special meeting and include recommendations on its Full Commission meeting agenda.
In response to a question about the follow-up report after the March 11 Special Hearing, Director Pon clarified that OCEIA staff would provide Commissioners with meeting minutes. Commissioners can draft their report and recommendations.
Director Pon suggested adding an item to the Full Commission meeting agenda to allow the Commission to issue recommendations following the special testimony. Commissioner Rahimi moved to add an agenda item to the March 11, 2019 meeting to allow Commissioners to vote on next steps. Vice Chair Paz seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
8. Adjournment
Vice Chair Paz adjourned the meeting at 7:10 pm.